- Comment on CrowdStrike to vendors: Sorry for the global tech outage. Here’s a $10 Uber Eats voucher 7 months ago:
God bless CrowdStrike for their thoughtfulness!
- Comment on What do you prefer to selfhost? 7 months ago:
I can once again refer to Jim’s Garages video about setting up wireguard on Docker. Very easy.
- Comment on What do you prefer to selfhost? 7 months ago:
I use nginx proxy manager for a reverse proxy and SSL cert automation. Works great for me but I would like to get into traefik sometime.
I got tired of the NPM and went to traefik for 2 reasons.
NPM kept locking me out of my account (admin), like 4 times during the time I was using it. That meant that it was not reliable enough for daily use.
From what I heard is that the NPM project only has 1 developer and so they can’t really respond and fix security flaws in a proper timeframe.
I’m using traefik now for internal traffic while VPN in if I need internal services while out and about.
Jim’s Garage has a great YouTube video on setting it up.
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
Yeah I think the masses are going to be a tough sell on Linux until computer manufacturers start offering Linux builds with a pre-installed instance.
Everyone’s family needs a tech geek to install Linux on a brand new computer.
- Comment on Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked? 8 months ago:
The web browser doesn’t care if the application is behind one, two or three rproxies. If I can still get to your application and guess your password or exploit a known vulnerability in your application then it’s game over.
Your castle can have many walls of protection but if you leave the doors/ports open, people/traffic just passes through.
- Comment on Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission 8 months ago:
Sorry to break the spell but Windows 12 will be worse. Might even be subscription based.
- Comment on Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission 8 months ago:
Good thing I use to debloat windows 10 on a local account and got rid of onedrive before it could wreck havok so.
But got to be honest, Far as long as I can remember, I always had backup of important data. Encryption - client side if off to the cloud.
Shit I’m so old that I prefer my music on HDD instead of using streaming services.
Using Linux nowadays too BTW.
- Comment on Systemd 256.1 Addresses Complaint That 'systemd-tmpfiles' Could Unexpectedly Delete Your /home Directory 8 months ago:
What distros are those?
- Comment on Ex-OpenAI star Sutskever shoots for superintelligent AI with new company 8 months ago:
Call me skeptical, but haven’t you guys watched Terminator 2?
These guy will end up exploding their own facility with a hand detonator, when skynet becomes our overlords.
I’m always going to Selfhosted my shit. Tell you that right now.
- Comment on How do I change Traefik (v2.11) password to the dashboard. 9 months ago:
Yeah they are all double $$ and I recreated the container several times. The only thing that was changed in the compose file was the hash string - user:password.
I read from another older post that sometimes you need to clear all cookies in the browser. Did that also. Didn’t work.
I did however do the DNS challange again as I fucked up the older working config. The cert is different now but points to the same domain and subdomain. Can it be that the browser or traefik are still “remembering” the old cert, with other credentials?
Just grasping at straws here. I’m at a loss.
- Submitted 9 months ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 2 comments
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 9 months ago:
Not switchin’ from Aegis. No sir’ee.
- Comment on Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL? 10 months ago:
I run windows 10 in a docker container on Linux. More lightweight than a full fledge VM. It comes with file system passthrough as a network folder.
I just stop the container when I’m done and return the my Linux desktop session.
- Comment on Help with music library setup 10 months ago:
It’s all or nothing bro! ;)
- Comment on Help with music library setup 10 months ago:
Ultrasonic works in the same way as DSub.
- Comment on Help with music library setup 10 months ago:
Ah come on - they haven’t released a phone with 2TB of space yet. /s
- Comment on An Opensubsonic server in Rust 10 months ago:
Hahaha WTF.
- Comment on Sweden's public sector says goodbye to Big Tech 10 months ago:
Opensource Sweden!
- Comment on My Overconfidence Killed Me and My Immich Installation 10 months ago:
Best practice is to keep each project in its own folders with their respective docker compose file in there.
Later, on your journey you will want more granular control especially with networks and reverse proxy setups.
- Comment on Microsoft advertising Copilot on lock screens 11 months ago:
The Heliboard (opensource) keyboard is pretty damn good on at least 3 languages with a seamless typing experience with predictions.
The trick config is to use one language (english) then use “sub languages” that you need. Don’t just tick the 3 languages on the list or you need to switch between them manually when typing.
No spying going on here.
- Comment on LocalSend - Share files to nearby devices 1 year ago:
When we are talking terabytes of data there are faster ways for the initial sync job.
I would just use rsync/sftp/robocopy or similar for that first copy for faster transfers, then setup Syncthing on those shares for delta syncs.
- Comment on LocalSend - Share files to nearby devices 1 year ago:
Or Syncthing if they want to sync gb’s of files between computers.
- Comment on Denmark orders schools to stop sending student data to Google 1 year ago:
Google! - the best spying engine the world has ever seen - collaborating with the 3 letter agencies.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Google Maps as well. Very inaccurate at times.
- Comment on It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. 1 year ago:
Well of course. Now all your traffic goes through proxies to Google’s servers for analytics.
100℅ data harvesting.
Genius move by Google. Even calls it a security/privacy measure!
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Yes! Sign me up!!!
Pick me! I’ll be the first in line!
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
Hehehe. Good one.
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
Oh no! That will fuck up my muscle memory!
Oh wait!
I don’t use Winblows! Ufa!
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
Hahaha yeah that’s right! Jump master.
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
Does anyone remember K.I.T.T from Knight Rider in the 80’s?
Same steering wheel! Haha