- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 1 month ago:
based on the creation date advertised by the instance, exists since 2019-04-20. exists since 2023-06-01.
- Comment on are we federating with dot world? how to check federation status? 2 months ago:
fwiw, the estimate number only states the max amount of activities behind. the real number can be lower, but not higher (unless sending is entirely broken on the instance being checked).
each activity being sent has a numeric id in the database. lemmy has an api that returns the id of the last activity that was either successfully sent to an instance or skipped when it didn’t need to get sent (e.g. pm to a user on a different instance). there may also be holes in activity ids due to postgres implementation details for auto-incrementing sequence ids.
for determining the highest known activity id to compare it with the last activity id sent to a specific instance, you can just go through the successfully sent ids for all instances in the response and find the highest number across them all. then you can calculate the difference between the highest number and the number for the specific instance.
depending on the lemmy version and timing of the action, it can take up to 30 seconds for the activity queue to deal with new activities, so on a somewhat busy instance the delta is likely rarely going to be zero.
- Comment on Seems .world and .ee federation are broken 2 months ago:
it’s not just
of the larger instances, the following have trouble sending activities to currently:
- -> 2.81d behind
- -> 1.04d behind
- -> 22.5h behind
i pinged on matrix about 30h ago already about the issues with federation from, as it was the first one i noticed, but I haven’t heard back yet.
- Comment on Defederation issues between and 3 months ago:
this doesn’t just affect
it seems that -> was somehow fixed yesterday, but there are several other instances that also have issues sending to
- was broken since 2024-10-23, fixed since 2024-10-25
- broken since 2024-10-24
- was broken since 2024-11-01, seems fixed since 2024-11-16
- broken since 2024-11-15
- Comment on Is it possible to get back a username of the account I deleted? 3 months ago:
this is the important part.
when an account is deleted the associated private key used for signing activities is deleted as well. the activitypub protocol does not really define how software is supposed to deal with deleted and recreated actors (which includes users), so some software has been built with the assumption that any change of encryption keys for a user means it’s an invalid signature and will prevent activities involving that user to federate to that software.
- Comment on Defederation issues between and 3 months ago:
this seems more of a federation issue than a defederation issue ;)
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 4 months ago:
I think most (especially mobile) clients simply don’t have this option and will always copy/share the “fedi link” - the url where the content is canonically hosted. all other URLs are simply cached representations of the original content.
- Comment on What's the deal with today? 5 months ago:
lemmy updates did some improvements on the receiving side, parallel sending on the sending side is not yet part of a new release. it’ll also likely take some time for that to be deployed on to have those changes be tested by other production instances first. my activitypub-federation-queue-batcher is currently used by at least 2 other high latency instances and would address the issue at the cost of a small (like 3 bucks or so) vps in Europe and some time investment for the setup.
- Comment on Please unban 7 months ago:
it contains turtle and crazy
- Comment on Please unban 7 months ago:
The ban appears to be caused by your post linking to a known blogspam site that has frequently been spammed to Lemmy in the past.
- Comment on Low Levels of Aussie Zone association with Lemmy in Search. 7 months ago:
Posts have a canonical reference to the originating instance, e.g. this post contains
<link data-inferno-helmet=“true” rel=“canonical” href=“”>
for me. This is a hint for search engines to ignore this post and instead index the original one instead. The same also already works for communities, this community containing<link data-inferno-helmet=“true” rel=“canonical” href=“”>
. Not sure if DDG is just ignoring this or there’s another reason for it to show up multiple times. - Comment on I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes 7 months ago:
Except it wasn’t created on, it was created on then informed that it is intended to be published in the community that it was created for.
It doesn’t say “crossposted from” but “crossposted from canonical_post_url”. This is not wrong in any way, although it might be a bit confusing and could likely be improved by including a reference to the community. The instance domain should for the most part just be a technical detail there.
It should also be noted that this format of crossposting is an implementation detail of Lemmy-UI and other clients may handle it differently (if they’re implementing crossposting in the first place).
- Comment on I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes 7 months ago:
I’m not saying it’s technically impossible, although it would likely be a bit challenging to integrate on the technical level, as the community instance has no authority to modify the post itself other than removing it from the community at this point.
The existing fedilink is already present for technical reasons anyway, so this is currently only showing existing data.
Why would you want a link though? On Lemmy you’re typically intending to stay on your own instance, which many third party apps already implement. For Lemmy UI there is already a feature request to implement this, although it might still take some time to get done. If you have the canonical link to an object (which will always point to the users instance) Lemmy can look up which post/comment you’re referring to in its db without any network calls when it already knows about the entry. If you were linking to the version of that post then the instance would first have to do a network request to resolve that and then it would realize it’s actually the version that it may or may not know about already.
- Comment on I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes 7 months ago:
it doesn’t matter whether you consider it reasonable, as it’s this way for technical reasons.
when a post or comment are created they are created on the users instance. the users instance then tells the community instance about the new post/comment and the community instance relays (announces) this to other instances that have community subscribers.
the fedilink is an id and reference to the original item. this unique id is known to all servers that know about this comment and it is what is used when updates to the post are distributed. except for the reference to the item on the originating instance, no instance stores information about where to find a specific post/comment on a random other instance.
- Comment on I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes 7 months ago:
The “fediverse link” on a post always points to the instance of the person who posted it, not the community instance. When posting from a account this means the fedilink is always the post link.
It is only shown for content coming from remote instances in Lemmy UI 0.19.3, although a later version changed that to always show.
- Comment on Why do comments from users not appear until 4 days later? 9 months ago: is just not keeping up with the amount of activities generated on
it’s not going lower than a week anymore without actively doing something to improve this situation, and once a week all activities older than a week that haven’t been received from LW yet will be discarded on LWs end.
this is most likely mostly caused by latency from LW (finland) to, as lemmy only sends one activity at a time, requiring a round trip across the world for every single activity activity before sending the next one.
there are a couple things that can cause comments to show up on before they would regularly federate, such as someone searching the post/comment url on some clients will do this automatically if you click a link to a post/comment from another instance.