- Comment on An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous 8 months ago:
It feels like our public health systems have gone backwards since covid. Not because we don’t have the skills and resources, but because of ideology.
- Comment on There's a baby drought in Australia. Maybe we should fund IVF? 10 months ago:
I’m a trauma researcher. So many people shouldn’t have kids.
- Comment on Daylight saving has 80% support in Australia and a majority in every state 11 months ago:
It’s interesting that people want daylight savings in qld during summer because we spend most of summer wanting the sun to fuck off.
- Comment on We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago 11 months ago:
Fuck this was depressing to read. Validating though.
- Comment on Artist behind Mona’s ladies-only lounge ‘absolutely delighted’ man is suing for gender discrimination 11 months ago:
Amazing public relations campaign if this is all part of a marketing thing.
- Comment on Support for Australia Day celebration on January 26 drops: new research 1 year ago:
We do the queen/king’s bday on a different date to whatever the current Monarch’s actual bday is. Surely we could just do the same thing with any of these other dates.
- Comment on Support for Australia Day celebration on January 26 drops: new research 1 year ago:
It’s the holiday equivalent of those oversized American utes
- Comment on Police ‘cannot meet’ expectations for children in custody amid Cairns watch house overcrowding 1 year ago:
Human rights apply to everyone regardless of whether they engage in crime.
- Peter Dutton calls for boycott of Woolworths after Australia Day merchandise ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 55 comments
- Comment on 'I may have to resign': Court documents allege NDIS commissioner mistakenly misled Four Corners over autism program 1 year ago:
This is a completely different situation to those companies. This isn’t a consumer product it’s human rights. This is a government agency tasked with safeguarding human rights.
- Comment on Catholic Education Tasmania head takes issue with mandatory consent education 1 year ago:
I research sexual violence. All I can say is that anyone who takes issue with consent education = red flag central.
- Comment on Outrage in Ballarat at white supremacist march, 15yo questioned over banned Nazi salute 1 year ago:
Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.
- Comment on Outrage in Ballarat at white supremacist march, 15yo questioned over banned Nazi salute 1 year ago:
Why didn’t they get arrested? They were doing illegal nazi salutes. The double standard for these fucks is absurd.
- Comment on After all those dole diaries and ‘mutual obligations’, it turns out Australia’s privatised employment services don’t work | Van Badham 1 year ago:
Capitalist governments be like look how good we are at spending money efficiently. Meanwhile, burns cash on useless middle men.
- Comment on After all those dole diaries and ‘mutual obligations’, it turns out Australia’s privatised employment services don’t work | Van Badham 1 year ago:
Cool. Now stfu and advocate for the removal of mutual obligations. Anything less than that and you’re still a scab and class traitor. This issue is actually surprisingly simple, no mutual obligations = no tax payer money going to welfare frauds (JSP system). Then we can start discussing how to reform employment support and what that would look like. But any system that’s underpinned by mutual obligations will be deeply flawed.
- Comment on After all those dole diaries and ‘mutual obligations’, it turns out Australia’s privatised employment services don’t work | Van Badham 1 year ago:
Take their current profits and imagine they were going to government income instead.
Doesn’t matter if it works better or worse (who gets to determine this and by what measure?), it’s a matter of who benefits from ownership.
- Comment on Centrelink should consider waiving 100,000 debts that may be unlawful, ombudsman report finds 1 year ago:
This whole agency and department needs to be completely overhauled. I’m fairly certain services australia are still breaking many laws in their day to day operations.They need to be put into crisis mode, have business as usual mode suspended, auto-approve payments, hire a fucktone more staff (permanently) and fix shit. I would have thought Shorten would have the political will to do something about this but he’s been so disappointing.
- Comment on Employers push for staff to return to the office after working from home as commercial property values plunge 1 year ago:
Bet he works from home though.
- Employers push for staff to return to the office after working from home as commercial property values ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 43 comments
- Comment on Why don't nice plain chocolate biscuits exist? 1 year ago:
Not sure if they count as a chocolate biscuit but I personally really love digestives.
- Comment on Quick thinking teenage girl saves runaway bus from crashing into New South Wales petrol station 1 year ago:
What amazing initiative and sharp problem solving skills! We need this girl coordinating our response to the climate crises
- Comment on Brad Pitt in a chicken suit and rating friends: jobseekers believed ‘condescending’ courses required to get payments 1 year ago:
Ok can I just state the obvious here that these roles require no tertiary qualifications. These people are in no way qualified to be administering any type of resilience course. They’re not qualified to be working with these populations, period. Letting unqualified people fiddle around inside people’s heads is no different than letting a regular person on the street perform surgery, it’s incredibly harmful.
- Comment on Government rushes to patch up laws for stripping terrorists of citizenship 1 year ago:
I’m not a legal expert but it feels like these sorts of laws shouldn’t be rushed. That right there is an immediate red flag that this is bad legislation. Also, not to get all V for Vendetta and shit but what’s the limitations on who gets classified as a terrorist.
- Comment on Report critical of big four consultancies was censored by Australian government agency, academic claims 1 year ago:
Consultants don’t advise, they find ‘evidence’ to justify policy positions. They’re also not subject to FOI requests and don’t have to follow the same codes that public servants do. Governments love consultants because they usually don’t actually want good evidence-based advice, they just want to tick the box that says they did ‘research’.
I say this as a phd student who wants to go into academia but will probably end up working for one of these consultants because the government would rather give them money than fund actual research.
- Comment on 'Hairdressers, dentists and dining out': The price rises that told the RBA it needed to raise rates again 1 year ago:
One of these things is not like the others though…
- Comment on Younger people now even cutting back on essentials, as older Australians spend up on cruises and restaurants 1 year ago:
I love that generational inequality can be measured in this way. It would be great to see how different policy changes in the last 50 - 60 years correlate across generation groups.
- Comment on Number of Australians enrolled in bachelor degrees falls by 12% in less than a decade 1 year ago:
Lol I’m a phd candidate at that university. I think they’re doing this to look woke. This is a thing universities do to try and hide the fact that they are super conservative institutions.
It’s a bit more complex than this. Most lecturers are qualified, they’re just on insecure casual contracts. Try delivering high equality education knowing you’re on a contract that may or may not be extended. There’s also a gtowing pressure to pass students. This comes from both management and the students themselves. A lot of students feel like they’ve purchased the right to a passing grade. I no longer give students positive feedback because if I do they’ll think it means I should have given them a higher grade.
The merit required for most academic roles is almost inhumanely high. You generally need a phd, publications, conference presentations, extensive teaching experience, and evidence of professional service (peer reviewing, committee memberships etc - often unpaid). In the more practical based degrees (which is where I teach) the hiring criteria may be more focused on industry experience. So these fields may have some non-phd qualified lecturers. Many unit coordinators also do get their phd students to do tutoring (some even lecturing) but this has always been the case and you’ve got to learn to teach somehow.
- Number of Australians enrolled in bachelor degrees falls by 12% in less than a ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Social cohesion lowest on record as Australia reels from cost of living, inequality concerns and voice debate 1 year ago:
This pretty much tracks with my experience over the last few years. People just seem to be more tense and inconsiderate on average. And it feels like this started to get worse just after the first round of lockdowns.
- Comment on Streaming costs are rising, and there are more platforms than ever to choose between. Some people are going back to piracy 1 year ago:
No matter what they say capitalists do not actually like, or benefit, from competition.