- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
There is no continuity. We don’t have bodies, we are bodies. There is no independent ‘self’ to be moved around seperately from the physical stuff.
- Comment on Minecraft server hardware benchmarks 1 week ago:
I successfully ran a modded java minecraft server for me and my friends for years on an ancient thinkstation with a xeon E5430 (quad core 2.6 ghz w/ddr3 ram) doing double duty as a NAS That old xeon couldn’t couldn’t carry your i5’s jock on single core performance, which is your main concern. As long as you’re not running huge kitchen sink packs with giant complex bases I think you’ll be fine.
- Comment on Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 1 week ago:
It’s because the first few generations of DRM were extremely poorly implemented. My kindle og keyboard still works and will ignore the DRM (that would be locking me out of, for example, a library book after its due date) if you just change the file extensiom to one of the DRM free file types. It will also then let me distribute that ebook to others without restriction.
- Comment on Amazon will remove the option to download/transfer Kindle e-books via USB by February 2025 1 week ago:
The discontinuation does not eliminate the ability to drag and drop files onto a Kindle; it simply removes a method that facilitated piracy by transferring older retail book formats via USB.
Err, what? So it’s only going to blocm certain file types?
- Comment on Pick the best description of your parents and see if you turned out as predicted 2 weeks ago:
Where’s Workaholic Dad who only comes around when your Mom who doesn’t really care if you lived or died unless you’re making her look good/bad to her friends asks him to beat you.
- Comment on This is getting interesting.. 2 weeks ago:
Oh that’s easy, willful ignorance. So too is conservatism entirely absent in playing fast and loose with the full faith and credit of the treasury; in burning the environment to the ground to make money; in undermining national security for political expedience; in venerating liars, hucksters, and philanderers as moral pillars of society; in disparaging education and learning; in repeating the known failures of history to uphold your political idealism.
If you actually care about moving slowly and respecting the inheirited wisdom of social institutions, then the modern Republican party is about as far away as it gets.
- Comment on He's been with another girl for a while without telling me 1 month ago:
Tact is a personal weakness of mine, so my apologies in advance if this comes across overly curt or blunt, it is not my intention to be hurtful.
Despite your assertion to the contrary, Jay is not your boyfriend.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
Drug tests. A lot of cups have a temperature sensor to foil would be fakers bringing someone else’s pee with them.
- Comment on 7 days to die is no longer Early Access, but still looks like this 4 months ago:
How is this even a real complaint?
It’s like people have completely forgotten the sheer volume of great games made before graphics like this would have been the best ever. Some of the all time classics use ASCII art for christs sake.
If this is your lead out, the biggest, baddest, most serious complaint you could come up with, must be a pretty solid game at worst.
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
That’s because BMI is actually pretty good as a screening tool. It’s easy, simple, and pretty damn accurate when combined with an eyeball test. To the extent that it misclassifies people it is far more likely to underclassify obesity than overclassify. The people complaining just don’t want to hear it.
- Comment on Norwegian government to set 15-year age limit for using social media 4 months ago:
I hope they’ve written a very broad definition of social media.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
The problem is turning off wifi doesn’t actually turn off the wifi, it just stops a subset of packets being broadcast and won’t trasmit any data you want it to send. Among other things this is how ‘find my device’ works with the wifi and bluetooth “off”. They’re actually on.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
It also won’t work since it has enough precision to know whether you go on, and for how long. The real issue is that mobile phones are continuously broadcasting their location to any device that wants to listen, even if you turn wifi and bluetooth off.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
You do realize you’re the probelm right? The only vote that matters is the one you make with your wallet, and you voted the subscription hikes are ok.
- Comment on LG monitor asking about ad tracking preferences 4 months ago:
I would call legal and IT. It’s outside the scope of my role to accept contacts on behalf of the company.
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
Yeah, because career-minded prosecutors and judges never fuck over little people for minor, technical, harmless violations of the law. 🙄
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
While you can do this, it’s not clear to me that you should. There are a number of additional laws having to do with perjury and misusing goverment sites and while I would undoubtedly agree with you if were you to assert the application of those laws to the utilization of a user agent switcher is a ridiculous overreach, I am just as certain I have no desire to be on the hot-seat the day we all find out.
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
Several government websites for the state of Pennsylvania complain and refuse to work if they detect you aren’t using chrome/edge/safari.
- Comment on Three Mile Island nuclear plant set for restart on Microsoft AI power deal 5 months ago:
Not only did you not read the article, but you apparently don’t know that much about TMI either. There are multiple reactors at TMI, the one that had the accident is not the one they’re restarting.
The one they’re restarting shut down a few years ago, along with several other nuclear plants, due to being too expensive to compete on cost with all the cheap gas post fracking boom.
Yes, for reasons passing understanding the state and federal government allowed existing, functional nuclear plants to close in favor of natural gas plants.
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
This game was on track to be forgotten
Game is just outside the top 50 on steam and had a major content release at the end of June. This ‘game is dying’-because-it-didn’t-indefinitely sustain-player-counts-in-the-top-10 meme is dumb as hell.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
Guys selling something claim it will make you taller and thinner, your dick bigger, your mother in law stop calling, and work as advertised.
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 6 months ago:
Honestly AAA studios don’t even exist anymore. Is there any gaming studio making multipe $60 games per year you can name where you would vouch for the quality of their games solely on the basis of who made it?
Maybe some first party console games(and even then only some series), but nothing for PC.
- Comment on Upgrading cheap/old computer 6 months ago:
I expect they will not be worth it as they’re too underpowered for your specific use case. (I’m assuming your use case is hosting complex physical similations for a major university physics department and the old computer you’re considering on Amazon is a used version of this one or something similar.)
For my home server I use whatever old PC I have laying around already.
- Comment on Jesus take the wheel 7 months ago:
Must be in New Jersey
- Comment on Signal downplays encryption key flaw, fixes it after X drama 7 months ago:
“The database key was never intended to be a secret. At-rest encryption is not something that Signal Desktop is currently trying to provide or has ever claimed to provide,” responded the Signal employee.
Tl:dr Signal is ‘insecure’ in the same way your mail is ‘insecure’ after you’ve opened it and it’s sitting on your counter. What, you don’t keep you mailed locked up inside you own house just in case someone breaks in?
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
It’s mostly family photos and videos. I’ve become the de facto family digital archivist. Some digital copies of important phyiscal records. When you convert files to lossless/uncompressed formats suitable for long term storage they get large really quickly.
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
I use BD-R for archival storage of important files. They’re cheaper and easier than tape as well as small. I burn them in triplicate and throw them in the same case and as long as the same 3 bits don’t corrupt I can recover. The shelf life on a blue ray sealed and stored well is a few decades which is better than most other media.