- Comment on Daniel Khalife stole UK military secrets for Iran and made list of SAS names, trial told 4 months ago:
So… It sounds like he turned himself in, albeit in the dumbest way possible.
He had been spying successfully for Iran, and looking to defect, or at least back and forth on that.
At some point, he gets orders to deploy to Fort Hood. It’s either around this time, or during this appointment, he reaches out to British security services offering to be a double agent or just be debriefed on his espionage activities? Basically admitting that he was actively compromised, but that he wanted to return to a normal life…
No, I’m not calling him stupid. He doesn’t seem stupid he just sounds like a kid who got in way over his head, and under all that pressure, may even dumber choices until he eventually got caught.
I don’t know anything else about the story other than what I heard on the news during his escape back when, and what I just read, so it’s possible I’m missing some important information in that summary, I don’t know.
- Comment on I found a weird IP address on my network that had transmitted an insanely small amount of data. I put the address in my browser and got this. what the heck am I looking at? 4 months ago:
I think you can enable IIS, or at least a version of, under Windows Features for Windows 10 Pro/Edu installs.
But someone can correct me if I’m wrong about that.
- Comment on [Cory Doctorow] With An Audacious Plan To Halt The Internet’s Enshittification And Throw It Into Reverse 4 months ago:
DoD already started this with their Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA).
And I agree, the government should use its power to force interoperable and open standards wherever possible and relevant.
- Comment on How Spotify started — and killed — Latin America’s podcast boom. 6 months ago:
I don’t see the issue here.
I detest what Spotify has been, and is doing, to artists, but this isn’t that.
Spotify jump started a market by infusing it with cash, and then ran out of cash. It sounds similar to when a patron of the arts no longer has the funds available for patronage.
Yes, it sucks for those people who lost their funding, but podcasts are profitable all over without the patronage of Spotify.
I realize that those with a large overhead, or those who are otherwise just unable to adapt, are in a shit situation, but I suspect the rest of them, and those that follow, will adopt the modernization strategies of other successful podcast markets.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
Really this just sounds like YT membership, allowing users to create subscriptions for premium/special content e.g. gambling picks, or porn.
If that’s all it was intended to be, it could have been an actually useful and not intrusive monetization strategy…5 years ago.
Even if that’s how the feature gets rolled out now, unless it’s an unmitigated disaster, I don’t see them being capable of not overplaying their hand.
They will assume that because some users are willing to pay for private porn content, or gambling pick subreddits, that of course most users must also be willing to pay for cat photos and memes.
Personally, I am all for it. I am for Reddit making the worst choices possible and speed running their decline. Mostly, I would like a user exodus that results in Lemmy finally getting growth in a lot of their more niche communities subjects, or at least, the few that still keep using Reddit on occasion.
- Comment on CrowdStrike Isn't the Real Problem 7 months ago:
…you don’t have OOB on every single networked device and terminal? Have you never heard of the buddy system?
- Comment on Gemini AI platform caught scanning Google Drive files without user permission 7 months ago:
This isn’t a court of law, or the privatized forced mandatory arbitration that has mostly replaced it.
Out of curiosity, in your view, what has Google done to deserve the benefit of the doubt?
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
ISO certification does require a bit more effort than just the bare minimum necessary to legally advertise specific claims about a product.
That doesn’t mean some M-Disc manufacturing is immune to shitty business practices of the manufacturer, but they do have to meet certain manufacturing specifications.
- Comment on Scalpers Work With Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's ‘Non-Transferable’ Tickets 7 months ago:
Yes, they can choose to either NOT be a professional artist, or to work with Live Nation and Ticket Master. I
It’s one, or the other.
- Comment on Scalpers Work With Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's ‘Non-Transferable’ Tickets 7 months ago:
Monopolies are the opposite of choice.
- Comment on Netflix Starts Booting Subscribers Off Cheapest Basic Ads-Free Plan 7 months ago:
This is public record due to their financial reporting obligations as public company, but their password sharing crackdown resulted in not insignificant amounts of new subscribers.
Or at least, there was meaningful growth that occurred in time periods that aligned with those policies going into effect.
- Comment on OpenAI was hacked, revealing internal secrets and raising national security concerns — year-old breach wasn't reported to the public 7 months ago:
Uh I’m pretty sure they offer trauma counseling to all those contractor.
I mean, sure, it’s from their contracted provider TraumaBots (powered by ChatGPT 3.5), but I’ve heard only 36% of TraumaBot’s patients end up killing themselves.
So… I’d call that a win/win.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Short sighted for who? Executive compensation is tied to stock performance via options. If their actions boost the stock price in the short term, what do they care about the companies performance at a future date after they’ve cashed out?
