- Comment on Honda and Nissan announce merger to form world's third largest car company 2 months ago:
I wonder how much of this is due, or is spurred on, regardless of the publicly stated corporate slop, pressure from their government as they are ramping up military production in hopes of making a Chinese attack cost more than it’s worth.
- Comment on Trump’s FCC chair is Brendan Carr, who wants to regulate everyone except ISPs 3 months ago:
Ahhh, my favorite euphemism for ‘fuck the poors’
- Comment on 18 treated for severe nausea in Stuttgart after opera of live sex and piercing 4 months ago:
Man I like your optimism, I do. I hope you’re right. Actually I hope you never need to be proven right 👍
- Comment on 18 treated for severe nausea in Stuttgart after opera of live sex and piercing 4 months ago:
That’s pretty foul. I have some sympathy for the patrons if that’s the case. Nowhere that I read was cannibalism mentioned. I’d argue arresting those involved if that’s the truth. Prions are fucking deadly serious and survive outside the body, after a person dies, and until picked up by something else. And they’ll hop species too. The literal embodiment of the dark world, just pure evil anti-life. There’s a proper analogy in some video game somewhere that I’m not finding at the moment…idk. it’s like, imagine every prion is a burnt out crystal on an LCD screen. Once there’s enough out there…it’s game over.
- Comment on 18 treated for severe nausea in Stuttgart after opera of live sex and piercing 4 months ago:
I wonder how extreme the piercings were. What qualifies as extreme to the Germans…
Long syringes into the glutamis maximus? Or syringes piercing labia? Youchie.
Extreme like metal chopsticks thru cheeks?
Extreme like suspending people by hooks into their backs? Cuz that’s just a Tuesday for some people.
Or maybe running a sword between the liver and kidneys? It can be done, just thru flesh, missing the internal organs. I’d call that pretty extreme, none of which would make me nauseous tho. Degloving is the only thing that’s made my stomach physically feel like it was turning over, and if you don’t know what that is, I don’t recommend finding out.
- Comment on Why do Israeli soldiers kill so many children in the West Bank? Because they want to, and can 5 months ago:
And seeing as it’s a conscription force, that means every Israeli is going to held in sus of being a glowing gleeful giddy baby killer.
I bet those sick sonsofbitches collect body parts as trophies. It’s right in line with their genocidal mania.
- Comment on Gotta keep that resume updated 5 months ago:
Has existential crisis Adds philosopher to resume
Binges new rabbit hole every night Adds polymath to resume
- Comment on Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says 7 months ago:
There’s also a fuckton of gold in the ocean, just waiting for someone to figure out how to filter the entire ocean and pull out the individual atoms. All at a profitable price point.
Same with uranium. Which means it’ll never happen.
We will have cracked fusion, mined the far side of the moon for helium3 and brought it back to terra before we crack that nut
- Comment on Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated 8 months ago:
Ok, the source of the judgement doesn’t eclipse me, nor do I see how that could be derived but you got there somehow so…
I’m speculating on the whether citizens united rescinds the gmnts ability to demand money, writ large, as that would impinge our 1st amendment. Punitive judgements, between separate parties neither of which are the government such as with Jones v Sandy Hook parents, I would assume wouldnt be effected because the judge is basically performing arbitrage. The DOL, permitting, and taxes are wholly separate issues. Likewise the EPA bringing a corp to court over pollution, or the SEC against bad actors illegally manipulating pump and dump. Not that cases like that couldn’t exist, but not with a government agency as an aggrieved party.
Ya follow? I don’t think its a difficult thought experiment.
- Comment on Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated 8 months ago:
So your clear on this going forward; the first amendment protects a persons speech from repercussions from the government. That’s it. Not from aggrieved parties. Not even from businesses deciding to sue. It means your city or state can’t censor you - the rest of society ABSOLUTELY can tho.
Free speech doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want. Free speech means the government has to argue you back, if it decides, and not use the power of the state, and it’s monopoly of the use of violence against you.
If you want to burn a cross, go ahead. But you’re also free to experience the consequences within yr community - the government isn’t going to _protect _your decision to be inflammatory.
What I want to know, is if money is free speech and the government cannot impinge on that right, then how the fuck can the government charge us for ANYTHING, be that fines or services. All should of been rendered moot with citizens united.
- Comment on Report: Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Immediately Killed Wireless Price Competition In U.S. 9 months ago:
I wonder if the FTC didn’t fight it because they knew this would happen - because of course it would, and now Lina Khan is just getting her margins right to hit both Tmob and Verizon with antitrust.
God I fucking hope so.
And slap Comcast and Cox fucking senseless while yr at it Lina. Please…? I’ll make you dinner everyday for like a month. If you could get fiber classified as a public utility I’ll be yr personal chef for a year. Who could say no to that?
