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- Comment on Microsoft is struggling to get Windows Recall out the door — delays releasing first public preview. 2 months ago:
It was the straw that broke the camels back to get me to switch to Linux.
- Comment on Having $270 billion dollars and spending the bulk of your time trying to make more money is like weighing 900 pounds and thinking "ooh, I bet I can get to 1000". 2 months ago:
Because one of the few things he actually understands is he is not immortal, so he’s trying to make a legacy. Hence, literally offering his sperm to anyone who wants it, and not caring about anything other than making sure his name is at the top of everything he is even mildly interested in.
- Comment on YSK about Darkpatterns.games, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 3 months ago:
It’s not sad, there is a direct connection.
They are the top games because of the psychological manipulation being successful.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 3 months ago:
Because it’s never been about anything other than control. The right to choose anything is abhorrent to them. The only rights they want you to have are the right to be dictated to and the right to be like them.