- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Why does Torx Plus have six teeth but tamper-resistant Torx Plus has five? Whereas ‘what the fuck is this’ basically looks like it should be tamper-resistant Torx Plus?
- Comment on Loyalty 7 months ago:
That pistol appears to be cocked and not locked (safety off). I seriously hope there’s no round chambered.
- Comment on Scalpers Work With Hackers to Liberate Ticketmaster's ‘Non-Transferable’ Tickets 7 months ago:
Scalpers are a problem that transcend Ticketmaster. Heck, they transcend the world of event tickets. Scalpers are a pain in so many areas. Fuck them.
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 8 months ago:
Dreamfall Chapters was the first game where I stopped and thought for 15 minutes about a choice I needed to make, and its implications.
Life is Strange, LiS: Before The Storm, and LiS: True Colors, hve a special place in my heart for their deeply engrossing and moving stories, and for really getting me to care about the characters and their fates.
The first Witcher game was one that drew me in so much that I immediately started a second playthrough upon finishing the first. I have never done that with any other game.
Hardspace: Shipbreakers stuck with me for being such an excellent melange of complex puzzle, industrial accident simulator, and poignant satire on the state of labour in late stage capitalism.
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
It didn’t just take “Hitler’s death” for Germans to be able to vote again. It wasn’t a case of “oh look, he’s dead, now we can go back to democracy”. It took over a decade of political terror and violence, a devastating world war, and one of the most organised campaigns of mass murder and genocide in history.
- Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 8 months ago:
I don’t know how much you know about Germany, but energy security is not a huge problem over there. Over 60% of generated electricity is now coming from renewables. Nuclear peaked as early as 1995 (30%) and has been declining ever since. At the same time, Germany is steadily reducing its dependency on Russian fossil fuels.
- Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 8 months ago:
The thing is, if Labor had announced such a completely undercooked policy - no timelines, no validation, lots of contradictions, and most importantly, no costings whatsoever - the media would be collectively crucifying them. And I’m not talking about the polite way The Guardian or The Conversation are dissecting the policy and bringing counterpoints. No, it would be open season in the most derogatory and aggressive language possible.
The fact that Dutton can bring this to a press conference and not get laughed out of the room is just utterly sad.
- Submitted 8 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 2 comments
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
Sometimes words aren’t enough.
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
Then you stop them and tell them this isn’t what I asked for. It’s not that hard.
- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
If they’re not trimming enough - tell them to keep going. Until they hit the length you want. The job is done when you’re happy with it, not when they think they’re done.
- Comment on I'm Alive (as of April 2024) - FriendlyJordies 10 months ago:
A competent lawyer would have made their client aware that a politician is likely to pull that kind of move.
- Submitted 10 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 3 comments
- Comment on I'm Alive (as of April 2024) - FriendlyJordies 10 months ago:
One, that wasn’t what I was talking about. Shanks had to pay 100k in legal costs in the Barilaro case, pull several videos, and there are some court matters still open in the aftermath of that. Google had to pay Barilaro 715k, and Shanks was referred for possible contempt of court.
Two, the police investigated the arson attacks, someone was arrested and charged. If that classes as “wouldn’t do shit about it” in your book, then I’m not sure what your expectations are.
- Comment on I'm Alive (as of April 2024) - FriendlyJordies 10 months ago:
Do you have any idea how often serious journalists put themselves in danger with their work? Just because you don’t hear about them being attacked, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. They just don’t have YouTube channels with a million followers. And these days it doesn’t take in-depth research to draw the ire of people. It doesn’t take effort to piss off the powerful. Say the wrong thing and you’re a target.
- Comment on I'm Alive (as of April 2024) - FriendlyJordies 10 months ago:
I know this guy is popular - but my god I can’t stand Jordan Shanks. I absolutely don’t get the way parts of the Australian Left revere this guy as a hero and almost a martyr.
Everything I’ve seen from him was low effort. He goes out and points a camera at people or things while talking to/about them. He does very little background research, and basically just plays insinuations for effect. He presents some vaguely related, easy to find factoids, and then does a bit of ‘surely there’s something crooked here, wink wink’. His videos are more about his crude humour than anything else - every Honest Government Ad (shoutouts to thejuicemedia) manages to pack more actual and factual information and context into a few minutes than what Shanks does in an hour of waffling. Their clip on the cashless welfare card was highly educational, and that’s just one example of many.
Not only is Shanks’ work low-effort, it also does investigative journalism - which he has been alleged to be engaging in - a huge disservice. Investigative journalism does more than sling allegations and mire itself in innuendo. Investigative journalism aims to uncover things, these people go to great lengths to dig up material that most people would never know even exists. Again, Shanks rarely does anything like that. His spat with Barilaro always seemed to be more rooted in personal aversion than anything else. And not to be misunderstood: Is Barilaro a corrupt piece of shit? That’s almost a given. Has Shanks achieved anything tangible to uncover corrupt activities on the part of Barilaro? Doubtful. And whenever the going got tough, Shanks had to give in.
