It’s what drives most billionaire mentalities: elite projection.
They think that what they want must be what everyone wants. They believe that what’s best for them is best for everyone as long as they believe it to be morally okay for their own interests.
For a billionaire that regularly isolates himself from not just society, but also his own company’s employees, having fake profiles where computers do the communication instead of a human, go along and agree with whatever you say, remain eternally unoffensive, and exist solely to increase engagement doesn’t seem like a bad idea, since it seems almost like what he’d want for himself. 2 months ago
He was already a weirdo before the money, well adjusted people don’t create face match or whatever he called it 2 months ago
Image 2 months ago
I can’t imagine anyone getting me to delete my Twitter account faster than Elon Musk did 2 months ago
I mean, he had a point, particularly at the time. 2 months ago
Question: SNS stands for social network services, but if this message predates Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, what it was? MySpace or msn Messenger? 2 months ago
I think he meant SSN.