Comment on How prevalent is the topic of mental health in America compared to Germany? ⁨3⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Americans answer to mental healthcare is jails. There’s almost no access to mental healthcare. You qualify for free healthcare in certain states if you are poor. Insursnce plans won’t generally cover entire doctors visits. It costs me $65 to talk to my pdoc for 5 minutes just to get a perscription refilled and thats discounted from the $150 rate they would charge without insursnce. Some insurance will cover therapy, but not long term. It can be difficult to even find a psychiatrist who will take insurance, let alone your insurance. Insurance is a regional thing and plan sppecifuc so it’s not the same for anybody. Therapy is seen as something that people briefly do after a major trauma event, or done by whiny little rich girls.
