- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
As someone who is stauncly pro dog … and weary of cats… I feel like I need to take a side in this debate
- Comment on Microsoft retires WordPad after 28 years — app no longer available as of Windows 11 24H2 4 months ago:
And then they tank the name X-Box
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 5 months ago:
look even 1 billion is more than enough to live on for a lifetime and then quite a bit left over, so that is not really that dumb
- Comment on Biden Administration Is Said to Slow Early Stage of Shift to Electric Cars 1 year ago:
You know there is a solution to this stalling untill companies decide they are ready…
- Comment on US concerned NASA will be overtaken by China's space program 1 year ago:
Private Companies however have no insintive to actualy innovate, if you look at them they are all taking decades old NASA and USSR Space program tech and resuing it … and callling it innovation
- Comment on US concerned NASA will be overtaken by China's space program 1 year ago:
I disagree privitizing space will do absolutly nothing but lead to balooned costs and stagnation.
- Comment on US concerned NASA will be overtaken by China's space program 1 year ago:
State Motto… do not ask me why it is the state motto, because I have absolutly no Idea
- Comment on US concerned NASA will be overtaken by China's space program 1 year ago:
They are likely going to fund it less and give more and more of its mission over to space force and private companies is my guess
- Comment on Who would win? 1 year ago:
I refuse to belive the dogs are willing and knowing participants in this opression of the working class. they are clearly brainwashed
- Comment on Who would win? 1 year ago:
Hey, lets be fair to the pigs… they would cause less deaths, and be far less scared of the acorn…
As I am typing this I think we should replace all Cops in the US with Pigs that have badges and Guns
- Comment on Who would win? 1 year ago:
And my question is, why should I give respect to someone who is violating rights of individuals domesticly as a police officer, and has likley committed war crimes and rights violations abrod, or atleast aided and abeded said war crimes. I only see this as more meme worthy. I understand PTSD is no joke, but at some point, the position of power and betrayal of your class removes the sympathy I would otherwise have for you