- Comment on a 320 year old elf marries an 80 year old human: Is the elf robbing the cradle, or the grave? 9 months ago:
- Comment on What should I know about buying / replacing a garage door opener? 9 months ago:
It might not be the door opener. The door/springs/track may just need adjustment.
I would call your local hardware store and ask for a recommendation for a "garage door guy". Then follow his advice.
Be VERY careful with garage door springs! They can kill you. Torsion springs especially.
- Comment on OG pointy boots 9 months ago:
Apparently knee chains were a thing.
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
- Comment on Archie, the Internet’s first search engine, is rescued and running 9 months ago:
I was not just making a joke, amigo. I am old enough that I used this stuff back in the day. I graduated from dialing into BBSes on my Commode 64 to this stuff. And I am amazed and happy that it is still around.
- Comment on Archie, the Internet’s first search engine, is rescued and running 9 months ago:
Amazing! Thanks!
- Comment on Archie, the Internet’s first search engine, is rescued and running 9 months ago:
But what about Veronica?
- Comment on Satisfying Game Boy Restoration 9 months ago:
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Consumers are getting fucked. Media companies will continue to make it worse while trying to improve their bottom line. How long until it is all pay per view at sky high prices that only keep going up?
I try to own my media in physical form as much as possible. But I don't think it will be long until physical is not an available format. Or unaffordable, like vinyl is now.
We should have resisted and stopped the DMCA. We should stop all media being rental only. But we do not resist, we comply. We bend over and get fucked like the sheeple we are.
Until consumers take control of their government they will continue to take it up the ass from corporations. They count on you to comply.
- Comment on As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music? 9 months ago:
I would start reading Rolling Stone and similar stuff. The radio should also help.
Or are you looking specifically for only hip-hop?
- Comment on To what do blind people jerk off? 9 months ago:
I imagine the answer to this depends greatly on when a person became blind. I assume you're asking about people blind since birth, but that's not all blind people.
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
- Comment on Is cave exploration an indoor or an outdoor activity? 9 months ago:
- Comment on How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food? 9 months ago:
Here is a free book about it:
Many excellent tips and tricks.
- Comment on Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study 9 months ago:
Both Costco and Sam's have online.
- Comment on Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study 9 months ago:
Getting the wiring for my stove cost more than the stove. Electricians are expensive!
- Comment on Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study 9 months ago:
I bought mine at a discount from Craigslist. Costco has them and so does Best Buy. Probably also Sam's club. I hope you can find more than 2 options.
- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
I was thinking along the lines of eharmony where (I think?) everyone pays to play. I understand the ploy you describe exists and I do want to avoid that shit.
- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
Probably. Valid point.
- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
Thanks. I've done it before and you are correct, there are some real assholes out there. I might get better results if I pony up some cash for a site or service.
- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
I have been thinking about trying online dating again. Not really looking forward to it because I expect it to be a mess.
I think I'll try a very minimalist approach on my profile because most people read profiles looking for reasons to reject. If I don't give many possible reasons to reject then I should increase the pool of people to date. In theory, anyway.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I am curious his much it would be if you got top tier of ALL the streaming services. Probably more than most would guess.
- Comment on Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study 9 months ago:
Only 2! What country are you in (if you don't mind saying).
- Comment on Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change 9 months ago:
But google is NOT a monopoly. Right?
- Comment on Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study 9 months ago:
Before this info about how unhealthy gas stoves are came out, I switched to an induction range. I really liked it then and still do now. Highly recommended.
- Comment on Because of smartphones, pocket TVs were never a thing. 9 months ago:
Sweet summer child. It was a thing.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
The shitshow will only get worse. Own your music instead!
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 9 months ago:
I think a primary use for windoze machines is gaming. I hear that the steam deck has pushed a lot of games into playable states on Linux.
So I hope this makes it much easier to switch from windoze to Linux.
- Comment on Is it greener to just burn plastic? 10 months ago:
There is a lot of interesting info here:
Also, I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia article on microplastics.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi storybook uses AI to create stories with pictures on its eInk display 10 months ago:
Or tragically wrong.
I would not want a machine with no moral compass whatsoever telling "stories" to a toddler.
Hi, Susie. Have you ever heard of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Columbine? BTK?