And by using that internet connected feature you’re 100% handing out your driving info to your car manufacturer, who in turn will sell it to LexisNexis, who in turn will sell it to insurance companies, who in turn will jack up your insurance prices.
Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months agoThat’s a very subjective take. My friends and family that live in hot climates love the ability to remotely turn on and pre-cool their vehicles. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Sure, that sucks. But I’m specifically countering the argument that there are “no good reasons” with my personal good reasons. 5 months ago
it really depends whether that counts as a good reason. for us the downsides highly outweigh the upsides.
and yes, I know what it’s like to sit in a hot car when I just got back to it on the hot summer day. but I can really wait 2 minutes outside the car when it’s that 5 months ago
Man, I’ll never understand this “car is too hot for me to sit in” to be honest. Lmao. Sounds to me like people are too spoiled and this is something kids say. Come one, you really think of this is as an issue? I don’t even have an ac in my car. It broke over 4 years ago and I never fixed it. But for each their own I guess. 5 months ago
As I said in my comment, that can be done with the key, no Internet connection needed.
As for the lock thing, I just need to look if my mirrors are folded in or not. 5 months ago
The fob won’t work if you’re deep inside a store, will it? Same for checking the mirrors. 5 months ago
A) you can survive without precooling or set it to start before getting deep into the store.
B)if you want that feature fine, but leave it off everyone else’s car! No cell connections should be installed by default like this. It’s a walking cve list waiting to happen. 5 months ago
😭 5 months ago
Both of those functions have been available via key fob for at least a decade, no internet required. Though yes the range on that can be limited. 5 months ago
Thats precisely what I’m referring to- these things being possible when you’re inside of a store, restaurant, or an extreme case like you parked at the airport for a trip. 5 months ago
How exactly does that work with a keyfob…? 5 months ago
There are “two-way” remote start kits that have a display on the fob to report back AC state, engine remaining run time, and door lock state. 5 months ago
Some of us still remember Wise Guys and want that range! ;-)