There are definitely cheaper smartphones than that too.
Comment on Who still uses pagers? 5 months ago
So…essentially just because they’re cheap?
I can see maybe businesses that don’t want/need to buy full-blown smartphones for their employees. These things probably cost $50? vs. $700 for a smartphone. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Useful ones? 5 months ago
Of course? They have the same functionality. A cheap one can be under $100 and works just fine. 5 months ago
Cellular signals have a hard time penetrating dense concrete buildings and underground structures. That’s why doctors still use them, even in the States. 5 months ago
Doctors that work on hospital bunkers? Do pagers not use cellular signals? 5 months ago
Hospitals are practically faraday cages, it can be hard to get a signal in large hospitals.
But a text message that amounts to just a few bits can usually sneak through without much delay. 5 months ago
I was thinking it had more to do with the use of the 900MHz band which has advantages in the penetration of certain materials compared to higher frequencies but I’m not an expert.