Lolllll found it.
Comment on Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy 5 months ago
Remember that time like 10 years ago, when some local news station was doing a story about Amazon having all the best tech deals, and then the one co-host butts in and says “You know why they have a monopoly, right? RIGHT??? SHE KNOWS WHAT I’M TALKIN ABOUT!!!”
And everybody was giving blank looks, like “Uh…no? What ARE you talking about?”
And he’s like “Because they sell all the sex toys, and deliver it right to your house! Ladies? Right??? IT’S CONVIENENT!!!”
And everybody just had their mouth open in shock like “WTF ARE YOU DOING???”
and then he goes on and on about dildos, as his cohost continually tries to move on, but he keeps talking about dildos. And she’s looking like she wants to strangle him. 5 months ago 5 months ago
That look on her face is priceless. 5 months ago
Not as bad as promised. I mean he has a point. 5 months ago
Wow… a morning broadcast, apparently? Imagine seeing that with your kids before school. “Dad, what’s a ‘sex toy’?” 5 months ago
I do remember that. It’s not often you get to witness workplace sexual harassment broadcast live on air. 5 months ago
Never saw that but that is hilarious. 5 months ago
And he was right! 5 months ago
No, but I enjoyed your retelling. 5 months ago
You should watch news bloopers on youtube. There’s so many classics.
“…I so pale…” *You’re on!" Immediately goes into news reporter mode as her cohost giggles
Also, a woman talking to the weatherman: “How bout that 69, huh? I know you’re excited about the no rain, but how bout that 69???” Rest of the news crew stonewalls.
Or the woman doing an on-location report about a guy who grills hamburgers for his resteraunt.
“Now, can I try one of these?”
"Absolutely. I would LOVE to see my meat in your mouth!
There was the cohost who was in a grape smashing competition to make wine, and she yelled “WAIT!!!” and then started stomping extra fast herself. Basically cheating. And then she slipped and fell face first off an 8 foot drop right onto her face. And she starts groaning in pain.