- Comment on Nokia to deploy the first cellular network on the Moon 1 day ago:
I dunno. What kind of service can you get with LowG™?
- Comment on Where did Captain Planet go when he flew away? 1 week ago:
“With your powers dispersed, I can go back to playing games on my NES!”
- Comment on What's wrong with this picture? 1 week ago:
It’s from the alpha
- Comment on I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons • Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi - Episode 7 discussion 2 weeks ago:
This anime looks so lame… But you can’t judge a book by it’s cover and even the description of many animes can be deceiving.
Is it actually any good? Or is it the trash anime it appears to be?
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 2 weeks ago:
Any place with screws loose or loose nuts.
- Comment on After completing my first job I'm thinking of quitting my regular job and doing plumbing full time 3 weeks ago:
It’s a skill that opens doors… Or maybe not 🤷
- Comment on Anyone knows what's this on the 5.25" bay? 4 weeks ago:
It’s a 5.25" slot cover, duh! You’ve got three of them.
(Plus a hard drive with a vent, a 3.5-to-5.25" floppy adapter, and a CD ROM drive)
- Comment on How do you organize your 3d printing/modeling project folder(s)? 4 weeks ago:
I have a “My Creations” directory for things I make. Then there’s a “Toys and Games” directory and a “Household Stuff” directory.
Then there’s the giant fucking mess for everything else 🤣
- Comment on Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked 4 weeks ago:
Know Linux? Kindly filter out all job postings from Meta. You know, for failing to meet the Linux community guidelines.
Actually, you should do that anyway but now you have a more practical reason.
- Comment on PVC stand to hang my bow and arrows while practicing. 1 month ago:
Bow before the might of the arch stand!
- Comment on Rudeus Greyrat [Mushoku Tensei] 1 month ago:
Kinda‽ It would dramatically change everything about the show. Rudeus would spend the first ten years playing with herself instead of trying to learn magic 🤣
- Comment on Rudeus Greyrat [Mushoku Tensei] 1 month ago:
…if Rudeus was born female.
- Comment on Move over Mercedes: Chinese cars grab Mexican market share 2 months ago:
How’s the software in these “luxury” vehicles? I mean, every Chinese-branded device I’ve ever owned has had either the most minimal interface (which can be good or great depending on the use case) or absolute garbage.
Some can be buggy AF but that’s not what I mean when I say, “absolute garbage”. I mean, they can be:
- Stupidity slow due to underpowered processors (whole automotive industry seems to suffer from this).
- Very poorly designed from a UX perspective. Example: You’ll have seven extremely similar icons for completely different things or having to click/swipe way too many times to reach the most often-used features.
- Very strange color choices (not a big deal but more of a, “LOL WTF‽” situation).
- Piss poor integration with anything and everything (e.g. Bluetooth barely works, clock doesn’t sync the time, only half your contacts sync, names for people/things appear with mixed-up first name/last name, left/right audio is swapped, and similar, “they didn’t actually test the thing” problems).
- Nothing customizable. Whatever the stock theme is, that’s what you’re stuck with forever. You’ll have six sounds to choose from for everything with no way to add new ones. This is typical for the automotive industry as a whole though.
- Everything looks like the developer used a placeholder/minimum viable interface and just left it like that forever. Example: Even though it’s a bad idea to use fonts with varying-width numbers for a digital clock or timer that’s what they’ll use because it was the default and they couldn’t be bothered.
- Comment on Reminder: Three Days Left to Vote for the 2024 Lemmy Anime Awards 2 months ago:
Disappointed that the end sequence of Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Season 3 wasn’t one of the options 🤣
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 2 months ago:
Just 1k/month? Some of us have to pay more than that 😞
More like $1.5k/month.
- Comment on Brits are scrolling away from X and aren't interested in AI 2 months ago:
The way this article reports about these things makes it seem like we should all be disappointed in the British. I mean, we should definitely all be disappointed in the British for sure but not because of their lack of adoption of X and AI! 🤣
- Comment on Mass arrests at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as anti-Israel protesters block path 2 months ago:
I appreciate that they called them anti-Israel protesters and not antisemites (or similar).
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
The largest contributors to Open Source make their money from patents and other IP.
