Bleak as the world may be, Stewart’s writing always gets a smile and a laugh out of me. He’s got a remarkable ability to put the absurdity of our moment into simple and funny English, his famous “thrown in jail” sketch being perhaps the best example.
He’s absolutely right, too. We’re all here so on some level we already know that. This is no time to dilly-dally, we need to cultivate our alternative online spaces and cooperate and work together. 3 weeks ago
So keep our heads down and hope it will all blow over? Classic British response but I’m not sure it’s good enough. A boycott is wise as it looks like all the large social media sites are bending the knee to Trump but that also doesn’t bode well for the future as they can distort the political landscape because a lot of people only get their news from them. Unfortunately, abandoning all social media means they can get organised while everyone else bunkers down. Does that make us the resistance? Now there’s a responsibility and a half! 3 weeks ago
Its a good point but my own take on it is that you can’t be the resistance in an environment they totally control. There are plenty of places to organise away from the billionaires control.
I walked away from all Meta platforms under my own name recently as I choose not to have my participation used as tacit endorsement, data collection or ad-money generators for them. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped participating in organising resistance, just that I choose not to do that in a place they have absolute power in. 3 weeks ago
You do know it is absurdist humor, yes? 3 weeks ago