Interesting, thanks
Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 2 weeks
Supposedly works on all Kindles, I haven’t actually done a deep dive yet, just have it bookmarked since yesterday. 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
What can you do with a jailbroken Kindle? 2 weeks ago
Run software they don’t approve of. Like alternate reading apps that don’t need you to pipe everything through an Amazon account, read formats they don’t support, etc. 2 weeks ago
Hi. Thank you for the info.
I am looking for a new e-reader. Is there any reason why I should buy a Kindle and jailbreak it rather than get a PineNote, SuperNote, Nook device, Boox device, or a Kobo Libra?
Or would you recommend something else? 1 week ago
I was looking at the PineNote myself, but they stopped selling the developer version due to low demand. I’m afraid that it won’t be back until those who do own it finish writing the software for it. 1 week ago
I have a Boox Palma 2 - their cellphone-sized thing that doesn’t have a cellular radio. I love it. They’re more expensive than kindles, though, since they’re not subsidizing their cost with ebook sales. I haven’t actually tried jailbreaking a kindle so I can’t say how good an experience that would be, but you could probably pick up a kindle of some description on the used market for dirt cheap to try it out. 2 weeks ago
Actually own it.