We’re currently in the extraction phase of neoliberal economic system and it’s only downhill from here.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Learn what? This was the specific intended outcome: layoffs without severance or unemployment.*
*Unemployment benefits aren’t totally off the table due to the companies changing of job requirements, but that’s going to depend on local laws and individual employee circumstances.
- Comment on Peter Thiel was trapped inside a student debating hall by pro-Palestine protesters accusing him of genocide 9 months ago:
Anyone who’s name is an anagram for The Reptile invalidates your entire premise, on top of the fact that he’s also probably had at least one of his former boytoy lover’s killed and he’s just generally an awful human being who’s entire goal is emiserate others.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
It was a better UI and user experience then Android by the time it launched…but by the time it launched the smartphone market had already exploded and the app developer marketplace had already matured into a profitable sector. There was no incentive to attract enough developers to build out a similar ecosystem on the late to the party Windows Phone
- Comment on Argentines are recruiting friends, strangers into Worldcoin’s cash-for-eyeballs scheme 9 months ago:
Even if you believe that, and trust the people running these scanning stations, synthetic images generated from biometric hashes are still a thing, such as with Masquerade.
- Comment on Argentines are recruiting friends, strangers into Worldcoin’s cash-for-eyeballs scheme 9 months ago:
You’re looking at it wrong. This is a scheme to collect mass amounts of biometric data. What’s the end goal? No idea, but I I doubt it’ll be to the benefit of mankind.
- Comment on Burkina Faso soldiers massacred 223 civilians in one day, finds rights group 10 months ago:
Odd. I see no mention that these were American trained troops, but I do see an intentional attempt to shift blame elsewhere.
- Comment on Chinese swimmers won Olympic golds after testing positive for banned drug 10 months ago:
Common misconception is that PED screening is a drug test, it’s not. They’re an intelligence test.
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
Maneuverability is much less of a factor now as BVR engagements and stealth have taken over.
But, yeah, in general a pilot that isn’t subject to physical constraints can absolutely out maneuver a human by a wide margin.
The future generation will resemble a Protoss Carrier sans the blimp appearance. Human controllers in 5th and 6th Gen airframes who direct multiple AI wingman, or AI swarms.
- Comment on The startup offering free toilets and coffee for delivery workers — in exchange for their data 10 months ago:
I refuse to believe that any data they harvest from gig workers will come close to covering their overhead.
I absolutely believe that the founders will make out like bandits before this is either acquired by a bigger dumber company, or shuttered.
- Comment on Google mocks Epic’s proposed reforms to end Android app market monopoly 10 months ago:
Required means not optional… which both are…
Also, it’s not unusual for a repo manager to request the ability to check for background updates, or send notifications…which again, are both optional.
- Comment on Google mocks Epic’s proposed reforms to end Android app market monopoly 10 months ago:
So…a repo manager asks to notify you of updates, and check for them in the background…and that requires an essay long screed?
FYI I have battery optimizations enabled, and notifications disabled. App works great.
- Comment on Google mocks Epic’s proposed reforms to end Android app market monopoly 10 months ago:
Use Droidify or Neo Store. Both are in F-Droid repo, and both are better IMO.
- Comment on Cory Doctorow on Search Engine Enshittification 10 months ago:
…also because they’re the highest earning tier of the upper middle class, and Cessna’s are an extremely common manufacture with a lot of relatively low cost options.
Most of their customers are probably upper middle class types, very small regional airlines, and people who run charter businesses.
I’d assume that between the professional pilots, and the hobbyists, you’ll find the former has lower crash rates.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
That doesn’t necessarily mean your IP isn’t being exposed to YT.
If that is something you’re concerned about, you should read the documentation of whichever pipe/front ends and services you use.
- Comment on Adding TV to bedroom without using mainstream smart device 11 months ago:
Honestly, you’re better off getting an Nvidia Shield TV, or another premium Google certified Android TV box.
But if you’re deadset against that, then get a used Chromebox off eBay for like $20-40. Just make sure whatever model you get is firmware flashable and supports user installed Linux. Search “Chromebox Linux HTPC”, there’s plenty of resources available.
- Comment on U.S. drops from top 20 happiest countries list in 2024 World Happiness Report for the first time 11 months ago:
That is… ironically, a very American centric view for someone who is so pessemsic about America.
- Comment on Microsoft defends barging in on Chrome with pop-up ads pushing Bing, GPT-4 11 months ago:
…No…your using very specific financial crimes as catch-all description for financial engineering.
Words have meaning. You might as well say it’s Microsoft is a bank robber, because that’s also a financial crime of sorts.