it’s a retelling of the fall of rome set in modern new york city.
it’s alright, wow platinum (plaza) was amazing.
Comment on Megaflopolis 5 months agoAny idea on what the movie is actually about? I saw an interview with Aubrey Plaza where they asked her and she gave a very vague answer.
it’s a retelling of the fall of rome set in modern new york city.
it’s alright, wow platinum (plaza) was amazing.
That sounds interesting. I feel like that tiny but of context would probably draw more people to see it. Not sure why they kept it all mysterious.
i think the trailer makes it pretty obvious. i feel like people are making more analogies to trump and musk that are kinda ridiculous. it’s like how populist characters in film used to be compared to Julius Caesar; like sure that’s apt but also stfu and listen to the story.
also plazas ass is so nice.
Keep on farming. Content has to come from somewhere!
because you don’t feed the viewer biases. like good music, it can be interpreted in many ways. let the viewer decide for themselves. if the viewer is too dimwitted to draw their own conclusion, then let them fuck off as dimwits should.
Nope 5 months ago
The professional reviews are hilariously mixed, I’m pretty sure Coppola unwittingly made a movie that also serves as a litmus test to see how pretentious and up your own ass you are.
The honest reviews are basically, this made no sense, I don’t know what he was thinking. The positive reviews can be boiled down to “if you have to ask, you’re not sophisticated enough to understand”. 5 months ago
Is this going to be like Starship Troopers, where everyone comes back a decade later and says it was good, actually? 5 months ago
I think Starship Troopers had the opposite problem where people weren’t thinking about it hard enough. 5 months ago
Is it more or less pretentious than Tennet? 5 months ago
I’d say less, because the movie makes itself completely clear that it’s a fable about power and greed. 5 months ago
Sounds good to me, thanks 5 months ago
Tenet was fucking cool as shit, call it what you want, person who probably never made a movie. 5 months ago
What movie did you make? 5 months ago
The reception of it appears to be, but prob only because Coppola is seen as more prestigious by critics because he never made a batman movie. 5 months ago
I don’t think Batman makes Nolan any less prestigious. It might even make him moreso, if only because of The Dark Knight. He was able to pour even more money into whatever he wanted to after that. 5 months ago
Apart from sound design, I had no problems with Tennet. Insomnia was more pretentious. 5 months ago
That’s definitely a new take. 5 months ago
And as is typical the truth is somewhere in the middle. 5 months ago
my kind of movie! ye of dimwit status be warned.