- Comment on I'm missing an entire hour of my life. AMA. 7 hours ago:
Which is your favourite Pokemon?
- Comment on GoneWild was once about people feeling wild and posting pictures of it. Now it's just OnlyFans sale 3 weeks ago:
Eh, I’m gonna play the devil’s advocate here but when I thought about it, I’d say it’s more like a human nature or common sense. I can imagine a person who feels excited by posting spicy pictures online in 2011 and then realizing “You mean people are willing to pay for this shit?”
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 84 comments
- Comment on [sh.it.post] We're #5! We're #5! 1 month ago:
No really, .ml isn’t even in top 10? Did they opt-out from these statistics or are they that small?
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
What? Where I live pissing directly into watter is like the oposite. As my roommate once said: “Didn’t your father taught you how to piss or what?”
- Comment on Harvard wouldn't lie 5 months ago:
- Comment on Happy Earth Day 10 months ago:
That must mean there’s infinite amount of oil!!!
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
I’m with you but I get it that sometimes it’s convenient. My wife likes what we call “cup recipes” in baking where everything is measured in cups/glasses (this was a new thing couple of years ago where I live). It’s very fast and convenient.
But yes, it gets out of hand. I mean “a cup of celery”? … How? Why?
- Comment on So sad 11 months ago:
It’s not sad. I’m jealous
- Comment on You need to say over. Over. 1 year ago:
You need to say what? You have to finish your sentence. Over.
- Comment on Lawful Neutral 1 year ago:
S I’m a true neutral? I’d never guess that about myself …
- Comment on Italian province orders all dogs to be DNA tested in poo crackdown 1 year ago:
Not The Onion?
- Comment on RIP Microsoft WordPad. You Will Be Missed 1 year ago:
I mean Notepad++ is like a monument to Microsoft incompetence and them not caring about technically minded people for decades. Where a single guy beats trillion dollar company’s ass, actually not just beats, absolutely destroys big time. And they were either not able or didn’t care with responding and providing some power text editor. The fact that their OS was able to acquire any significant market share in developer’s community is an ultimate triumph of marketing department
- Comment on GTA: Real life 1 year ago:
It’s apparently a bug in Sync, the bug ticket has been already created. So far I copy the link and open it in browser
- Comment on already made the meme by the time I remembered that MS paint has a circle tool 1 year ago:
I … what? I guess I just found my wife’s doppelganger
- Comment on Don't even ask. 1 year ago:
Holy moly, and I was thinking about buying parrot to my daughter …
- Comment on Why didn't anyone warn me!? 1 year ago:
): ʎɹɹos ɯ,I
- Comment on I knew it all along! 1 year ago:
Haha what? There are no small people in computers, what are you talking about?
- Comment on Netflix Resumes Advertising on X After Elon Musk Controversy 1 year ago:
Of course they will! This is the sad reality of todays internet - the power is so centralized in the hands of like 4 companies, that ecery business basically can’t ignore them. Like you can but by that you’re just hurting yourself from the business point of view. Elon Musk can literally say Fuck You to advertisers and they still need to advertise there. This is just crazy. On nation level the anti-monopoly bureau would take action but we don’t have world wide anti-monopoly bureau.
That’s why when people tell me “Oh, Elon Musk just bankrupted Twitter” I say “Did he?”. At this point he can do anything he wants, I believe he can murder like dozen people, blow up the headquartes or start selling drugs and Twitter would still be fine
- Comment on YSK: How to clean your wood-burning stove glass 1 year ago:
I just use stove glass cleaner
- Comment on Roger Roger 1 year ago:
- Comment on Todd Hernandez has a recommendation for you 1 year ago:
Hmm the guy sounds legit. I should check this “Skyrim” game
- Comment on Truly golden moment 1 year ago:
Wow, that’s heavy
- Comment on Merge then review 1 year ago:
I don’t know if sarcasm because there are actually maniacs like that in this world
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
Back in the day we had a rules of the internet and they were clear: there are no women on tge internet. So …
- Comment on 🍕ussy 1 year ago:
Can we see that [1] source?
- Comment on Fahrenheit vs. Celsius vs. Kelvin 1 year ago:
I’d like to propose a discussion between a person from Arizona and a person from Alaska to define what is “Really hot outside”
- Comment on Spooktober meme time! 1 year ago:
Java … BAAAAD! Ahahahaha never gets old. Also search your dictionary for ‘sarcasm’
- Comment on ‘Incredibly sad day’: Teen arrested in England after felling ancient tree 1 year ago:
Ahhh I remember it from Robin Hood: King of Thieves :( As usual it takes just one idiot to ruin nice things for everyone
- Comment on Look into it 1 year ago:
I’m not 100% sure but If you heard about companies/websites that provide DNA testing like Ancestry, MyHeriatage, etc. (actually anything related to genealogy), there is a big chance that they’re based in Ohio and in some way connected (or directly owned) by mormons. Just by now they must have a huge database of people’s DNA
But feel free to correct me, as I said I’m not entirely sure if this is the context