- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 1 week ago:
Aren’t fluids and gases kinda the same thing? (Clearly, not a scientist).
- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 1 week ago:
It’s definitely made that accurate/creepy for marketing reasons, they’re probably hoping this will help them get investors. I would also assume you can simplify the human body design a good bit before losing the functionality we actually want from something like this.
- Comment on Giving the neighbors a laugh 2 weeks ago:
NL doesn’t have vanity plates.
- Comment on ‘By humans, for humans’: French dubbing industry speaks out against AI threat. 2 weeks ago:
I mostly watch in “VO” (like, I actually mostly consume English speaking content in general) but I’ll watch a dub a few times a year when visiting family or whatever. I can tell they’re putting a lot of effort into them and all but it remains a bit ridiculous especially if you’re familiar with the original material.
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
Considering the implications for making that happen, that’s hella cheap.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
What you learn quickly is that the effects of calorie burning are real but way less than what people think. You can go destroy yourself running to the point you’re half dead and that’s gonna burn like 300 calories (like, one protein bar).
But yes on topic of the gym there’s a few downstream effects, the bigger you get the more you eat to be on equilibrium. Also strength workouts keep your muscles “activated” for up to 48h during which you also burn a bit more calories at rest.
And finally of course there’s the whole bulking/cutting thing, the basics is that basically, no matter how much you lift you’re not gonna grow muscle unless you also have a calorie surplus in particular protein. During this process it’s unavoidable to also put on fat so you bulk for a while (eat a lot+ workout a lot and improve personal records) then you cut (eat at deficit, maintenance workouts) so the fat recedes and etc.
- Comment on AI Will Save Dating Apps. Or Maybe Finally Kill Them 2 weeks ago:
I mean that’s definitely true and all, but wouldn’t they also get a continuous fresh supply of single people (coming of age, breakups). Don’t get me wrong I totally get they want that and to keep the users hooked as well, because they’re greedy piggys, but still I don’t the business model is doomed if they don’t.
- Comment on I'll show them 3 weeks ago:
Recently heard about ads that make you take a quiz at the end to make sure you were paying attention, we’re not far now…
- Comment on The key is to over share until they stop asking. 1 month ago:
how you doing?
well actually, I’ve b… gets cut off
Aye good mate.
- Comment on Should I get a drum kit, or a pressure washer? 1 month ago:
Just keep in mind the electronic drums still make noise, just not as much as the real thing. If it’s in a separate room a bit far away from the other people it’s fine but don’t expect to play it next to your sleeping partner in the same room.
- Comment on Graphic Design Is My Passion 1 month ago:
Yesss Kodak is a better comparison, or maybe some of these VHS blank tapes.
- Comment on Graphic Design Is My Passion 1 month ago:
Yeah I get that but I still don’t like it haha.
- Comment on Graphic Design Is My Passion 1 month ago:
Yeah the text is placed in an annoying order but the design itself is kind of nice, I like the colours they’re a bit Mondrian-like.
- Comment on SAD 1 month ago:
I hear retirement homes get freaky as hell so I’m not so sure about that, also while I enjoy it it’s really not that big a deal. As a dad the original one kills me though.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
Yeah if you reek of smoke that bad you’re probably smoking in confined spaces e.g. inside your house, car, etc. Clothes start being impregnated again as soon as they’re out of the wash coz the whole house is continually full of smoke. Folks that smoke “the modern way” (only outside, etc) will probably only smell when coming back from a smoke for a bit, or maybe the breath/fingertips up close.
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
For me that’s rocket league.
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
I play pinball deluxe on my phone instead, tried to get some simulators running but gave up and this game is good enough. My brother and his friend are super into it, one has two real tables and the other has a fake, full size table with a TV inside that plays emulators. Good stuff.
- Comment on British Army successfully tests new drone-destroying laser 2 months ago:
“it goes pew pew pew”
- Comment on World of Warcraft: 20 Years of Music | Orchestral Concert - which theme is your favorite ? 3 months ago:
Damn I’ve stopped buying vinyl for a while already and only get them as gift but this one is really tempting…
- Comment on I just WON'T 3 months ago:
I think the non-milky ones are usually called sorbets, but for example small fruity ice creams on sticks we still can ice creams and these don’t have milk. So I guess my answer is no we don’t (in Europe).
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 3 months ago:
Seriously cursed species we are.
- Comment on Google's AI chatbot tells student seeking help with homework "please die" 3 months ago:
Except if it’s an empirical “you” and “human” defines the entire human race. I’m pretty sure grammatically speaking this is a valid interpretation, right?
- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 3 months ago:
Like when you put them under hot water? I had those too.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
Is it good solo? I don’t have a lot of time for games but this looks like it might be able to scratch my (MMO)RPG itch a bit without being too much of a time sink.
- Comment on We need a vexillology community! 4 months ago:
They changed it not that long ago it was lighter before.
- Comment on Do it 4 months ago:
Because it can’t be broken again.
- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 4 months ago:
And then you get pitted (so pitted).
- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 4 months ago:
That’s right I guess, but at least in a beignet there’s a bit of preparation involved, I was picturing just whole fried apples or maybe like french fries but made of apple, but you’re right I guess beignet counts.
- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 4 months ago:
Fried apples? Maybe that’s a Texas thing, or Scottish, but it wouldn’t be a source of confusion in France because they’d take your passport away if you tried frying an apple.
- Comment on New data reveals thousands of Australians who own 10 rentals or more 4 months ago:
The differences are subtle but unmistakable.