Comment on GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser 3 days agoI can't see anything about this on DuckDuckGo. Do you have a link? 3 days ago
[deleted] 3 days ago
Someone else posted a writeup about it.
It wasn’t in documentation, but a code comment. No user would see this.
One part was a rejected change on the README, which was trying to remove this “white supremacist language”:
On ideologically motivated changes
This is a purely technical project. As such, it is not an appropriate arena to advertise your personal politics or religious beliefs. Any changes that appear ideologically motivated will be rejected.
Someone changing “he” to “they” in a comment as their only change could absolutely be seen as “politically motivated.” My understanding is that if changing the comment was part of some larger useful change, it would be fine (as would using “she” or “they” in a new comment), but just changing the gender of a pronoun in a comment is a useless change.
If the comment said “she,” would someone have been motivated to make this change? Probably not. Should changing this from “she” to some other pronoun (he or they) also be rejected? Yes, on the same grounds as changing it from “he,” it’s not a useful change and just wastes everyone’s time. If you’re in the code already, then go ahead, correct silly language like this if you care to. 3 days ago
[deleted] 3 days ago
I never said they were.
Someone changing “he” to “they” (original PR that started all this) in a comment as their only change could absolutely be seen as “politically motivated.”
Look at the fallout in the comments on those PRs, it quickly devolved into politics and quickly away from any technical merit.
If this exact same change were included with other changes, I highly doubt anyone would’ve cared about the comment. The issue isn’t with the text of the comment, but with the likely motivation and the actual merits of the PR. Many projects immediately reject tiny PRs because they clog up the review queue, and that appears to be what’s happening here, plus all the political nonsense in the issue comments. 3 days ago
They are political, because people (I’m not one of them) think they shouldn’t be allowed and there are only two genders (e.g. the current president of the US). 3 days ago
Freakout? Didn’t he just reject? 3 days ago 3 days ago
DDG search is garbage, I’m sorry… Whenever I switch to a browser that defaults to it, I’m reminded why I always switch it back to Google (unfortunately). Even Yandex is better, and that’s prob Russian spyware. 3 days ago
Try out SearXNG. 3 days ago
I have previously, and was not impressed. Maybe it’s better now?
I’ve been using Startpage for the past couple of days since installing Librewolf, and I kind of like it. I like the “Visit in anonymous view” link under each result… Works to let me see reddit posts (Linux troubleshooting, etc), despite not being logged in, and being on a VPN. 3 days ago 3 days ago…/serenityos-and-ladybird
This was a little „write-up“ back when everything became more public. 3 days ago
I’m surprised this got any kind of attention.
Here’s the turn of events from my perspective:
Here’s my analysis: 3 days ago
“comments must be accurate,” is not a rule you should bend. Bending it even a little leads to last programming and shit code. 3 days ago
True, but that only applies if it’s misleading. For example:
Fixing that makes sense because it’s wrong and misleading (it’s actually Manhattan distance), and a quick glace is insufficient to tell the difference.
But fixing a typo or something that wouldn’t be confusing is just noise and should only be fixed with other changes. For example, I intentionally misspelled Pythagorean in my comment above, fixing that to be the right spelling would be a useless change, even if the distance formula used the hypotenuse. It wouldn’t be an unreasonable policy to reject PRs that only fix spelling to reduce noise for the maintainers. 3 days ago
I should be an idiot. I dont see a direct relationship between race and sexual orientation. Even if the PR was rejected because a pronounce how the hell this is white supremacist? 3 days ago
Well, didn’t the Nazis also discriminate against gay people?
That said, it’s a massive leap to go from “rejects 1 line PR that only changes gender in a comment” to literal Nazi… 3 days ago
“We don’t accept ideologically motivated changes” = White supremacist language… 3 days ago
Thank you for sharing.