It’s like not wanting the ocean in your house even if you love the ocean.
Comment on Meow 4 days agoYour last sentence is crazy 4 days ago 4 days ago
It’s like talking about all the things you hate about the ocean, saying you can’t imagine why anyone likes it, and then saying you love it 4 days ago
What a weird argument. I love rain too. Yet i don’t want it in my house. I also love elephants. But guess where I totally don’t want them. I also like to pet OTHER people’s cats and dogs. But that’s about it. They enjoy it and that’s fine by me. But i don’t want all the stupid work and time and money that go into a pet I can’t even speak with. Same reason (besides many others though) I don’t have kids. 4 days ago
Yeah, it just doesn’t make sense! 4 days ago
Just because some things don’t align with yours doesn’t make it “crazy”. But if you prefer it that way? Then yes, I’m crazy I don’t want to care for animals that don’t belong in my house and force them into my reign. How crazy I prefer my time and money to be mine and mine (and my wife’s) alone. How crazy I don’t want to spend time scratching cat-poo out of a litter-box. Or go watch a dog on a leach (that would prefer to roam his territory freely, not under my heel) have a shit outside and scrape it off the floor.
Damn, I should take pills for that :) 4 days ago
That’s a very defensive long winded reply to my 5 word comment lol. 4 days ago
I have the time to do it, as I’m not force to comb my cat’s shitter for precious remnants :) 4 days ago
“I love all animals, as long as those useless fucks stay outta my way!” 4 days ago
I love babies as a concept and the joy they bring their parents, but me and my partner are child free by choice, and part of that choice is us not wanting to care for an infant. 4 days ago
You monster! According to the replies here the correlation between liking XYZ and wanting to have and care for XYZ is a must. But yeah, we too. 4 days ago
But to ask “would people actually care for, shelter, and feed an animal they didn’t know? Like just bond with a creature for what? Emotional connection, companionship, and kinship to another living thing? I love animals, tho” is just a weird take. Like, you can love animals (or babies) and not want to be responsible for them in your home, but to be incredulous about why someone would want that is ridiculous.
That’s literally the history of house cats. A million times, yes, people want to hang out with random cats.
You don’t need to want cats or babies to see why other people would want cats or babies.