- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 1 day ago:
A long, loooonng time ago I met a woman who was one of the people dressing up as reenactors in an early colonial American settlement. She cosplayed as a weaver in a house that had a pond outside. Every day before she started work she would hoik her skirt up under her armpits and wade into the pond to pick up coins with her feet (she had very articulate toes). Inevitably she turned round one day to find a family of visitors gawping at her non-colonial underwear. She said the coins added up to quite a haul over the week.
- Comment on Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery 5 days ago:
pleasant texture
I’d go with “rubbery”.
- Comment on Did people experience doom scrolling with newspapers and magazines? 5 days ago:
I once moved into a house that had been lived in by a very elderly person. In the kitchen there was a pincushion hanging on the wall that was covered in death notices clipped from the newspaper. Kind of like doom scrolling, just super personal. Watching everyone you knew die, until it was your turn.
I’ve made myself sad all over again. :(
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 1 week ago:
I’m 72 and yes, you’re spot-on. You’re both young! Seriously, if I hear of someone dying at 62, I think oh how sad, so young! Perspective is everything.
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 2 weeks ago:
Oh yes, coriander. Yuck. I was so relieved to discover it was a genetic thing that I was scraping this disgusting weed off my food while everyone else was saying how delicious it was.
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
I’m not really up on the Bible, but wasn’t it Joseph who was allegedly descended from David? Joseph, who definitely wasn’t the father of Jesus?
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 3 weeks ago:
Ugh, I have a friend whose humour often involves mean-spirited jibes and put-downs. I was in a low mood one day and told him I didn’t like the tone of his “jokes”, that they sometimes stung. He really dialled back after that.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
I’m in the UK and KFC has gone downhill here too - something I’m very grateful for! A few years ago I got a real craving for a crispy, juicy piece of chicken with the colonel’s secret spices. I ended up with a grim, wizened leg that tasted of stale oil and despair. Never again. My own cooking is sooo much better, and cheaper too. Win win!
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
Brian Cox shows ball and feathers falling together in vacuum:
- Comment on why do our noses & anuses think different types of paper are softest? 4 months ago:
Oh my god! I’m sitting here touching myself like a fucking madwoman. Thank you so much! Brilliant, brilliant comment. I had no idea, how have I lived without this knowledge? Ok I’m touching myself again, this is hilarious.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
According to Wikipedia, “the world population … was estimated by the United Nations to have exceeded eight billion in mid-November 2022. It took around 300,000 years of human prehistory and history for the human population to reach a billion and only 218 years more to reach 8 billion.”
There are PLENTY of people in the world. Some of them need to get off my lawn. Grrr.
- Comment on Woman admits hurling McDonald's milkshake over Nigel Farage 4 months ago:
He did have a banana thrown at him in Barnsley one time, as well as a milkshake. And another time it was a coffee cup. N Going around with such a punchable face comes with risks.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
One thing that helped my posture was raising my monitor - a hardback copy of Infinite Jest did the trick. But follow all the good advice here too - core strength, stretching, massage. It is really, really worth the effort.
- Comment on How do people make and save kaomoji art? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Phonebooks 5 months ago:
I’m from New Zealand originally. Small town in a small country. The time zone joke back then was, “If it’s 5pm in Sydney, it’s 1956 in Auckland.”
- Comment on Phonebooks 5 months ago:
You dialled by putting a finger in each number hole one at a time, dragging each one to the stop. When I was a kid our town’s phone numbers had just four digits, didn’t take long to dial.
- Comment on Phonebooks 5 months ago:
You could opt out of being in the phone book. I had to do this because a crazy woman who had had a teacher by the same name as me, in the same suburb as me, kept ringing me. First call she said, “Guess who this is?” Dunno. By the tenth call that first day she was yelling down the phone that I was a liar, asking me “Why are you being like this?!?” Because I was never your teacher! No caller id back then, so I had to keep right on answering. One time I picked up and shouted “FUCK OFF!” and yeah it was a work colleague, that was awkward.
- Comment on How can you make sure the ashes you get after a loved one dies is actually theirs? 5 months ago:
Same here, my body goes to the local ned school. They’ll return to he ashes if you want, but I don’t care. I cleared it with my sister before signing the forms because she does care about cremains etc. Apparently the university has a memorial garden where they spread the ashes.
- Comment on Why isn't everything mouldy? 6 months ago:
Aaaand then there’s slime moulds. Some of which can run a maze…
- Comment on I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean? 10 months ago:
- Comment on I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean? 10 months ago:
Some uk supermarkets have started dropping the use by date in favour of codes like this. The article says it’s to reduce waste and that staff will have special training to know when to bin stuff. I imagine the training is in how to read the codes.
- Comment on What's inside the London Tower Bridge? 10 months ago:
Both sides have elevators. One side also has the bridge lift, the mechanism that raises the central bridge to let ships through.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Back in my childhood (60+ years ago) we had recipes that called for a “breakfast cup’ of this and a “teacup” of that. And yes, we did have actual breakfast cups and teacups, which had significantly different volumes. What kind of cup do they use in the US I wonder?
- Comment on What’s the difference between yams and sweet potatoes? 1 year ago:
Mmmmm, oca. Also in New Zealand… kūmara.