The joint is probably worse for you than the coffee because the smoke fucks up your lungs. But that’s not a problem with the drug, it’s a problem with the consumption method.
Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 4 weeks agoDamn so when I say something like “in my opinion a joint is exactly the same as a cup of coffee” I’m wrong… because coffee is more likely to kill you than a joint 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Yeah that’s the thing, this study analyzes how much of a substance is needed to kill you in one go, but not so clear on how repeated use translates to harm. So yeah there’s higher chances of getting killed in one go by coffee than joints, but in the long run with moderate doses the combustion carries a high risk of cancer.
Best stick with edibles or dry herb vapes. 4 weeks ago
It doesn’t say that. The X axis is basically the inverse of how many times a “usefull dose” you need to take before you die. Or you can see it as “overdose potential”.
It’s basically impossible to overdose on cannabis, but really easy to overdose on heroin. Coffee is kinda weird, because if you’re drinking just coffee, you’re more likely to kill yourself from just drinking water-based liquid than from caffeine.