Comment on Your Car Is Tracking You. Abusive Partners May Be, Too. 1 year agoI was making the point that “your car is spying on you” probably isn’t true for a huge section of people, since there are lots of 10-15 year old cars on the road.
Also, older cars are much more repairable than people consider. We just have a huge economic infrastructure set up around having the “next best thing”. 1 year ago
Yes, they can be repaired but it stops being cost-effective eventually. So almost everybody eventually replaces them. 1 year ago
Yep. We got a new car since repairs were billed at the fucking value of our old piece of crap. Tired of paying that price every year lol 1 year ago
Not really. The insurance premiums on a new car will dwarf repair costs of an old car. That is if you buy it in cash which almost no one can do. Chances are you are going to take out a loan. Plus you are going to lose 5k the moment you take it out of the lot. Go ahead and prove me wrong, there are a whole mess of calculators online that will show you complete total cost of a vehicle.
Factories are infamous for having old equipment. They pretty much only throw stuff away a machine when they are totally out of room. When you are only concerned with money you repair, when you want to impress your “friends” you buy new. 1 year ago
Not arguing, but one thing I want to note: I’ve never had a new car cost more to insure than an old car (well maybe a few dollars, but not a significant change). Most of the time the premium is essentially the same, though one time it went down significantly because the safety features were better - that was going from a 2001 Saturn to a 2012 Honda. Going from a 2012 Honda to a 2020 Mazda did not significantly change our insurance premium.
Wish I still had that 2012 Honda. Alas, it was totaled in a crash. :(