No where in Europe is “remote.”
Come to the South West US where you can drive 100 miles in any direction and barely see another human.
Comment on Starlink loses out on $886 million in rural broadband subsidies 1 year agoI live two hours from a city, waaaay up in the Alps and I have gigabit fibre lol
Your infrastructure sucks donkeyballs 😂
No where in Europe is “remote.”
Come to the South West US where you can drive 100 miles in any direction and barely see another human.
Or maybe don’t go there and then complain about the obvious shortfalls of the place. The rural exodus happened for a reason.
The rural exodus happened for many reasons, none of which have to do with the availability of high-speed internet. People are born where they are born, and often live there too. Sometimes that place is densely populated and replete with amenities, such as the Alps, sometimes its the not. You don’t have to be an uneducated dick.
"Haha stupid poor people. Why don’t you just move somewhere else? Have you tried not being poor? Have you tried not being born in a poor remote rural area? Did you even try to upgrade your parent’s tax bracket?”
It’s not a shortfall thanks to Starlink. Are you following along?
But taxes…
You can easily drive 100 miles in northern Sweden and see nothing but trees lol
It’s a difference between definitions of “city” and “middle of nowhere” between the US and Europe. The US is a massive place. Part of the reason the US appears to have such a crappy infrastructure is that when, say, mobile carriers want to improve it to upgrade something to 5G, they have to do so for the entire country, with many US states having an area the size of whole European countries. Texas itself is the size of Germany. That is a much bigger undertaking than improving it for a single European country or even a block of countries like western or central Europe. Things are so spread out here that “remote” can mean REALLY remote in some areas. Distances between reasonably sized cities in the US can be much larger than in Europe, and the US has more people in those more rural areas than some think, especially in states in the middle of the country. Local ISPs for internet in those areas can be good depending on the area, but a lot of people in the really rural areas would still be better and more easily served by a service like Starlink.…
This is far more hilarious to see that a good number of European countries fit inside of Texas.
Sounds wonderful tbh 1 year ago
My sides are in orbit! Here is a side-by side of the Alps Image next to a small section of the American Rockies,Image which is still nothing compared to Canada (yes there are people in that big empty area).Image No offense, but true European rural doesn’t exist. 1 year ago
Bro, come to northern Sweden and say that again lol 1 year ago
Touch lol 1 year ago
Also if we’re talking about the European continent as a whole finland, the urals, and maybe the west coast of ireland depending on definitions. 1 year ago
Yeah, I just get a bit peeved cuz I live up here, lol!
If I drive 250km to my grandparents I will not see much of buildings and people. 1 year ago
Come to the most uninhabitable place on the continent for some real rural living! 1 year ago
Me -
You -
😂 1 year ago
You were being an ignorant dick and I called you on it. It’s not my fault you can’t handle a few hours on the road. 1 year ago
Shit, that picture outside Edmonton is hardly even distant, there are a bunch of communities in northern Alberta and BC that don’t even have roads going to them because they’re too far away. 1 year ago
I hear there’s roads in the winter, lol.