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
Wasting budget and time? Grad students get paid?
- Comment on Military horses run loose in central London, injuring 4 people and causing havoc 10 months ago:
In a swanky neighborhood they say? Fsntastic. Word must’ve gotten thru to them and The horses have teamed up with the Orcas to eat the rich.
My suggestion; Don’t be left behind, people.
- Comment on Revealed: how companies made $100m clearing California homeless camps 10 months ago:
Who was that…I remember he had a weird nickname or something. Something like …Moose…? Moose Ali Nee?
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Exactly. Cue the accelerationists.
BLM was the largest continued protest in American history. Democrats took a knee on the capital steps and changed a street name in DC. And that’s it.
I’ve been told since 2008 the recession is over. the news story ≠ real life. Idk anybody any better off today than they were in 2008. Everyone’s a bad week from homelessness. 99% of Americans, with 2 educated working full time adults do not earn the purchasing power of just one of their grandfather’s.
And the people are seeeeeeeething. We are a nation full of veterans and cosplaytriots, with more guns than people. The rich are naive to think they’ll survive the purge, all that needs to be said is ‘keep what you kill’ and the gene pool will be bleached.
I don’t even blame the accelerationists. Change doesn’t occur gradually or thru voting. Change happens in a pen stroke, under duress from public dissent. As it always has. Incrementalism is just the rich whittling our rights away, the rights paid for in our ancestors blood. A whole lot of good men died for the 8hr day, the 40hr work week, to ensure machinery got physically disconnected before servicing.
Liberals are corporatists conciliatory to change, but they’ll never lead change because its the right thing to do. Their morality is making money, and that’s it. That’s why they lose, cuz they stand for nothing. Puppets to profits, merely a meat shield to deflect the owning class it’s proper hatred.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
I’d like to just start with having to send a check every two weeks instead of allowing them to just deduct it.
Make people physically pay their tax, that’s how you get engagement. And they know that, which is why it’s NOT like that.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Not only that but say I run a bakery, why should I have to devote a crazy amount of time learning medical insurance speak? That’s time that I should be spending thinking of new things I can sell. That’s the whole point behind specialization. I don’t give two-girls-one-cup shits about the ins and outs of ANY insurance policy. I buy what I need and I need it to work when I need it. My interests begins and ends there. and that’s a REASONABLE position to take.
Why are we allowing ourselves to be extorted by medical insurance muckbangs?
The whole industry deserves doxxing and relentless public shaming. I’m not advocating violence. Like protesting outside assistant mid-managers houses. If identities got stolen and credit scores ruined…well, I’m not condoning it but I’m not gonna lose sleep over it either. Make the whole industry undesirable to work in.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Reagan, Thatcher
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Self regulating, LMAO.
Ever heard of the term ‘capital strike’?
You won’t hear about it in the news, I wonder why?
The people today are at the end of a 4 decades long capital strike, and it doesnt look like its abetting, in fact, it’s looks like the slave owners are doubling down throwing inflation into the mix.
Inflation, is a tool not an outcome. It’s used to cudgel the poors back into complacency. Reduce their purchasing power, increase levels of despair.
Do you think I’m wrong about that? You might be thinking of the old version of the game. There’s been an update, it just didn’t get many headlines in the papers. Look up Modern Monetary Theory. I mean, why have the largest armed forces and a fiat currency if you aren’t willing to leverage them to get what you’re donors want?. Do you even capitalism bro?
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Life expectancy is going down cuz suicide rates are shooting up. Like suburban boys with shopping malls, their classrooms and finally heroin.
Fuuuuck. Nailed it, I’m fucking kiiiiiiiiilling it today. Ziiiing!
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
It’s just THAT expensive. An ambulance is 2-3k minimum. Just for showing up. Going to an ER, talking to reception and then giving up and leaving? That’ll be a $1200 bill, to NOT see a doctor.
I don’t even know the line where I would voluntarily to go the hospital, knowing it’s sacrificing the next 10-20 years of all my extra income. Would it be when I put my thumb thru a grinding disc on my angle grinder, cutting it clean in two right thru the entire nail?
Naw, hell no. I would have cut my thumb tip off with a chef’s knife and cauterized It if I thought it wouldn’t heal on its own, rather than spend an app $15,000 I don’t have. Took about 10 weeks to heal.
