- Comment on Chat, is this true? 1 week ago:
Well played sir, well played.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
Ah come on. At first you gonna rob the house-animal of it’s basic functions. Like procreating. Then the dog goes on a leash, the cat (unless you just let it roam freely) is confined to your house. Then you’re the ultimate master of its fate. Not enough money for the extremely expensive operation needed? Euthanasia it is then. Do you feed it like it would feed itself? Or simply put, would you treat your kid the same like your dog? Does it receive the mystery-horror that is canned food? Oh and the food itself is (partly) a horribly murdered non-house-pet-animal. Doesn’t this one deserve your love and care too?
And btw I had pets once. Dogs and a cat actually. And I did everything for those lil shits up to the very last minute. But they were kinda “forced” onto me, I would never ever willingly get a pet. And however you might see this, to me it is no kind of “friendship”. It’s ownership. Literally and even legally speaking. I don’t like this concept.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
That is literally was i was lectured on here about. History of the domestication of house-cats :) And no, i can’t imagine people actually doing that. That was my whole point.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
I don’t understand that either, I dislike slavery, i even pay our maid double because i feel bad she works for us. But it’s not like I’d force her to, like I’d force a pet to do so.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
How dare I, even in science-memes. Blasphemy.
- Comment on Why aren't all rooms holodecks? 1 week ago:
A) waste of energy B) horrible source of possible complications, problems and Desasters. Guess that’s already enough reasons. Good idea though.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
Yes. Cheap labor. That’s about it. In tendency of course, not generally.
- Comment on If COBOL is so problematic, why does the US government still use it? 1 week ago:
Oh yes, and this too. “Modern” coders mostly forgot the art (necessity) of optimizing. Just because we have it plenty.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
I’m sorry you’re so anthropomorphizing. Just because a cat purrs when it recognizes you, doesn’t mean there’s something beyond the obvious. Also, unless you’re a vegan animals rights cacti cost, what does any of your special bonds mean while opposing doomsday onto all other species. Oh right, we’re just talking of “pets”. Animals deemed worthy of our affection 😊
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
You must’ve totally misinterpreted. Of course I’d care for those close to me. Even without having any benefit for me. But those people I selected. They didn’t just wander into my house like a stray and decided my decisions. I actually work for free in my spare-time with abused people. Just because it’s a thing a civilized species should do, but sadly doesn’t.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
They actually do. Not that this is either anything of your concern nor the point. And guess what, friends are people i care about that I CHOSE TO. They didn’t get bought in a pet-shop and were forced to be in my vicinity, nor suddenly appeared in my house as strays. You maybe see the point somewhere there.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
I do love to interact with all kinds of species, learn from them and whatnot. I totally do. But the words “emotional connection” or “companionship” are very loaded. Most usual pets don’t care for my existence at all. Even cats would eat my dead body if they weren’t fed. A dog does form a bond, yes. But still. Why would I want that? I even despise the concept of “having a pet”. Who am I to enslave some animal to live under my reign? Spell it as romantically as you’d like, in the end, the animal does have to endure whatever you throw at it. I would not want such a “kinship”. My kind of “kinship” would end at a racoon (or whatever) coming to my house, gets fed, interacts with me, and then goes on to live the life it usually does.
I’m aware of the history of housecats, but it surely isn’t the majority of people who would just “suddenly now have a cat” because a stray wanders in. Sure there are, yet I would still wonder about the motivation of those. Which was the initial point of my reply. Would YOU do that? Having a sudden responsibility of at least like 200 bucks a month because a stray comes in?
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
From a pure biological standpoint: No, absolutely. From an intelligent being’s standpoint: Yes. Sure, the gov fails the average Joe left and right. Nothing new here, but the last thing I could think of to do anything against this, would be to add another slave-worker dreading its life to this world. Especially not mainly so it could care for my old ass when I can’t do so anymore. It’s just the epitome of egocentrism. To me at least.
