- Comment on Hi so i am trying some shit for fun like summoning any kind of entities. 1 year ago:
Look Cthulhu demands sacrifice, but if you can't swing pasta maybe try pipe cleaners? You might end up with crafthulhu tho.
- Comment on Hi so i am trying some shit for fun like summoning any kind of entities. 1 year ago:
Just say a regular prayer to the christian god but call him a shithead and see if he smites ya.
- Comment on Hi so i am trying some shit for fun like summoning any kind of entities. 1 year ago:
Any procedure to summon cthulhu is made up, so make one up. Or if it makes you feel better I'll make one up:
Cook long pasta to aldente, then spread it all over the floor, then roll around it in while praising the noodly limbs of cthon, and asking the eldritch god to wrap you up and take you to the realm between dimensions. And I dunno, pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time to confuse yourself. Confusion and the unknown are the key when it comes to eldritch beings. Add spooky LED lights that shift from green to purple.
- Comment on Another Patient Recommendation: Saints Row IV 1 year ago:
I believe the new edition has all the dlc included though I dont know for sure if they'll work in the old edition, I had already owned the old dlc when the epic update happened. I assume so but I can't guarantee it. As for content the re elected version is basically just the base game with all the dlc included, so there wasn't anything new besides jamming epic integration and crossplay into the game.
- Comment on Another Patient Recommendation: Saints Row IV 1 year ago:
If you are getting the game on steam keep in mind the last update broke basically all the old mods, and it was late enough after development that they didn't really get updates. If you want to mod the game or avoid it pestering you about logging into epic use the older version you can apply in the properties of the game in steam.
Also know that if you want to play coop ymmv, its a fun game but crashes and disconnects are common, and your progress with your friend might desync if you disconnect, so you may need to juggle who is hosting.
TLDR: good game, buggy coop, mod scene is sort of complicated due to late stage patches to implement EGS stuff.
- Comment on Would magically turning all trans people into the gender they want to be be unethical? 1 year ago:
The difference would be the phrasing and specifics. "Magically switch trans people to the assigned sex at birth that they desire to be?" Works for some. "Magically make trans people's bodies align with their specific and nuanced gender identity" is less of an issue. The problem you run into with the first is some are not interested in surgeries or are non binary so a full surprise sex swap would not be what some trans people want.
I still think consent is important though, even if the way the magic works is basically "they get what they want". As much as it is hard to imagine, there are also trans people who do not want to transition at all due to having family or friends who would cut them off (I think that's a pretty awful and tragic situation to be in, but imagine the trans woman who magically changes to the shock and anger of her deeply religious family or SO, who then ostracize or reject her, or even react violently). You aren't likely to be murdered for recovering from cancer, but in some places magically shifting assigned sex might come with some pretty awful, bigoted strings attached
- Comment on Remember it could always be your filament. 1 year ago:
I think that depends on how it was stored and if you have a way to dry it. I know some people will heat filament or use dessicant packs in an airtight container to restore old filament, but I'm not sure how effective those are since I haven't tried any of them before.
Definitely would suggest getting new sealed filament for anything that requires tighter tolerances or parts that need to fit together though. The filament I had wasn't breaking or making things look terrible, but it made the filament expand as the moisture boiled off in it, so the parts were all a tiny bit too big so no parts would fit together properly.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on When someone says landlords are asking for tips 1 year ago:
No tips, but our complex likes to offer like $100 off rent if you refer a friend to live there. Its kinda annoying when you get a pretty red and green christmasy flyer with "a gift for you!" On the top, then goes on to explain "we'll give you a pittance if you do our advertising for us"
Maybe just fix our dryer instead you fuckin dumbshits. I'd not recommend this complex to my worst enemy at this point.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Been playing age of wonder 4 with a friend, I really like that you can build your own factions and faction leaders, though I'd def install the fair play ai mod, since the ai is a lot less annoying with it.
Also void crew, its sort of like sea of thieves in space, but very much still in early access and has some obvious issues(AA seems to not work at all for me lol). Its fun so far tho.
- Comment on PSA for the Fellas: Date her, lose your head. 1 year ago:
1/6... There are 5 more of these out there. Somewhere...
- Comment on Birding is Voyeurism. 1 year ago:
Its just catfishing horny birds
- Comment on What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack? 1 year ago:
My favorites are ffxiv, because the music is very closely woven into the story with motifs and stuff, so it brings me back to it. Its also just pretty as fuck, they do a lot of weaving other songs and musical themes into other songs, so a lot of the time you'll be in a boss fight and recognize a theme from earlier, mixed in with the boss music. Some context is spoilers, so I won't go into it, but the Endwalker final boss has the music shifting from each previous expansions themes, morphing and shifting to fit the overarching boss theme, and its fucking glorious.
Ffxiv examples:, the ace combat games have the most insane music, its basically a meme that "everyone's a badass until the sky starts singing latin at you" Its this really cool mix of operatic vocals and rock/synth music and its so fucking good.
Ace combat Examples: - Comment on Wholesome shitpost 1 year ago:
Ah thx i figured it out, its link text for kbin at least :)
- Comment on Wholesome shitpost 1 year ago:
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase. 1 year ago:
I don't even have to torrent, I have like 3 sites I can just go to, search for content on, and stream video from like a shittier netflix. Adblock keeps them relatively sane, and I sometimes have to try different server sources, but otherwise it works fine.