Pretty mental isn’t it!
I’m in Australia. We might be a bit nuts over here but at least we have Medicare. Private health insurance is optional and becoming increasingly expensive, but the public system, although stressed, covers everyone.
Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago
Wait American health insurance costs THAT MUCH? And then you have to pay MORE to use it? I’d been imagining a few hundred dollars p.m. and still thinking “that’s too much”. How is there anyone in your country who believes that public health could cost more than that?
You guys need serious help, I’m so sorry.
I have a medical treatment coming up that I’d thought was rather expensive, but after learning that it costs the same as 2 months of terrible medical cover in the USA I feel a bit better about it…
Pretty mental isn’t it!
I’m in Australia. We might be a bit nuts over here but at least we have Medicare. Private health insurance is optional and becoming increasingly expensive, but the public system, although stressed, covers everyone.
we do pay a Medicare levy in our taxes but it’s nothing like USA costs
I was thinking about this too - the American monthly health insurance cost is significantly more than my entire monthly tax contribution, including the public healthcare contributions - and I’m not even “low income” by any definition.
Somehow people think their taxes will go up over $1000k a month if it changes to universal.
I live in Canada and I pay less taxes total than what most Americans pay for healthcare alone, yet somehow they think we pay more than them lol.
It’s not just that. They don’t want their taxes to go to paying for other people’s healthcare, even though that’s exactly how private insurance works
There are many people that pay more than US$1K a month for their insurance. If they don’t get it through their employer - it costs more.
There will be no help for at least four years.
Geographic American here.
I just left a job with a health plan for my wife and I, to continue coverage would cost me ~$1810/mo OOP. And, yes, I would then still need to pay more to hit my OOP Maximum. 2 months ago
That’s after employer contributions too. But if we had universal Healthcare we could quit our jobs when we’re abused 2 months ago
Another talking point that doesn’t get discussed enough. I didn’t realize my next job didn’t cover until the next calendar month after the start date and that three week gap was long enough that I’m out of therapy and need to try to reinitiate.