The data in that video is (probably) accurate but your statement is completely wrong: In that list only Intel makes anything but trivial amounts of money from patents. In fact, Microsoft, Google, and Docker have famously lost shittons of money thanks to patents. They basically siphoned money out of those companies into the pockets of lawyers and provided absolutely no benefit to society.
For fuck’s sake: Features were removed from Android because of software patents!
Not only that but Google makes almost all of its money from advertising, not “IP”. Same for Meta which is oddly missing from the graph (even though they contribute to and maintain a ton of FOSS stuff).
Then let’s talk about #1: Redhat. They absolutely would be 1000% behind banning software patents. It’s nothing but trouble for them.
I’d also like to note that Microsoft has been very much in favor of software patents since they were invented by the courts (remember: no legislation added software as a category of patentable subject matter: They exist as a result of court rulings!) because they thought they would put an end to open source software (see: Halloween documents). However, software patents have actually cost Microsoft more than they ever helped the company! In short: They’re idiots. They opened a can of worms that’s kept them constantly under attack but because those worms also hurt their perceived enemies they’ve doubled down on their decision.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
Software existed for decades without (software) patents and has innovated and evolved vastly more quickly than any other science. Then we created software patents and things actually started to slow down (because lawsuits take time and threaten to end great software before it even exists).
Software is already covered by copyright which is all that was necessary for some of the richest companies in the world to come into existence (e.g. Microsoft, Oracle). Software patents shouldn’t exist!
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
Imagine if any company could just copy an indie game and scale it up/polish a bit and get all the sales.
You’re describing the entire mobile games industry. You think all those top apps in the app stores are 100% original? No. They copied other games.
Also, patents have nothing to do with that. Software is covered by copyright.
Furthermore, “back in the day” manufacturing was expensive and required huge factories to build stuff (in quantity). The barrier to entry was enormous! People were mostly uneducated and there was not much in the way of “shared engineering knowledge”. Ten thousand people could look at a car engine and have no friggin clue how it worked. That’s why patents were necessary: Disclosure
These days disclosure has become irrelevant. Any engineer can look at an invention or product and figure out both how it works and how it was made. At the very least, they can figure out a way to make it. Just look at all the Youtube channels where every day people are making complicated machines, parts, and electronics! The mysteries are gone. Disclosure is unnecessary.
Since the entire point of patents was disclosure why do we still need them?
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
Software patents shouldn’t exist!
- Comment on America's fractured trust in science, explained in 3 charts 3 months ago:
It’s because right wingers are authoritarian and their authority told them science is bad.
- Comment on AI tool that sounds like elderly grandmother created to waste scammers' time 3 months ago:
After replacing writers and artists it is now replacing the entire category of, “old people”. AI has reached the, “final solution” faster than I thought possible!
- Comment on One Piece Girls (by Oekakiboya) 3 months ago:
Bah! No Rebecca? No Camie?
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 3 months ago:
It takes effort but you have to milk it for all its worth!
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 3 months ago:
Not true! The female nipple is actually useful.
- Comment on Russian court fines Google $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 3 months ago:
Meh. This is but a fraction of what the big media companies think the world owes them for piracy.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
As another (local) AI enthusiast I think the point where AI goes from “great” to “just hype” is when it’s expected to generate the correct response, image, etc on the first try.
For example, telling an AI to generate a dozen images from a prompt then picking a good one or re-working the prompt a few times to get what you want. That works fantastically well 90% of the time (assuming you’re generating something it has been trained on).
Expecting AI to respond with the correct answer when given a query > 50% of the time or expecting it not to get it dangerously wing? Hype. 100% hype.
It’ll be a number of years before AI is trustworthy enough not to hallucinate bullshit or generate the exact image you want on the first try.
- Comment on Diego Garcia: What is on the secretive UK-US island in the Indian Ocean? 4 months ago:
Anyone care to guess how long before that island is completely submerged due to rising seas?
Doesn’t exactly seem like a long-term base.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Building your own keyboard is supposed to be fun. You do some research to figure out what you want. Maybe order some sample switches to try out, pick out a keycap set you like, and eventually settle on a kit.
When you order your kit it’ll include a case, a top plate, and a circuit board. If you get one with hot swap sockets you will not have to solder anything. You can literally just press the switches in.
Then when you’re done you screw everything together, put your keycaps on, and you have a working keyboard. Sometimes you have to flash the firmware as a final step but that’s not rocket science. You do not have to know how to program.