Doors may not be that thick, but you’re thicker than 7 inches even if you’re skinny. So you’d end up with part of your back inside the door.
Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago
Options 2 and 3.
Free gravel, assuming that means it just sort of appears where I want it, means I can simply create a massive stockpile of it in a very convenient location for construction projects and sell it by the yard for literally free money.
Teleporting 7 inches is enough to pass through most doors which are less than 2" thick. That is infinitely more useful than you think it is… 1 year ago 1 year ago
But then you haven’t travelled 7 inches. If you want to measure how far someone has travelled, you measure the distance from a body part in one position to the same body part in the second position. If you measure from the back of the foot in one position why would you measure to the front of the foot in the other position? 1 year ago
Ammm, that proves that you’ll likely end up in the door. If you stand facing the door and measure 7 inches from the back of the foot towards the door, you likely won’t pass the door. 1 year ago
Right. I seem to have confused myself.
Also another point is that it says “up to” 7 inches. Who knows if that distance is a choice or random. 1 year ago
If a door is 2 inches thick and thickest part of your body is the length of your foot in inches, let’s say 11 inches which Google tells me is a reasonable length for a man’s foot, then to travel far enough into the direction of the door so that the back of your foot ends up on the other side of the door, you’d need to travel 11+2 inches. 1 year ago
Depends on how it’s measured. I was supposing a position at the center of your mass being used, but there are no guidelines to go by. Guess you just have to take the pill and see how it works! Personally, I’d pick something else unless I had a way to verify how it worked beforehand. 1 year ago
Just teleport again. What could go wrong? 1 year ago
Speak for yourself. I’m more than 7" thick. I’m not making it through a sheet of paper. 1 year ago
As long as you maintain a personal diameter of <5 inches. If not, some door will trim it for you. 1 year ago
some door will trim it for you.
Hang on, let’s hear him out… 1 year ago
Cath here is that if you teleport accidentally into an object that object becomes a part of you. 1 year ago
So I just become a Katamari?
Fine by me. 1 year ago
You can do this already without the pill, you are just limited to objects that are somewhat sharp. 1 year ago
rolls around on a floor full of tacks
“Ha-ha, (ouch) na, na-na (ouch) na-na (ouch) na-na (ouch) na-na (ouch) Kata(ouch)mari Dama(ouch)cy!” 1 year ago
Ba baaaaa bababadabada 1 year ago
Not just doors. Many walls are thinner than that. Any window or glass wall, even reinforced bulletproof ones, immediately become an entrance and exit. You could presumably walk into Fort Knox, grab a few bars of gold and walk back out. If you’re arrested, no jail could hold you.
You could easily be the most famous magician alive, doing impossible escapes from sealed boxes, or disappearing by teleporting 7 inches into a hollow but completely sealed object. 1 year ago
The teleport one if it has no cool down could be used to fly, just keep using it 1 year ago
If it stops velocity it would also be useful for dropping long distances without dying. 1 year ago
Could just also use it to travel any speed too if it stops velocity
You could put on an astronauts suit and warp across space 1 year ago
MLG teleport clutch. 1 year ago
Physics teachers hate this one simple trick