It’s not competition if everyone has exclusivity contracts on all the content. Take Spotify vs Netflix for example. Spotify will have mostly the same base content as Apple Music, Deezer, what have you. With Netflix… You don’t get any Disney movies, no game of thrones, you have to buy all of the services to get access to even just the content you want.
I’ve never felt I was missing out on anything with Spotify, as I likely wouldn’t with YouTube music either. Maybe some have less but it’s at least a very comparable catalogue across the board. 1 year ago
No matter what they say capitalists do not actually like, or benefit, from competition. 1 year ago
They actively kill competition for a reason. 1 year ago
I mean, what is competition? The entire point of a competition is that someone wins, and someone loses. When the entire structure is a competition, then if enough time passes most participants will have lost, and only one will stand victorious. The concept of free market competition will always end in monopoly, and every anti-trust mechanism is just a way to slow this down, not an actual solution. Capitalism will never create a solution to this either, as monopoly is the logical goal of capitalism. When monopoly exists, the capitalists have the most power. Of course capitalism will benefit the capitalists. It would be weird if it didn’t.