I know how to fight off an abscess tooth without antibiotics. It takes about 8 days, of constant stabbing, arching your back pain. Ive broken knuckles just to have a different pain to focus on. No one should know how to do this in 2024. Abscess teeth kill. Kennewick Man, y’know, the Popsicle? That’s what killed him. My story isn’t unique, America is a third world country with iPhones. Don’t visit. I wish the world would boycott every American company until we learn how to have a civil society.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
We WANT too. Gun control, Medicare for all, and SS all have majority support for reform, across the parties. Broad support. Multiple studies have shown that public opinion has ZERO effect on legislation getting passed. Our oligarchy doesn’t give three shits to the wind about actual Americans. I’ve never met a group of people who, clearly, hate almost everyone they see. At the end of the balance sheet, actions speak louder, and the group most responsible for pain, suffering and loss of quality American years lived are the 1%. Their renumeration of revolutionary inequality is simultaneously equal amounts astonishing and disgusting.
If I wrote out a synopsis of the economy today and somehow got it back to my WW2/Korea vet grandfather he would’ve thought the USSR won the cold war.
His last words to me, i had asked him about WW2, and said I wanted to join the military like him - I liked my grandad better than my parents - and he told me “you don’t join the military. I fought so you and your siblings don’t have too” and then he made me promise that I’d go to college instead.
I did as he asked tho looking around now, I feel like no matter what I do, war is gonna find me.
Which if we’re being brutally honest, would be a return to the norm. Historically war touches everyone’s life. We’re blessed to live under the Pax Americana, but greed has rotted out the essence at its core and when the last leg falls…ever seen that movie Miracle Mile? You should watch it.
- Comment on Consumer confidence in current economic conditions 1 year ago:
The WEF made adopting a global CBDC a top priority last year. Tied to your identity no less.
Which would mean a digital profile, for everyone, around the world.
Nothing to worry about with all that, right? Cuz those holding the reins of power today have proven themselves defenders of humanity and decency as a whole, correct?
A one world global currency that’s under thumb of big brother to keep people in line? just kill me now, id devote every second of existence to launching and detonating an EMP over the entire planet then. No one should have that kind of control over anyone, let alone the entire world.
Dystopia within dystopias. We’re going even darker inception here people!
- Comment on Midlife crisis 1 year ago:
Bro, just date the strippers.
Trust me, in a life full of regrets, that’s not breaking the top 10. You have no obligation to anyone or anything to suffer yourself. There’s no Opus Dei-ing your way to a better credit score.
Take your wins where you find them, and fuck what other people think, for fucks sake, it’s your life. It’s like if you’re finding token A* brings you happiness but you’ve been taught that Token A* is bad cuz cuz and everyone you know thinks the same…you are taking someone else’s decision for your own in direct defiance of your own lives experience.
Do what you got to do to be happy, and do it unapologetically. Do it on the low or be the face that bucks the trend, who gives a shit? That’s all stuff outside your control, so not worth your attention anyways.
If dating strippers makes you happy then embrace it. Personally, for me, I run contrary to societies idea of sluttiness, I love it. To me its women embracing their sexuality, exploring their power thru sex appeal and sensualness and expressing their independence with total control of their bodily autonomy. It appeals to me because I like strong independent women. I don’t want to forever woo or charm a women or have her dependent on me. I want partners in life, not parasites. I want to be her choice; but with that they have to be free to leave whenever they want. If we decide to both forever woo each other, that’s a completely different conscious choice.
With strippers; they got a dancers body, got $, got rhythm, presumably looks good naked, and independent enough to either not care what other people think or can compartmentalize it away? Sounds fucking fantastic to me.
Like I don’t understand why people care so much about what other people think. Have you ever met people? Dude, they’re the fucking wooorst.
- Comment on Consumer confidence in current economic conditions 1 year ago:
2 full-time, educated workers in their prime today don’t make enough time equal the spending power of just one of their grandfather’s. This literally extends to the 99 percentile.
There is no middle class.
Middle class is not and was never the class in the middle, it was the embodiment of the American dream. 2 cars a garage, if you save, a vacation home. Kids. Hobbies. Retirement.
Neoliberalism is the greatest con-job to ever exist. we’ve been robbed of more than we’ll likely ever have.
The only way I know to strike back is to abandon the dollar. If we can collectively collapse the dollar, then everyone’s the same amount of broke. No money means no law enforcement, means no debt records. If we’re gonna end up in poverty might as well make sure we all sink together. Community spirit and all that.
- Comment on Consumer confidence in current economic conditions 1 year ago:
It is EXACTLY that. PE is the main driver behind the rise in health care, the rise in elder care, the rise in medicine, the rise in child care, and now the rise in housing.
And just for funsies PE, since 2008, has essentially rolled up EVERYONES retirement into their billfold, teachers, 401k’s, nurses unions, for 2 reasons. 1. easy money, the person who makes the most off your retirement account isn’t you. The PE firm take you for over a third of its lifetime value. It’s.fucked. and B. Insurance against regulations. If they go down…they’re taking everyone with them.