And once again, not to be misunderstood: I give him full credit for raising bushfire relief funds - that’s actually something tangible and highly laudable he has achieved. And I don’t wish death threats and arson attacks on anyone, even people I can’t otherwise stand.
But no, to me he’s not a hero. He’s a Youtuber with high visibility who, ultimately, likes to feed the outrage machine, but offers very little of substance. In that sense he’s not unlike some of thew well known right wing outrage merchants.
- Comment on Scott Morrison-era ‘accounting tricks’ to cost public schools $13bn over next five years 10 months ago:
Shitty move from the Morrison government - but we know conservatives will do everything in their power to gut public education.
But if this stays in place until 2030, then Labor are just as shit.
- Scott Morrison-era ‘accounting tricks’ to cost public schools $13bn over next five yearswww.theguardian.com ↗Submitted 10 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 3 comments
- Comment on Hooooooooooooooooooot 10 months ago:
But not all electricity generation is based on boiling water. Wind, hydro and tidal don’t need to generate large amounts of heat to make steam that spins a turbine, they just use natural movement to do so.
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
They are extremely relevant, culturally and historically. They broke new grounds for music, and a lot of today’s music would simply not exist without the Beatles, or some of their contemporaries. That alone means they’re not overrated.
However that doesn’t mean everyone has to love them. It’s possible to recognise their relevance without worshipping them.
- Comment on Federal Court publishes affidavit detailing Seven Network payments to Bruce Lehrmann, including for sex, drugs 11 months ago:
It is becoming increasingly clear that Bruce Leahrmann is a garbage human being. Good luck with that defamation claim.
- Comment on Draining entire superannuation savings wouldn’t cover most young couples’ home deposits, research finds 11 months ago:
For the Coalition, this hits two birds with one stone: weaken the concept of super, while pumping more money into the property market.
- Comment on Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait[: our culture of not getting too big for your boots] 11 months ago:
Be careful to merely associate self-aggrandising with Trumpism - there is a lot more to it. I’d argue that in his first term, he largely checked his boundaries and tried to see what he could get away with. But he wants to be a dictator, an autocrat, and now that he has the majority of SCOTUS on his side, and more and more of the red states slipping into outright Republican autocracy, he has a lot more wind in his back. A second Trump term will be disastrous, and that’s not because of his self-aggrandising.
- Comment on Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait[: our culture of not getting too big for your boots] 11 months ago:
Oh, Hanson is absolutely self-obsessed. So much so that she had herself put in her party’ constitution as party leader for life with the right to determine her successor.
I wouldn’t class Katter or Lambie as Trumpian, but specifically Katter is very self-obsessed. In general though he is, despite his deeply irritating shtick*, fairly harmless and benign.
Palmer may not have had straight-up electoral success - but he has successfully manipulated public opinion and influenced election outcomes by injecting himself along with huge amounts of money into the campaign cycle and blasting his positions out there. We can largely thank him for the Coalition winning the 2019 election which they themselves absolutely expected to lose. The thing about Palmer is figuring out what his goals are, and aside from making money, those goals have been focused around either preventing a Labor government, or preventing parts of Labor’s agenda. However, if those goals ever change towards getting more political power, then Palmer will be able to spend a lot of money to achieve his goals.
One could argue that key reasons for Australian electoral outcomes being fairly benign are the preferential voting system (as opposed to first past the post in the US) and compulsory elections - high voter turnout is generally recognised to prevent swings towards the extreme. In the US, 60% voter turnout is considered high, whereas here the turnout is generally north of 90%.
- Comment on Donald Trump calls Kevin Rudd ‘nasty’ and says he ‘won’t be there long’ as Australia’s ambassador to US 11 months ago:
It has now been reported that the question and details about Rudd were fed to Farage by none other than the current CEO of Sky News Australia, on request of the former CEO of Sky News Australia who now runs GB News, the network that employs Farage.
I’d be highly surprised if Farage would have even thought to bring this up otherwise.
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
I didn’t think I needed the /s, but here goes:
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
Ah c’mon, give them credit where it’s due. They didn’t try nothing - thoughts and prayers were tried in abundance.
- Australian government knew obscure retailer had no PPE experience before paying $100m for unusable Covid maskswww.theguardian.com ↗Submitted 11 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 5 comments
- Comment on Your 4G phone could be impacted by 3G shutdowns this year. Here's what to know 11 months ago:
So, they will shut down 3G in areas that already have poor mobile coverage, even with 4G, and that won’t get 5G any time soon. This will increase the number of people with poor mobile coverage and no other options. If at least there was some form of commitment to roll out 5G quickly and comprehensively, or some visibility of rollout plans, but there’s not even that. So once again, we are at the mercy of the profit-driven service providers, who haven’t expanded 5G past the major population centres in the five years since it has become available, and have no clear intentions of doing so.
- Clive Palmer says Labor’s plan to cap political donations would silence ‘diversity of ideas’www.theguardian.com ↗Submitted 11 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 19 comments