- Comment on Grandmother gets X-rated message after Apple AI fail. 3 hours ago:
I love how it’s apparently worse because she’s a “grandmother”.
- Comment on 🐸 time 2 days ago:
Sure, I never claimed the opposite :) I just think in this case, the one to blame is whoever came up with the idea for this article, not the people who were asked questions.
- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 2 days ago:
I’d be all for that.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 days ago:
Old people tend to use quotation marks as emphasis.
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 days ago:
“This is techbro nonsense” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what techbros think”. Just like “this is racist” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what racists think”. Why should we waste time explaining in detail again and again what’s wrong with an argument when there are simple words that encompass it all? KevinOfficeWords.jpg
- Comment on If any external factor made you create art, would your art be created by that factor? 2 days ago:
That seems like a VERY different issue than you’re asking in the OP and the internet won’t be able to help you with that.
- Comment on Controversial question 2 days ago:
Evolution 101 really.
- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 2 days ago:
A city having to put a bit more money into maintenance of a tourist attraction vs a homeless person getting to not starve for one more day. Hm. Tricky.
- Comment on If any external factor made you create art, would your art be created by that factor? 2 days ago:
You need to provide more context.
you’re the problem for wanting to be credited for your own work and be seen as more than a disorder.
If this happened to you, you encountered a shitty person.
- Comment on If any external factor made you create art, would your art be created by that factor? 2 days ago:
If you wish to make art from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
- Comment on 🐸 time 2 days ago:
Just so we’re on the same page, I wasn’t unsure whether it is possible to acclimatise one’s body to different temperatures but whether this was something someone actually had the gall to write about as a “climate solution”.
- Comment on 🐸 time 3 days ago:
They were asked these questions by journalists and they answered. Don’t blame scientists for idiot media people.
- Comment on 🐸 time 3 days ago:
Goddammit it’s real.
- Comment on Doctor Yiff 3 days ago:
It is. And it’s glorious.
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 5 days ago:
Ohgawd he saw Liefeld’s Captain America and said “I want that.”
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 days ago:
Nothing in the OP implies that they asked anything that an adult should find personally “embarrassing”.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 days ago:
Why? If it’s about a group effort, why would I hide that from the group?
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 6 days ago:
If it’s about the person specifically, sure. Not when it’s about a group effort like work.
- Comment on So glad they are reporting what matters and not some mundane thing. 1 week ago:
This stuff uses valuable energy, not just in the “reporting” but in that your brain needs to process the headline and blurb and evaluate its usefulness in order to filter it out from actual news. Not to mention it pushes out the actual news from your news feed.
- Comment on So glad they are reporting what matters and not some mundane thing. 1 week ago:
You need to read between the lines, man. They’re not going to come out and just say it, man. The man is watching, man.
- Comment on The very first thing that every human does when arriving in a brand new place, is take a piss on it. 1 week ago:
By the power of the towel that you put on it at 5 am.
- Comment on Uber for nurses: tech companies accused of accessing nurse financial situation to determine pay based on level of desperation 1 week ago:
Trade unions and legally binding collective labour agreements help with that nonsense. Also, works councils.
- Comment on HUNTER: Muslim rape gangs targeted tens of 1000s of poor white girls as authorities ran cover 1 month ago:…/hunter-muslim-rape-gangs-target…
Some estimates put the number of victims at more than 200,000.
Estimates by who?
Sex sicko [name]
Ah yes, quality journalism.
- Comment on Peacock is experimenting with mini-games and short videos 1 month ago:
The only thing I like about YT shorts is that there are no ads. Otherwise I don’t get what’s so great about them.
- Comment on Peacock is experimenting with mini-games and short videos 1 month ago:
Because those are just such very beloved features on other platforms, right? /s
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 2 months ago:
I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the truth behind Michaelsoft Binbows: :)
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 2 months ago:
Wot. That’s crazy. “Labtop” is harder to pronounce (minimally so but still) with voiced b immediately followed by voiceless t. Everything I know about linguistics (not that much, tbh) tells me that, if anything, a thing called “labtop” should over time evolve to be called “laptop”*, because it’s easier on the speaker with voiceless p and t.
^* … maybe even lappop…?^
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 2 months ago:
It does seem awfully like you’re implying a connection to the topic at hand.
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 2 months ago:
We’re all aware that that’s the original reason but the point is that the franchise made an effort to come up with an answer that makes sense in-universe.
- Comment on Elon Musk uses cybertruck explosion to show Tesla can remotely unlock and monitor vehicles 2 months ago:
How exactly is this information helpful to law enforcement in this case?