The sooner they go down the faster we can work on fixing the hundreds of millions of destroyed lives (in America alone). Capitalism is digging it’s own grave. It’ll end up a swear word. Calling someone a banker will be grounds for a fight. I’ll personally guarantee that last part…by going around fighting all the bankers.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
Oh I agree, you dig for dirt, you’ll find it, guarenteed. Whether or not it’s actually connected and not happenstance, that’s a different story.
You only need you and 23 other people in a room to find two people with the same birthday. Coincidence is much more common than we think, just like true random doesn’t feel like random to us, and if something doesnt make sense, the brain can basically retcon on the spot and you’ll believe it as dogma to your core.
It’s important to be aware of and to acknowledge our limitations, for sure. Crazy important.
But let’s keep playing. Take my comment and strike out everything about the buildings falling and I’m still calling it sus.
Were we just that unlucky that the first ever stress test of NORAD happened to coincide? Maybe, it’s a possibility, an extremely small one. 1/18687 to be exact. Not very probable.
How about the missile into the Pentagon that was broadcast on live TV? The gas station footage was broadcast not the actual live event. Story goes reporters found a single camera that hadn’t already been seized and was pointing in the right direction.
So I’m a poli sci guy. Where normal people flow sports teams or celebrities, I follow politics. Global politics as well as domestic, both federal and my state. It’s just what I do. Easily I’ve read 50+ articles a day since 1997. EASILY. That day was the first day for me at a new tree service, and I was the first guy to arrive at the arborists house before we rolled out and I delivered the news of the attack. Guys started showing up, we had the news flipped on and BAM 2nd Impact. Work was called off that day, after that. The Pentagon news came about 2 hours later, we were all still sitting in the arborists living room, just watching when the footage played, so 5 sets of eyes saw it and I said bullshit that’s a plane. 2 guys were ex military, they went off, about wreckage, how small the impact is. I can not forget that memory, besides the 2nd tower falling, the Pentagon lie, a quick oopsies they hoped ppl would forget if they just lied loud enough and fast enough, that redacting in real time, really set the dark tone that was to come. It wasn’t that we were just attacked. Some part of it was opportunistic.
2001 was basically the stone ages compared to now. The Internet was still geocities, a/s/l chatrooms. All your base had JUST belonged to us. It would’ve taken a whole lot less individuals to conduct something in an unmonitored world.
I don’t claim to know what happened, I just knew we’re being lied too. There’s no theory, just calling bullshit for what it is.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
The main one for me was that NORAD, for the first time ever, was “stress testing” their system and running every flight sim they had, so when things went down, they had no idea what was real and what wasn’t.
The order to do so, for the first time, unprovoked, unnecessarily and unneededly came from Dick Cheney himself, who didn’t even have the authority to order the Pentagon to do ANYTHING but his orders were followed regardless.
That’s a pretty big discrepancy. It’s really hard for me to rule that one out
Building 7 is a big leap of faith to hurdle.
The twin towers themselves collapsing in a controlled manner, that doesn’t happen without blowing individual floors. Buildings in war zones don’t fall down vertically, they’ll partially collapse or fall over, not straight down - that ONLY happens with controlled demolition.
That’s a big leap of faith.
Like almost everyone else, I was glued to the TV all day on 9/11. I remember when the Pentagon footage was aired on TV. It was played ONCE. That was a missile. It was clear as day. Beyond that, if it was an airplane, where’s the fucking wreckage? Cuz that would be the first plane crash in all of history that left zero wreckage.
That’s a big leap of faith.
It requires to many leaps of faith to believe the given story. Idk the whole of what happened, but I know we weren’t told it.
The Patriot Act was introduced 5 weeks after the attack. 342 pages, no contradictions in the whole thing. Introduced, passed, and signed into law in 4 days. 5 weeks isn’t enough time to read 350 pages of legalese, let alone write it. It was ready to go
Add to all the sus, America’s government post WW2, at least, has not warranted any trust from the public. The CIA has done a LOT of fucked up, illegal shit to us. The Bay of Tomkin was a false flag fucking lie to the people. The incessant lie of Neoliberalism telling us that GDP is up! But everyone’s quality of life is being striped away faster than our rights. Citizens United is bullshit, 2000 election was bullshit, Iraq and Afghanistan were both bullshit, qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture are fucking repressive FASCIST bullshit and yea, you know, I don’t think the people calling the shots have our best interests in mind, how could you?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
If it’s handmade hardwood Japanese joinery furniture than it’s worth every penny, it’ll outlast you and you’ll hand that down to your kin.
- Comment on Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they're being built 1 year ago:
Cozied on up with Nimbys.
Nimbys are truly Karen’s in their final form.