- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
You guys have clearly never had kids. It almost never goes like in the movies, you rush into hospital, and then you wait. Especially if the water broke, then you wait few days. There is absolutely nothing to do in the hospital.
- Comment on Norway on track to be first to go all-electric 1 month ago:
Trains in Nordic have been electric for a generation, starting from 60’s.
Busses have been electric in my knowledge about 10 years, I think most of them are ran by electric motor, which is charged with diesel if batteries run out.
Trams have been electric for last 100 years.
- Comment on xkcd #2990: Late Cenozoic 5 months ago:
He is talking about fossils, they are not bones, just imprint of them.
- Comment on China connects its first large-scale flywheel storage project to grid - Energy Storage 5 months ago:
There is no energy amount mentioned, only power. This indicates that it is really low, like able to provide the 30MW output only some minutes.
For frequency correction this can work, because you can quickly change direction, but is it too complex just for that.
- Comment on How can I keep my forwarded port secure? 5 months ago:
You can add IPS to port to add some security checking, but yes, in general port is never secure or unsecure.
- Comment on After seeing Wi-Fi network named “STINKY,” Navy found hidden Starlink dish on US warship 5 months ago:
Everybody knew were the ship was, because at that time star link usage by area was shown publicly. There was map online that showed all clients online.
- Comment on Full open source and private camera monitoring system 6 months ago:
Coral Acceletor is only needed if you run setup that does not have GPU or enough CPU. Spare laptop usually has enough power to handle AI detection, but RasPi doesn’t. I run mine in CPU at rack server.
Cameras own detections are limited in my experience, and it is much harder to integrate to anything else, like HomeAssistant for notification & automation
- Comment on Full open source and private camera monitoring system 6 months ago:
HomeAssistant + Frigate combo is just plain awesome. You can leverage the automations of HA through Frigate’s AI detection, so you get things like notifications.
- Comment on New Samsung phones block sideloading by default 7 months ago:
I really don’t mind that they hide the button to enable installs from .APK when they are being directly downloaded. It has been in my opinion very bad idea from the beginning that it shows that, it has enabled multiple malwares in android. Non-technical people should not have easy way to install things, even with big warnings, because people ignore warnings.
If google removes the ability to install non-store apps all together, then that day I will stop using Android.
- Comment on Ireland’s datacentres overtake electricity use of all urban homes combined | The Guardian 7 months ago:
Business & Industry uses over 75% of electricity in Ireland. Residential energy usage really is not that much, in any country in the world.
Same with CO2, almost all of it is created by industries.
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
Issue is not just on servers, but endpoints also. Servers are something that you can relatively easily fix, because they are either virtualized or physically in same location.
But endpoints you might have thousand physical locations, and IT need to visit all of them (POS, info/commercial displays, IoT sensors etc.).
- Comment on Gemini AI platform caught scanning Google Drive files without user permission 7 months ago:
There are two different ways how this can be implemented. Either data in Google Drive is being used as training material or Gemini is reading the drive data on users request as part of the prompt and not being used as training data.
Second one is way different, because it does not expose the data to third party. Copilot has been doing this for a year now.
I assume that is the second way
- Comment on Mind blown! 7 months ago:
No no, you are wrong, people born in 2000’s are not yet adults, they are just teenagers. Lalalala … I can’t hear you … lalalala
- Comment on Linus Torvalds says RISC-V will make the same mistakes as Arm and x86 7 months ago:
No, it was about the prediction engines that contain security vulnerabilities. Problem is that software has no control over that, because hardware does future predictions for performance optimization.
- Comment on Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag 8 months ago:
Yeah, $57 sounds still quite a lot, the material probaly costs like $2 and the cheap exploited labour cost is also like $2, and shipping some dollars per bag.
- Comment on 0Patch promises Windows 10 support until 2030 8 months ago:
This is just a scam, right? They are reselling Microsoft’s patches, and just assuming that MS is going to 0-day patch win10 to all customers even if they haven’t paid for the extended support.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
Nokia was lead by engineers, which was it’s strength, but eventually also caused it’s downfall. This is why these things were so good.
Engineers told that the fullscreen displays without keyboard is never as good as physical keyboard.
Engineers told that 1 day battery life is not enough, the system need to be designed so that it can last a week.
They were right, but apple’s marketing and slick design convinced the American market that you can give up on those features. Nokia could easily made the same design, but didn’t because engineers thought that users need those features. When they turned ship and accepted it, apple had its foot between the door already.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
Yeah, I was working on it, and it was awesome.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
Nokia should have continued developing the Unix Qt system maemo/meego. I was working with it as subcontractor in Nokia, and it was awesome. The Qt/C++ was really fast to code, and you could basically port KDE apps into it with small effort.
If they would have continued with it, we could have had three major OS in phones.
I was leading architect in internal UI design tools, and the tools had features that android/apple toolsets not even now have. Mainly because you could run the Qt app with PC hardware without any emulation.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
Firefox probably exist for iOS but I assume plugin support to be poor, because of apple.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
Firefox for Android, AdBlock, Firefox -> Chrome user agent fake plugin.
This supports PiP which is YouTube premium feature.
I would jump ship instantly to something better if the content would be there.
- Comment on hawt 10 months ago:
What are you doing step-prime
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Web today is three companies in a trenchcoat. It is bit sad that the innovation of late 90’s has almost disappeared. I do hope Fediverse/ActivityPub would create this next version of free web, which is impossible for companies to control.
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 10 months ago:
I have lived the time when unpatched windows was the norm. Oh the network worms which roamed freely and created huge bot nets. Sad that Microsoft has forgotten that.
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 10 months ago:
One very important detail missing here is that Windows 10 is going to be end-of-support in 2025. You won’t get security updates.
It is going to be shitshow.
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 10 months ago:
Well, win10 is goin End-of-life next year.
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
In my opinion you are giving way too much credit to human beings. We are mainly just machines that spit out sentences.
- Comment on Microsoft open sources MS-DOS 4.0 10 months ago:
If 6.22 is used in military/banking/insurance/emergy systems deep in the critical infrastructure, you don’t want attackers finding weakness in OS that is not patchable.
- Comment on Microsoft open sources MS-DOS 4.0 10 months ago:
I assume 6.22 is still in production, and might be that even someone is paying Microsoft for support.
- Comment on Rooftop solar panels are flooding California’s grid. That’s a problem. As electricity prices go negative, the Golden State is struggling to offload a glut of solar power 10 months ago:
Relatively easy tech is temporary hydrogen storage. Of course hydrogen has poorer efficiency than batteries, but if all batteries are full, excess energy could be converted to hydrogen, stored, and converted back to electricity when no solar is available, and batteries are empty. Efficiency roundtrip with current tech is roughly 70%.