- Comment on mycology 11 months ago:
I’m guessing they’re talking about clones?
Yeah, lots of living beings do that.
- Comment on launch him anyway 11 months ago:
Velocity addition and conservation of momentum don’t work like that if the speeds are close to the speed of light.
For further details, please check out special relativity theory.
- Comment on Still wanna know 11 months ago:
the faces are so generic they don’t even render them
- Comment on Peak technology 11 months ago:
I need to print once a year. When I do, I print at my local library.
- Comment on Solar-Powered Farming Is Quickly Depleting the World's Groundwater Supply 11 months ago:
This is like saying “we shouldn’t give people food, because then they live longer, and have more time to do crap.” Kind of an unhinged thought, TBH.
- Comment on hen yea 11 months ago:
This chick is probably set to be a pirate, arr.
- Comment on Geothermal startup Fervo Energy is tapping fresh $221M round, filing reveals 1 year ago:
Attention: geothermal energy is apparently non-renewable, most of the time.
This is because the heat generated underground is minuscule. Most of the heat is stored there for thousands of years, and only slowly regenerated by radioactive decay from the earth’s core. So for most practical applications, if you consume geothermal energy, it takes a very long time for it to regenerate.
- Comment on What is the strangest thing that you ever experienced? 1 year ago:
Some people have such a weak presence that most people simply don’t see them.
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
Ok, thanks for the note.
Apparently, fresh urine is not completely sterile, but almost sterile.
In the german Wikipedia, it says:Da auch die untere Harnröhre nicht völlig keimfrei ist, enthält Urin beim Austritt bis zu 10.000 Keime pro Milliliter. Allerdings sind diese in der Regel gesundheitlich unbedenklich und indizieren in dieser geringen Konzentration insbesondere keine Antibiothika-Therapie.[65][66] Zum Vergleich: Speichel enthält rund 100 Millionen Keime pro Milliliter.[67]
Translation: “Basically, urine contains 10 000 germs per millilitre. That’s very low count, considering saliva contains 100 000 000 germs per millilitre.”
(Translation by me)
I got that wrong in my head. Probably, everything is only almost sterile, not completely sterile, except if you look at another planet. But for practical purposes, the number of germs is often negligible.
Apparently, they used to pee on each other’s wounds in earlier times to disinfect wounds. Since pee was much closer to being sterile than anything else they had access to. So that’s where this thought comes from. (Source: Someone told me this years ago.)
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
Fresh urine is supposed to be sterile, unless you got a serious problem, anyways.
- Comment on Wanna start *real* game theory? 😏 1 year ago:
Yeah, I do math too, and math is wonderful. I’m not angry at math. I just wanted to point out that the tool can be bent in evil ways, and we should be wary about that.
- Comment on Wanna start *real* game theory? 😏 1 year ago:
I agree with you, and I just wanted to point out how, in earlier times, greed was consideres as something abhorrent, while in modern times, it is well-embraced.
The thinking “how do I be most successful”, however, has a lot in common with greed. And game theory describes exactly that. Capitalism is just the practical aspect of greed. Saying that viruses get less dangerous over time is correct, still they are more dangerous than no virus at all.
- Comment on Wanna start *real* game theory? 😏 1 year ago:
Well it’s the philosophical backbone behind a lot of decisions that management makes.
“If the company does X, the people will respond with Y, and that will earn us Z money. So we do it, even though it’s unethical.”
So I guess that it’s an important part to take an issue with.
- Comment on Game 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 13 comments
- Comment on I like seeing the numbers go up 1 year ago:
I have the suspicion that many LGBTQ-people are more inclined to colorfulness than non-LGBTQ-people.
- Comment on Math question: how do we get an irrational number pi from the ratio of circumference and the diameter of a circle? 1 year ago:
Ackschually, pi equals four and is therefore rational. Proof:
- Comment on The US government opens 22 million acres of federal lands to solar 1 year ago:
According to my calculations, 22M acres is about 20 000 TWh/year of solar power, or about 12% of the world’s energy consumption.
