Traffic Cameras can and do reduce speeding if implemented properly
Comment on There you go little guy 4 months agoThe most viable alternative to traffic stops is a narrow chicane with solid bollards on either side, although oher traffic calming devices are available.
Traffic cameras exist to generate revenue, not to make the streets safer. Intersections with red light cameras almost always have shorter yellow lights, to increase revenue while making the intersection less safe. 4 months ago 4 months ago
They are less effective than traffic calming. 4 months ago
I agree, but I’m pointing out that they do indeed help if implemented correctly 4 months ago
What is “implemented properly” and how often does it happen? 4 months ago
In California the duration of yellow is determined by a formula incorporating the roads speed limit. If yellow light duration is less than the formula would set, the traffic ticket is dismissed. I’m guessing most states have a similar law. 4 months ago
Yes, and and those laws are frequently violated to farm more tickets. 4 months ago
And good luck getting a judge to hear your side of it. Not impossible, but then you’re missing a day of work for a maybe… 4 months ago
Another reason for a dash cam. 4 months ago
No. Traffic cameras in your area are there to generate revenue.
The camera being covered here is not at an intersection so your offtopic comment about revenue is irrelevant. This is a camera on a stretch of road where drivers usually speed, the cameras are painted bright yellow to make them obvious and do a far better job of getting people to slow for hazardous corners than a sign ever did.