Brain development.
Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 4 weeks agoAgeism right here. There is nothing preventing a 23 year old from holding being as trustworthy as a 50 year old. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
So you dont mind a inexperienced 23 years old running the energy dept. You know the one whom handles fissile materials etc… 4 weeks ago
His age and his lack of clearance are entirely separate matters, one is worthy of criticism and the other isn’t. 4 weeks ago
What about experience? Can a 23 year old have the experience to understand the gravity of what he is dealing with? 4 weeks ago
A 23 year old is an adult, can drive, have children and kill people in war.
Stop infantilising the person. You should criticise them based on their actual actions. 4 weeks ago
You’re the only one that brought up clearance. 4 weeks ago
You tell me a 23 years old can be compromised
It’s almost like there’s context here.
If only there were a vetting process to allow Government to check if someone is or is likely to be compromised!
Maybe once the person has been cleared through that process we could give them something that can be recognised between agencies? Some sort of clearance? 4 weeks ago
What are you, 14? 4 weeks ago
I’m almost old enough to be his father, and also old enough to recognise that you’re a fucking muppet 4 weeks ago
Oh god! Not the Muppet! 4 weeks ago
It’s not just about (and has little to do with) security clearance. A 23 year old is very unlikely to have enough experience in literally fucking anything to be wielding the authority and property of the American people like these children are. 4 weeks ago
If you think any 23 year old should be allowed to create backdoors into the systems that control nukes then you are probably too young to properly judge this situation. 4 weeks ago
Criticising the installation of back doors is valid, trying to paint me as not old enough is hilarious and more ageism.
Not only am I old enough, I happen to be a cyber security expert, capable of understanding that a Government department has more than one system, and backdoors to one system does not magically grant access to nukes. 4 weeks ago
It’s just funny you crying agism and defending this guy for literally any reason
I just don’t defend fascists 4 weeks ago
He’s not defending anyone though, as I understand it he’s just saying that there are valid reasons for criticising this, but age isn’t among them 4 weeks ago
We both know why you’re here
Because I’m pointing out how idiotic it is to criticise someone based on their age when there is an absolute truckload of valid reasons to criticise them? 4 weeks ago
At 23, men’s frontal lobes aren’t even fully developed. You’re substantially wrong. 4 weeks ago
At 23 you can hold a security clearance. Being 23 does not make you a liar, security risk or inherently untrustworthy.
At 50 you can be a lying stealing murdering meth addict.
His age is not the problem here.
You are demonstrably wrong. Perhaps there is an issue with your frontal lobes if you cannot comprehend this simple concept. 4 weeks ago
That 23 year old can easily be compromised. I know this because he was, by musk. 4 weeks ago
My grandma could snap that mfer in half and she’s been dead for years. 4 weeks ago
So criticise him for being a boot licking clown employed by the Swasticar king.
Age is not a valid criticism here. 4 weeks ago
Every person is different. But on average, younger people are easier to trick. As are the elderly. The former lacks experience. The latter loses faculties.
It’s ageist to pre judge a ~person~ based on age. It’s not ageist to understand the progression of the human mind.
You wouldn’t say it’s ageist that babies are easy to trick, would you? 4 weeks ago
There it is again, infantilizing an adult.
There’s no evidence this guy has been tricked. There’s a lot of evidence he’s a piece of shit.