- Comment on GO FORTH AND SEIZE YOUR DESTINY 4 days ago:
@SirSamuel@lemmy.world scone of stone inspiration?
- Comment on NZ Birbs 6 days ago:
- Actually a genius
- Will fuck with your shit
- Will watch from a distance as you discover your broken shit, will enjoy watching you #WinningAtLife
- Big, bold and loud
- If I don’t like you, I will shit on you, head to toe coverage
- Why is this branch touching the ground
- Comment on Russia-aligned hackers are targeting Signal users with device-linking QR codes 1 week ago:
With 1.5TB capacity micro sd cards available, a pigeon could probably deliver 12-18TB.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
I’m not sure.
They don’t seem much more dangerous than the new breed of massive flat nosed ute’s that I see around.
If a pedestrian gets hit at any kind of speed by an ute, they are fucked.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 3 weeks ago:
Add new receptors to be able to feel wetness.
This is it cold or wet thing we have going on is just crappy design. - Comment on Patch this Bish! 3 weeks ago:
Cows farm out their photosynthesis to things that have far more surface area than they do.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
I can’t buy one, they are not available in NZ yet. Despite what anyone else says, I like the look, it looks like the bastard child of a delorian and a countach, but in a good way.
I wouldn’t buy one despite the fact that I like it. It is far too big for NZ roads, I may have overlooked that. But I can’t overlook the fact that Elon has, for me at least, destroyed any good will that was built up. Tesla and all the people who work there have been tarred with the Nazi brush that Elon is wielding.
The only way that Tesla could claw back any respect from me (and hopefully the rest of the world) would be to oust Elon, and all his family from any decision making in the company. It will not happen so my respect for them is gone!
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 3 weeks ago:
In NZ we get them in 6’s, 8’s, 10’s, the classic 12, a 15 box and a 30 crate.
- Comment on Athletics Australia becomes Australian Athletics in 'bold new' rebrand 4 weeks ago:
In ten years there will be a bold imitative to embrace history, return to the roots and past culture of excellence. It will be re-branded to Athletics Australia.
- Comment on EU grocery shoppers 'fooled' by 'maze' of food labels: audit 2 months ago:
It seems very similar to the “health star” system we have here…it is next to useless.
Say I want to pick up a snack, do I go for a small bag of potato chips or a yogurt? Which is healthier?
Who the fuck knows, you can’t compare two snack foods, that is a logical and reasonable idea, and we can’t have that.But it can also be deceptive, because the yogurt may have 2 stars and the chips have 4 stars, because they are only rated against their own categories.
There should be a simple system. Where everything is compared to a “standard”; like steamed broccoli, with no sauce.
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 2 months ago:
All I read was “natural hangi pit”
We have those all around where I live.
- Comment on It's pretty cruel, particularly for non-native English speakers, that 'lose' and 'loose' seemingly switched spellings, meanings and pronunciations with each other when no one was looking 3 months ago:
Agreed, I am teaching my second son to read.
I am having the same conversations as when I taught my first to read.
“ok, this word is a ‘sight word’ because it doesn’t make the sounds you expect. It says won, but it looks like it says on-e”
- Comment on Examination you say? What kind? 3 months ago:
Well it is nice to have a sign to tell me where to go. Weird that it is in the OB ward though.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
Drag has a point, I bet gun control laws would follow quickly.
(said from the safety of New Zealand)
- Comment on It was rigged? 3 months ago:
It can happen, but statistically adult man vs adult woman is not a fair fight.
I knew a guy at university; started going out with this smoking hot girl. She was a regional champ in jujitsu; it didn’t last long, turns out she was a violent piece of shit. Beat him up twice, he left after the second one. She had major anger management issues.
But you turn that story around a little, similar situation, girl has same anger management issues, but without the training etc, she is unlikely to be a threat to any adult guy.
- Comment on fuckery 3 months ago:
Just because you are all out of fucks, doesn’t really have anything to do with the finite/infinite nature of all fucks.
- Comment on fuckery 3 months ago:
(thank|fuck)you, this is going to waste my whole weekend. A visual representation of etymology, that is awesome, I guess I am one of the 10,000 today
- Comment on Me_irl 3 months ago:
I am quite specific about who I share this kind of stuff!!!
- Comment on Fungi using gamma radiation for energy in Chernobyl 3 months ago:
That is really interesting.
So we have fungi growing on the outside of the ISS, and we have fungi growing were there is very little available moisture.
So hard vacuum and almost no moisture doesn’t kill off fungi. It can evolve to take advantage of extremely high energy radiation.
I wonder if fungi could grow on asteroids?
- Comment on Look at this Kinder toy I got. What? How? Who?! 4 months ago:
I read that as scro-TU-mass, took me a second to figure out what you were saying
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
I was reminded of the same thing.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
This is one of the many things I use Syncthing for.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
The problem is not “Syncthing users” it is the others that we bring along with us.
I already have F-Droid on my phone, but the dozen others that I have promoted Syncthing to over the years do not. This is going to cause a bunch of problems.
This is much more important than what you portray here.
- Comment on GOTY 4 months ago:
I think you miss the opportunity to use “correspond-ass chess”
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
Agreed thieves are terrible.
Not many better options if you are getting robbed though.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
Pretty much; then get the police to deal with it.
- Comment on Wildlife Photography 5 months ago:
Maybe, but he can also rip your arm off and beat you to death with it…
When wrestling with a toddler, your stance doesn’t really matter.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
And the causes are probably broadly similar; lack of education about how to cook, lack of time to cook, lack of education on healthy food, too much food advertising, ultra-processed foods are too common, healthy foods are expensive…
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
No, but your weird obsession with ridiculously unhealthy food is somewhat interesting.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
So the answer is to not visit the US then.