- Comment on He thinks they'll just GIVE him money? 1 day ago:
“Nobody knew it was this complicated” is a line I remember, not sure in what context it was sadly
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
The sun is debatable, since I think we already use it’s photons both for photosynthesis in plants, heat (although we could get infrared warmth from the hole) as well as other benefits
Why shouldn’t we holify Jupiter? It would be a testament to our technological progress as well as helping us study black holes "close"ish by rather than in labs
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
If we could make Jupiter a black hole, would that be stable enough to not radiate away? Other big body we have access to is the sun and I feel we would suffer more side effects of turning that into a hole compared to Jupiter
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
I love babies as a concept and the joy they bring their parents, but me and my partner are child free by choice, and part of that choice is us not wanting to care for an infant.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 2 weeks ago:
I live in Europe and its so large I can’t see any border from my house
- Comment on What's something that you find unintentionally scary/creepy but isn't? 3 weeks ago:
So Bloodhound Gangs Uhn-Tiss song is a party stopper for you?
- Comment on 'No control': Sweden grapples with bomb violence wave 4 weeks ago:
Any weapon not classified in a specific category goes under Knivlagen (Knifelaw). This also includes home made alchemical spray weapons and such.
Wouldn’t that plug any loophole for grenades?
Knivlagen riksdagen.se/…/lag-1988254-om-forbud-betraffande-…
See ""andra föremål som är ägnade att användas som vapen vid brott mot liv och hälsa "
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Yeah, we haven’t had trichinella in our domestic pork animals for ages so we can indeed eat raw pork
The thread started about infected milk so I just gave an example of an area where the risk is minimal to emphasize that it’s a legislation or control issue rather than an issue with the food item by itself. I didn’t mean to attack you or imply that any other country is lesser, just that it’s possible to combat if the political will exists
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
If I’m in Denmark to drink beer I take the custom where I am. If the tap water isn’t good, I drink something else.
In my town we had a huge outbreak of cryptosporidium which poisoned all tap water in the city, so no matter regulations no place is guaranteed safe. That’s why you test stuff. If anyone find unhealthy results you need to contain, treat and inform to minimize damage and exposure risk
The reason we are known as arrogant swots is probably not our husbandry rules but our foreign policies that can be naive or straight up delusional (such as thinking chat control is net positive).
I don’t really know though since I have no possibility to leave my farm to travel, neither in time or monetary capabilities
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
It taste differently and it usually hasnt gone through the separation of cream from the milk so it has high fat content and sometimes fat drops on the surface
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Only time I’ve had raw milk was when I was a kid and visited farming friends, since they had a pitcher in the fridge from that days milking. They used it in cooking usually, but it wasn’t that bad to drink.
The laws regarding cow and milk health is way different in Sweden that most other countries though, very strict routines around testing. We can eat raw eggs from the store.
Milk: livsmedelsverket.se/…/mjolkens-kvalitet---kontrol…
Eggs and birds:
- Comment on “Star Trek Origin” Movie Reportedly Headed To Greenlight For Production Start In Early 2025 3 months ago:
Have you seen Shadow of the Vampire? It’s a fiction about the filming of Nosferatu (1922) where they actually used a real vampire as the main character
- Comment on “Star Trek Origin” Movie Reportedly Headed To Greenlight For Production Start In Early 2025 3 months ago:
It’s probably a college comedy movie about how Archer got through school and on the path to captaincy
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
Take a piece of all future income until it’s paid off of you pass away. At least here you can personally bankrupt once in a life time and live on “lowest livable” amount of money for five years and then get the debts “forgiven” except those accrued during the five year period.
It’s a hassle to apply and get granted though, usually not the privacy invasion invasion a recently released care to subject to
- Comment on Noise. 6 months ago:
Setting up a bird listening device a few meters off an active runway and no filter for engine sounds.
Play back is of course volume tuned for the bird chirps when processing data
- Comment on Kids 6 months ago:
Yeah, and for the same reason it rusts metal.
- Comment on Kids 6 months ago:
Oxygen is really rough on the DNA due to making the cells “rust” which hampers cell division and/or increases risks of mutations or cancers
- Comment on Researcher finds a way to invisibly reverse Windows updates 6 months ago:
Otherwise DOS got an open release lately, and then find him some Zork, Umoria and Keen :)
Get him started on Lotus for homework as well
- Comment on 85% off Battlefield V, let's gooo 6 months ago:
You forgot BF2142, I loved that game
- Comment on Statistics 6 months ago:
We wouldn’t get far before the shark would asphyxiate though, I think it’s a bad replacement for cars
- Comment on Statistics 6 months ago:
Tell me you live in a safe neighborhood without saying you live in a safe neighborhood…
Your “feeling” are invalidating hundreds of peoples lived experience of the terror of vending machine gang violence
- Comment on Why can't I increase my cum volume? 6 months ago:
How do I unlock the third to seventh eye?
- Comment on Wearables linked to ‘pathologic’ heart disease symptom monitoring 7 months ago:
Thanks for indulging my curiosity :)
- Comment on Wearables linked to ‘pathologic’ heart disease symptom monitoring 7 months ago:
Good contact is quite fickle if there are any obstructions or even dirt on the skin, but my experience are mostly with the fingertop or earlobe sensors which are quite sensitive due to only using a red led. Does the wrist one use another kind of tech?
- Comment on Wearables linked to ‘pathologic’ heart disease symptom monitoring 7 months ago:
82 is a bit below dangerous I’d say, especially if the wearer is unconscious.
If the wearer can see that value and understand it, it’s probably a hardware failure.
- Comment on Netflix officially removes Basic - the cheapest ad-free tier 7 months ago:
Airing episodes out of order didn’t help either
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 9 months ago:
If it’s a major owner of a company I would still say it’s the company.
- Comment on Phones have unique phone numbers, why dont computers have unique computer-numbers? 9 months ago:
Usually the phone number changes though. My phone number is 070Xxxx… here in Sweden, but my folks in law need to call 004670xxxx to call me unless they are visiting in which case 070xx works again
- Comment on People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you 9 months ago:
Because it’s in the title of the post
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
Seems to be more than that to his question though
Plus the child comment seems relevant