- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
communities require people. if ur the only one posting its not a community
- Comment on House of Flesh 3 months ago:
that doesn’t look like a screaming face
- Comment on Candy 3 months ago:
pregnancy test, much scarier
- Comment on If you're not serious about cheating then you're not serious about winning 3 months ago:
why do we keep threatening to send criminals to fake bavaria?
- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 4 months ago:
if you think ground apples isn’t an apt description, you’ve never eaten potatoes raw.
- Comment on Ukraine graphics is crazy 4 months ago:
he’s a soldier who makes videos about being a soldier, and other real world military topics. for a brief period, he uploaded gaming videos.
the meme is deliberately misleading. this wasn’t a gamer who became a soldier, he is a soldier who plays games sometimes.
- Comment on There you go little guy 4 months ago:
They are less effective than traffic calming.
- Comment on There you go little guy 4 months ago:
Yes, and and those laws are frequently violated to farm more tickets.
- Comment on There you go little guy 4 months ago:
The most viable alternative to traffic stops is a narrow chicane with solid bollards on either side, although oher traffic calming devices are available.
Traffic cameras exist to generate revenue, not to make the streets safer. Intersections with red light cameras almost always have shorter yellow lights, to increase revenue while making the intersection less safe.
- Comment on Voting Third Party this year. Don't try to stop me. 5 months ago:
ur bald lmao
- Comment on Voting Third Party this year. Don't try to stop me. 5 months ago:
ur voting for alopecia, baldie
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
I wonder what Neil DEGAUSS Tyson would look like.
- Comment on Anyone else getting this message when they try to comment 5 months ago:
Lemmy is devolving to the point of occasionally making jokes, which is far more nefarious if you think about it.
- Comment on Anyone else getting this message when they try to comment 5 months ago:
The task force knows what you’re doing and has the tools to stop it.
- Comment on Boeing offers staff 25% pay hike in bid to avoid strike 5 months ago:
Yes, companies are corrupt. However, the way you described it cannot happen. Boeing is smart enough to not try to fuck over workers in a way that they are guaranteed to lose and all but ensures an immediate strike.
Even after the contract expires, they have to continue paying at the previous rate. If boeing wanted to pull something they would be smart enough to do it in a more subtle and effective way.
- Comment on Boeing offers staff 25% pay hike in bid to avoid strike 5 months ago:
You’re wasting everyone’s time by making up problems with a contract. Multi year contracts are standard. There may be a lot wrong with the contract, but the fact that its a multi year contract like every normal union contract isn’t one of them.
No one who negotiates union contracts is worried that an employer might randomly decide to revert a negotiated payscale.
- Comment on Boeing offers staff 25% pay hike in bid to avoid strike 5 months ago:
your hypothetical shows a complete lack of understanding.
if they do these things all the time as you say, you would have a real example rather than a purely hypothetical one.
your delusional fantasy is not reality
- Comment on Boeing offers staff 25% pay hike in bid to avoid strike 5 months ago:
Most of what you have said is wrong.
It is a four year contract. The parties negotiated the rates for the next four years, once the contract is ratified it is binding. Boeing will be required to pay according to the wage scale. Its not boeing’s word, its a contract and the union has remidies if boeing violates the terms if the contract. This is how most union contracts work. Wage changes are spread out over the term of the contract. This is normal.
Also the raise is not 6.25% per year. That’s not how percentages work. The average would be 5.8% as annual percentage raises are cumulative. If they negotiated a 6.25% annual raise they would have a 27% raise over the term of the contract.
It is deliberately misleading to report raises for the life of the contract. It makes the win sound better in the headline than it is.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
So… neither?
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
ur a disc
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Depends on how you store data on it. If you write with a pen its optical.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
No, that’s a tape. It has to be dis(c/k) shaped to be a disk.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Its a disk when its magnetic, disc when optical.
The way to remember it is that its disk because its magnetik.
- Comment on Deep Discounts 5 months ago:
It helps that they lie about the range.
- Comment on Starfield Update Tonight adds the REV-8 Vehicle. 6 months ago:
Is this just a reskinned skyrim horse?
- Comment on Don't joke about daddy 6 months ago:
All sides are hypocrites when it comes to political violence. “Political violence is never acceptable” isn’t the guiding principle underpinning any president or legislator’s policy devisions. They only say it after political violence targets a member of their own class.
- Comment on Parody site ClownStrike refused to bow to CrowdStrike’s bogus DMCA takedown 6 months ago:
ooooooopppppps someday I will learn to read
- Comment on Parody site ClownStrike refused to bow to CrowdStrike’s bogus DMCA takedown 6 months ago:
Senk received a DMCA notice from Cloudflare’s trust and safety team, which was then hosting the parody site.
Cloudflare sent themselves a DMCA takedown notice, instead of just taking down the content from their own web hosting for violating their policies. Weird.
- Comment on AI Music Generator Suno Admits It Was Trained on ‘Essentially All Music Files on the Internet’ 6 months ago:
Companies are run by people. The human employees create copyrighted works that become the property of their employer by the terms of their contract. That’s how work for hire contracts work…
You would know this if you have ever worked in any creative field.