Idk if my humor is just broken or something, but I thought this was funny even though it’s stupid. I’m a liberal tho
Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 4 weeks ago
Holy fuck, the right really can’t meme 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I chuckled when i got to the picture of Obama. I’m borderline on whether this is a genuine rw meme or a parody it’s that over the top 4 weeks ago
Maybe you’re right and it’s parody
Sadly by now it’s really hard to differ… 4 weeks ago
The “American” one is super dumb as well.
I’m this isn’t a right wing meme and it’s a more general meme poking fun at people that think these kind of memes (when done legitimately) mean anything. 4 weeks ago
Conservatives eat bald eagles in their sandwiches. I’m pretty sure it’s a parody. 4 weeks ago
it’s for the crunch dammit! 4 weeks ago
Their fixation on Obama after all those years is just embarrassing.
And why should anyone put a photo in a sandwich?
And why isn’t there one of Trump or Hitler in their own?
This just misses so much consistency, that I can’t find the actual joke in it anymore.
Butt maybe I’m just picky/pedantic… 4 weeks ago
Thus why I saved it to my shitpost folder lol 4 weeks ago
To me it’s obviously sarcastic. It this is not the case, I fear I won’t ever be able to grasp the depth of the pit in which fell the conservative mind 4 weeks ago
Yeah, maybe I’m just taking it to serious
But after all the stupid shit the right wing said, I’ve lost all trust in their ability for basic sarcasm 4 weeks ago
I just can’t engage because for some reason in righty’s mind, liberal == progressive. Like, for them also, fascism == communist. It’s just a complete failure to agree on basic, high school level definitions.