- Comment on Tesla's market cap sinks below $1 trillion as stock slumps more than 8% 5 days ago:
Oh come on, please do a huge public mental breakdown.
- Comment on What are some scary things that would happen if we just let AI take over control? 5 days ago:
You’ll pray for the sweet release of being crushed by thousands of unused tenderizors.
- Comment on What are some scary things that would happen if we just let AI take over control? 5 days ago:
#7 would be fucking hilarious, honestly. Like even if the AI is told to make the earth happy, what makes humans happy? Massages, jokes, alcohol. Close enough. So the AI dumps thousands of gallons of booze into rivers, cranks auto massager manufacturing into overdrive, and broadcasts Jon Lovitz over the speakers non-stop.
- Comment on 6,000 IRS employees to be fired as DOGE continues sweeping slashes 1 week ago:
That’s not what that meant at all. Just deposits of cash over $600.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Everything they don’t understand (which is nearly everything) is either God or fraud. Do with that information what you will.
- Comment on I'm suppose to believe I now live in a world where a Democrats can become president agoant and put George Soros at the head of DOGE? 3 weeks ago:
I read it more as a lovers thing, like melonia, without the m. And trump and Elon as lovers seems about right, but it’s one of those scary trailer relationships. Like, who’s addiction will make who kill the other first? It would truly be some of the sickest dark fiction on HBO. Sadly it’s on bbc, ap, NYT, WSJ, etc. etc.
- Comment on imagine 3 weeks ago:
Most hybrids do not produce fertile seeds. You can test it out if you want but it doesn’t work. I used to work for a seed company. Beyond that, without fertilizer the soil itself is dead in the vast majority of farming land.
- Comment on imagine 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, except the vast majority of seeds are infertile, meaning they can’t be replanted, means the “good ol boys” can’t survive.
- Comment on Asteroid’s chances of hitting Earth in 2032 just got higher – but don’t panic 3 weeks ago:
It’s too small and too far out for it to matter. It’s 7 years out, low likelihood, and too small to do anything but erase a city. We have civilization-ending threats at home.
- Comment on Kenya revives poisoning campaign to curb invasive Indian house crows 3 weeks ago:
You’re fucking with powers you don’t understand. Crows are very smart and hold grudges. Personally I think crows will inherit the earth once humanity offs itself in like, 15 years.
- Comment on YSK: This May Have Been Unstalled on Your Device Recently 3 weeks ago:
I just searched for it on the playstore and couldn’t find it.
- Comment on idijt 3 weeks ago:
If that gets stuck in my head I’m gonna be so fucking mad.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
No, you didn’t, but you definitely implied it.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
Ehhhh you did go through their post history looking for something to be mad about because you disagreed with something they said. Neither of you have said anything racist. We need to remember who the bad people really are, those who do, or wish harm on others. Let’s try consolidating instead of separating.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
It’s a big subject at the moment. Palestinians v Israel, China v uyghurs, trump v everybody, it’s not unreasonable to mention these things in context. According to their posts, it seems they’re from Finland. I’ve never been, and don’t pretend to know a whole lot about Finland other than their war with Russia and simo hayha (due to my US army background) but I would be surprised if I found out that Finland had an issue with race, honestly. So does talking about race during a time when race is a big world issue automatically make them racist? No, it’s a discussion topic, and they never said anything racist. Don’t press that button unnecessarily, or it becomes meaningless.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 3 weeks ago:
Exactly. I feel bad about shit from 30+ years ago. I stole a sucker when I was like 5 or 6, and that part was easy. Enjoying it was not. It was a sucker. Like $.25 at the time or something. But it wasn’t about the money, it was that I did a wrong thing and haven’t stolen anything since. Pirating feels different since it’s not a physical object. Also, if one pirates stuff that’s good enough, I’m likely to buy.
Another thing was when I was like 7 or 8, we were in PE and running sprints and I pretended to be so worn out I was about to collapse, and pantsed a kid. I didn’t even dislike the him. I honestly didn’t know why I did it. I just did something wrong and I feel way more bad about it than the offense itself. I wish I could apologize to him but don’t remember his last name, and I feel like I wouldn’t deserve being let off the hook anyway.
This moral auditing is what makes me a much better person today. Unfortunately not everybody has a moral auditing department in them.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 3 weeks ago:
I just told my kid about this after he hit a kid with a rock inside a snowball. Bad shit you do will haunt you forever. Oddly enough, your conscience is the best reason to be a good person. I mean, other than lawful consequences if its bad enough.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
I didn’t see anything too egregious in their post history to get worked up over. Some downvotable opinions, sure (in America, a lifted truck is almost guaranteed to be indicative of racism, or at least republicanism.) but not really anything to be mad about.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
It’s not about their skin color to me. It’s more about a likeliness that they’re not a Republican. Yes, I know, there are black Republicans, but it’s less likely.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I can’t say what I want to say. But don’t lose hope. Fight. Make it harder on the fascists. Make that your new life’s work. Find the grit to keep going just to piss off another one.
- Comment on Tech Execs Plead for Great Firewall of America to Protect Them Against Scary Chinese AI 4 weeks ago:
Alright, that’s fair I hadn’t thought of it that way because I want it to happen, and I want it to crush these tech companies.
- Comment on Tech Execs Plead for Great Firewall of America to Protect Them Against Scary Chinese AI 4 weeks ago:
Hmm, I was looking at it as more of an iron curtain kind of thing. Heritage foundation doesn’t want outside information getting in so they told trump, trump told his tech stooges to publicly ask for a “ai firewall” and boom, no more outside information.
- Comment on Economic growth could fall 50% over 20 years from climate shocks, say actuaries 1 month ago:
Seems awfully optimistic. Growth is going to be hard to come by with climate, disease, war, wealth inequality, dwindling resources, population decline and fascism all working against it.
- Comment on Pretty part of the week: Ruishen RSCM11548 3-winding common-mode choke 1 month ago:
Don’t lie, that’s a high power magnet from fallout 4. Worth 1 ceramic, 3 copper and 1 nuclear material. More if you have the scrapper perk.
- Comment on Appeals Court upholds TikTok sale or ban law 2 months ago:
Ironic that Republicans want tiktok gone despite its brain rot having a lot to do with them winning the election.
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
Land octopi would be pretty cool though.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
H5N1 would kill a lot more than a million if it goes H2H.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
If it’s got that kind of capability, it can be hacked.
- Comment on same as it ever was 3 months ago:
Right, and I don’t doubt you, empathy is how society grew. But empathy is not why society started.
Keep in mind that you wanted to keep old people in your tribe to look after the children. The men and women were looking for food and firewood and building materials. Losing children means the end of the tribe. Feeding the elderly is still security. It simply makes sense from a survival standpoint.
Obviously they had empathy as well. If you didnt, you wouldn’t bother to bury the dead, let alone give up valuable items as offerings, such as an ax. As far as I’m aware, that practice dates back at least 40k years. So obviously there was empathy there.
However, I would say that that empathy comes from security. “They were one of us”
But a rival tribe member dies? Do you think they would gather for that scenario? That would be empathy. And there’s no proof of that in a prehistorical context.
- Comment on Guerrilla Women 3 months ago:
Cyber women (obviously), economic women, class women,