Sure i can speak easy because I don’t have to worry about being cared for, but if I could not, I’d prefer a bullet to the head at the right point in time over burdening my offspring with my care. And they doing the same later, and so on and so on.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
I have the time to do it, as I’m not force to comb my cat’s shitter for precious remnants :)
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
At least i have one, arguments including.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
You monster! According to the replies here the correlation between liking XYZ and wanting to have and care for XYZ is a must. But yeah, we too.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
I actually dunno what I would do, but I probably wouldn’t kick it out. I’d feed it and stuff, but ultimately won’t keep it.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
And I’m being called crazy :-) This is one of the worst and most sad reason for having kids.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
What a weird argument. I love rain too. Yet i don’t want it in my house. I also love elephants. But guess where I totally don’t want them. I also like to pet OTHER people’s cats and dogs. But that’s about it. They enjoy it and that’s fine by me. But i don’t want all the stupid work and time and money that go into a pet I can’t even speak with. Same reason (besides many others though) I don’t have kids.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
Just because some things don’t align with yours doesn’t make it “crazy”. But if you prefer it that way? Then yes, I’m crazy I don’t want to care for animals that don’t belong in my house and force them into my reign. How crazy I prefer my time and money to be mine and mine (and my wife’s) alone. How crazy I don’t want to spend time scratching cat-poo out of a litter-box. Or go watch a dog on a leach (that would prefer to roam his territory freely, not under my heel) have a shit outside and scrape it off the floor.
Damn, I should take pills for that :)
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
Not to me, sorry. What benefit could i have from “caring for another being”? Me, personally? The other being, yes, maybe. But me? I could never care ADEQUATELY for any animal. they don’t belong in my company/house. Just because we domesticated the fuck outta them doesn’t make it better. And i also couldn’t neuter them or feed them this disgusting shit we call pet-food. And also I don’t want to take out the shit of others :-)
- Comment on If COBOL is so problematic, why does the US government still use it? 1 week ago:
Not only that. Finding coders will be harder and harder too. As said, it’s not trivial to “now i learn this language”. And the youth surely doesn’t see any reason to picking this ancient fossil of yesteryear :)
- Comment on If COBOL is so problematic, why does the US government still use it? 1 week ago:
Most likely reason they (and many others, including banks) still use it: Security. There are probably billions of vulnerabilities for everything and billions of people able to hack to some degree. I wonder if there even is some as400 hacker 😁 Also you can’t just decide to become one now, because you can’t simply download a compiler and emulator. You need access. And even if you managed that, those things are never online, so you’d need to be physically near. Name a more secure thing.
Besides that shit just works. The more complex you make it, the more errors could occur. Really critical operations can’t have that.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
Would people really let some stray live with them? Can’t imagine having a pet. They convert money and time into poop and stink and offer nothing in return. Never understood the appeal, yet I love all animals.
- Comment on A game like "Oxygen not included"? 1 week ago:
Mentioned twice now, sounds fitting, thanks :)
- Comment on A game like "Oxygen not included"? 1 week ago:
Oh yes, i remember the original :) Thanks, I’ll check it out!
- Comment on A game like "Oxygen not included"? 1 week ago:
Ah those sound nice, I’ll check them out, thanks!
- Submitted 1 week ago to gaming@lemmy.zip | 6 comments
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 2 weeks ago:
Without mods it took a good while, true. Back when it first came out. But mods really turn this old bugger around some times and then some. And that took most of the time i’ve put into the old bugfest. Though the community fixed most of those bugs, really runs like a charm nowadays.
- Comment on Avowed Launches As Steam's # 1Top Seller In The US And Worldwide 2 weeks ago:
Ignore steam forums. They were always a horrible kid’s playground. Since the term woke emerged, it’s totally bonkers. They really go nuts these days when you can’t choose man/woman but body type 1/body type 2. How could anyone give a damn about such things if the game does not suck? Like in kingdom come 2 where you could do a lot of things that finally lead to one gay scene. And then they complain about that. It’s an RPG. Stop doing gay things if you don’t like gay 😁