It really is, and it kills me when there are legit good games under there.
For a few months I played a cool monster catching game where it was like 5v5 style. The amount of cool combos you could do, the emergent game play with that many, each monster having own unique abilities and moves, etc. was so cool! PVP was really good because once you were proper placed, the games were close and often times came down to either a choice in game or realizing a mistake in team building “Why did I only bring one party member that can counter X?? As soon as they got focused down I got rolled by a team built around it!”
But the pve battles would get harder and harder, but the monsters you could catch weren’t getting stronger. So to continue in the main story you had to do events to get new ones, or… that lovely gacha shop. Eventually in the story the ability to catch new monsters was just removed. You could go back to the early parts to catch the old monsters, but there was maybe one in the main story that was any use once you were to where catching was disabled. Oh and evolving the monsters required you to do events which took… energy! Oh also chapter 1 of the story didn’t require energy to play, and had ability to catch monsters… but later on it did require energy.
So it opened with this really cool game where you could catch monsters, the fights were fair based on what you could catch, and overall was a fun time. Then slowly but surely every team member would need to be replaced by Gacha monsters (that could only be leveled up by gathering materials from events), and all the infinite play game modes would run out of content, leaving only the game modes that require energy.
UGH. 3 months ago
It’s not sad, there is a direct connection.
They are the top games because of the psychological manipulation being successful. 3 months ago
I mean… It’s also sad 3 months ago
Very much so :( I’ve played some genuinely really fun games in the top list, but the instant you start playing you can feel what they are about.
Like I’ve been playing Warhammer 40k Tacticus. It’s really cool!.. I’ll probably play it for another week or two at most. Every action I take brings up a suggestion for me to buy something. Everything requires energy. There are about 50 different currency types. I get alerts that I’ve completed quests… that I can’t turn in because they are quests only available if you buy the premium Battle pass. Or the ULTIMATE battle pass. Like you unlock a new character and instantly it pops up like “Congrats on your new character, would you like to spend $20 to level them up so they’re not useless?”
It’s fun because I’m still unlocking more story content at a decent clip, but as soon as it’s a day between 20 second lore drops I’ll have to uninstall. Which sucks, because the game play is fun and interesting since it’s modeled after the mechanics of 40k with the customization of a video game.
So yeah, very sad. 3 months ago
I, too, can quit anytime I want. 3 months ago
It can be both…