700 000 acres is about 0.4% of the world’s energy consumption.
- Comment on ifn't 1 year ago:
if (not condition) {#actually do a thing}
- Comment on See? You still have a chance! 1 year ago:
- Comment on See? You still have a chance! 1 year ago:
Been there. When I was younger, lots of girl found me attractive.
Problem is, many of them aren’t being genuine. They just want to be with you to impress their other friends. Count them out, and you’ve filtered 90% of all girls.
Then there are those, who want to be with you, but simply think that they are not allowed to be in love with someone. Kinda shy, but mostly a false sense of pride/chastity. So annoying.
Then you are left with a bunch of fat girls, who got emotional problems. They are fine, mostly, but it takes a lot of strength to deal with them. Mostly due to their emotional problems.
Then there are the few, who are actually nice, ready to be in a relationship, and pretty.
These are mostly taken, and most of them tell you “sorry I can’t, my boyfriend would get jealous”, even though it’s pretty clear they simply don’t want to put in the effort to think this through.
Then there’s the rest, which is like 1% maybe.
So here we are, we got full circle.
- Comment on See? You still have a chance! 1 year ago:
I honestly believe that it only works because so few people are doing it. It is like taking food from naturally growing fruit trees. There’s few of them, and it only works, if only a few people do it. However, when you try to make mass tourism out of it, it doesn’t work anymore.
- Comment on See? You still have a chance! 1 year ago:
Yes, more or less. Their attitude is like “future exists where beautiful women exist, and in russia they are beautiful, so surely in russia i can find my future”.
- Comment on Wisdom from Ralph 1 year ago:
You raise “your words”, it’s another way of saying, to use proper argumentation instead of emotional speech.
- Comment on Me IRL 1 year ago:
Well my serious theory would be that it has some sort of “healing effect”. That is why so many people do it.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Cannot confirm.
I use google maps regularly, and it mostly works fine.
However, google search engine (and youtube recommendations) have gone on a steeply downhill rollercoaster ride. Nowadays, I have difficulty researching even the most basic topics on Google, because it is so clustered with ads that I cannot tell anymore whether any website is genuine or trying to scam me.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
We need a google that uses AI/ML to hunt and de-rank the 1800 word essay web pages that answer the question, “how long should you microwave a baked potato for?”
“In 1863, county cork in Ireland, Shamus O’Toole created the world first commercial potato farm. He’d go on to…”
Exactly what it feels like if I’m asked to “write an 700-word article” somehow. Most of it is just filler material, really.
- Comment on What do mean things so small we can't see them with the human eye? Are you crazy? 1 year ago:
Well, I’m not so sure about that. Consider this:
Quantum Mechanics (QM) makes accurate statements and predictions about a lot of physical experiments.
That doesn’t mean, however, that the theory in especially well-liked, especially among common people. There are a lot of people who think that QM is incorrect, or at least incomplete, simply because it contradicts their intuition.
- Comment on It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 1 year ago:
The frying pan, the penny and the glasses.
- Comment on Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor 1 year ago:
Yeah ok, I get your input. The point is, that most of the arguments, that say that QM is “unintuitive”, boil down to the fact that some people are simply unwilling to accept that the world is “not made of particles”.
Some people adhere to this worldview like to a religion. You cannot argue with religion. Therefore, for most people, there is little hope to come to terms with QM. However, I am saying, that if you “give up” on a particle worldview, then QM isn’t so super weird as lots of people always make it seam.
Yeah, there’s some strange issues going on. But I’m saying, that a lot of these aren’t so mad to think about if you give up on your particle worldview. Coherence, for example, boils down to a system which isn’t simply described by “that atom goes there and this atom goes here”. It’s different, but consistent. It still reveals a consistent model with a measurable outcome. Just that this model is like taking public transport instead of riding your own car. Sometimes, you gotta mix things up to see the bigger picture.