- Comment on Free Software Foundation rides to defense of AGPLv3 2 days ago:
Clause 7 of the AGPLv3
"All other non-permissive additional terms are considered “further restrictions” within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term.”
This exact situation occurred - the program was licenced under the AGPL plus further retrictions, which the receiver was free to remove and redistribute
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 1 month ago:
This is standard motoring journo clickbait.
There is not a hope in hell that speed limits will be increased and the entire premise that ‘speed doesn’t kill’ is not supported by the science.
The claim that vehicles are newer and safer because they have new technologies is also pretty shaky:
- Blind spot warning became mandatory in 2023
- Lane assist became mandatory in 2024
- Adaptive cruise control is not mandatory
41% of vehicles registered in NSW are more than 11 years old
Year Number To 2005 1,242,766 2006 - 2010 1,208,845 2011 - 2015 1,628,588 2016 - 2021 1,812,007 Total 5,892,206 Source: Table 9 of the 2021 Motor Vehicle Census which is the most recent release
- Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here 1 month ago:
I always wondered whether it was worth catching them for meat, but apparently they just get trapped and shot
- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 3 months ago:
Needs an extra panel for LMFAO where the last panel shows a slight exhalation through the nose
- Comment on Australia took its interest rate medicine – and it has poisoned our living standards | Greg Jericho 3 months ago:
Inflation hits the most vulnerable the hardest. Their incomes and savings are eroded directly by inflation
Those who already own houses or are mainly invested in stocks are able to weather inflation long term (while being affected short term by higher interest interest rates on debt)
If inflation is still high, and unemployment not rising, in who’s interest would we lower rates?
Is it such a bad thing for home borrowers (which is who we’re really talking about) to have less disposable income while preserving the purchasing power of those who at best would like to buy, or at worst are already living paycheck to paycheck on minimum wage?
- Comment on Haha SO TRUE! 3 months ago:
- Comment on The country is done for 3 months ago:
I cringe if I hear someone use a hard Z
- Comment on A Scientist Says Humans Will Reach the Singularity Within 21 Years 6 months ago:
aBundleOfFerrets Says Humans Will Reach the Singularity Within 3 Years
- Comment on Basic Security for your Website | Loudwhisper 7 months ago:
Thanks, I was more worried that there was something completely wrong security-wise with that approach!
- Comment on Basic Security for your Website | Loudwhisper 7 months ago:
Genuine question from someone with a single page static site - why is Cloudflare a useless suggestion?
- Comment on Clean your physical connectors! 10 months ago:
It tells you right there in the log: “DRDY”
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
That’s because the Beatles broke up in 1970, so anyone who remembers them from their active years is well over 60, which would be really stretching the definition of middle-aged
- Comment on 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows 11 months ago:
I find Simpsons Hit and Run isn’t getting any younger
- Comment on Podverse - Podcast Player 11 months ago:
- Comment on Cost of negative gearing and other rental deductions soaring, Australian Treasury data reveals 1 year ago:
Negative gearing costs Australia about $27bn a year
There are about 27 million Australians
Every Australian that doesn’t own an investment property is giving $1000 a year to landlords
- Comment on Bibby Stockholm: Calls for migrants to be removed after death 1 year ago:
With the same amount of space the headline could be much clearer:
“Bibby Stockholm: Death spurs calls for migrants to be removed”
- Comment on Stolen remains of Aboriginal people and Tasmanian tigers traced to grave-robbing Victorian naturalist 1 year ago:
In the present day, a ‘Victorian’ would be a person from the Neighbouring state of Victoria. In the article, Victorian refers to the time period
The naturalist resided in Hobart, and would therefore be a Victorian Tasmanian naturalist
- Comment on If a vehicle were traveling through space at/near the speed of light, then what would happen if it turned its headlights on? 1 year ago:
It would slow down a little
- Comment on A question about passwords | characters used in them 1 year ago:
Bitwarden F-Droid repo