Is there anyhwhere that has any kind of benchmark for different hardware when hosting minecraft servers? I’m considering migrating to my homelab from a sparkedhost instance but I dont know if it’ll be worth potentially worse performance (Ryzen 7000-series x3 vCPUs versus my i5 9500 running concurrent services)
World simulation (ticks) is single-threaded, but things like world generation are multithreaded. I’d recommend Paper as server software as it’s more performant out of the box (vs. vanilla) and configurable (ex. how many threads world generation is allowed to use).
If you host multiple worlds I recommend spinning up a Paper instance for each world separately and connect them with Velocity.
Ryzen 7000 should have better single-threaded performance than your i5-9500 but as it’s a VM ymmv depending on whether Sparked Host overprovisions their machines. 1 week ago
I ran a modded server on an i5-4690K for about 5 people and never noticed any hiccups. The CPU was almost always maxed out due to other things (Frigate camera transcoding, Plex streaming, torrenting) and it ran fine.
How many people will be playing and will there be lots of mods? 1 week ago
It really depends on the mods. Stock Minecraft and even many mods would run fine on a potato, but some of the bigger mods actually require quite a bit of CPU/overhead.
There are also various mods that require certain (older) versions of Java etc to run, and those versions of Java may have known security issues.