Idk. It’s still got some uses. My dad got a bunch of industrial refrigerator panels for stupid cheap off Craigslist like 6 months ago.
Comment on Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace 5 weeks ago
God… remember how fucking simple craigslist was when it hit it’s peak? The fact that Grandpa could take a shaky flip phone picture and post a thing you needed right around the corner, no fat or other frivolous horseshit…
Craigslist is still simple last I checked, but the user base left and now dominated by spam from retail and drop shippers masquerading as local people selling goods from their garage.
Nothing gold can stay 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Yeah, you can still get something from the odd crank, but used to be much more practically useful for day to day needs. 5 weeks ago
At least when I used Craigslist, there was no social network element to it, so it was difficult to determine the trustworthiness of any given poster.
For that reason, I don’t want a Fediverse clone of Craigslist – I want an existing Fediverse platform to add a marketplace. I will not use anonymous marketplaces. 5 weeks ago
If you feel any kind of meaningful trustworthiness from a Facebook profile, you’ve probably got some other things to worry about… 5 weeks ago
I don’t agree? Even in big cities, I’ve often seen marketplace posts from people with mutual friends, so I could easily verify their trustworthiness. In other scenarios I can at least check to see if their posting history and/or profile seems legit or if there are any red flags. Having more data helps people decide whether to trust someone, but Craigslist doesn’t allow for that. 4 weeks ago
But now that FB is overrun by AI bots and real users leave, there won’t be many mutual friends left very soon… 4 weeks ago
“I won’t take cash, either” vibes 4 weeks ago
What if you could log in with your Mastodon (or other) Fediverse account, and they would too, so you could see their user history and connections? (And they could see yours) 4 weeks ago
That would be cool! 4 weeks ago
You can use gpg signatures 4 weeks ago
That wouldn’t really solve it though. The problem is not a man in the middle attack. It’s someone scamming you. They can do it, then generate another signature, repeat, etc. 4 weeks ago
Web of trust - did you hear?