Trying out Lemmy!
- Comment on What if we called instances providers? 2 days ago:
I agree, let’s make it more friendly to people wanting to start a fediverse provider as a business so a big company can’t come in and gobble up everyone
- Comment on Big-tech is evil but could Fediverse benefit from more small/medium for-profit companies? 1 week ago:
Let’s look at email as a history example, google gobbled up everyone for gmail.
If fediverse egoes the way of email where it infinitely will grow and compete for the most part eventually businesses offering instances as services will be the norm, we can just jump ahead and try to it right before big tech starts to gobble it up.
- Comment on Are Dating Apps Getting Worse? 3 weeks ago:
Does anyone have suggestions for anything decent dating wise since I’m sure lots of people seeing this post also want to find the best ways to date?
- Comment on Is making user interaction between instances easier even possible in current state of fediverse and the protocol? 4 weeks ago:
I think the answer is anything between what the fediverse is now and what email did to get where it is now…I’d like to see some kind of history of how email developed over the years now that I think about it, that would be pretty interesting at least.
- Comment on YSK Elon Musk's actions are not random and the Silicon Valley's hostile take over of the federal government was planned over the last decade. 4 weeks ago:
Lol I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if something like this happens, they gotta feed their egos somehow haha
- Comment on YSK Elon Musk's actions are not random and the Silicon Valley's hostile take over of the federal government was planned over the last decade. 4 weeks ago:
I can’t imagine any situation where this isn’t a huge problem tbh
- Comment on YSK Elon Musk's actions are not random and the Silicon Valley's hostile take over of the federal government was planned over the last decade. 4 weeks ago:
Not minding is not the same as wishing for.
- Comment on YSK Elon Musk's actions are not random and the Silicon Valley's hostile take over of the federal government was planned over the last decade. 4 weeks ago:
Honestly I don’t mind dictator esque people running the world into the ground if it means we get onto a hopefully better path later through shocking the system. I don’t know how things get better after they get worse but I know they will get worse and then the only place left to go at that point is up.
- Comment on [Axis do not start at 0] - Monthly active users on Lemmy above 46k for the first time since as least October 2024 4 weeks ago:
On global switch day I’m pretty sure I convinced at least 1 person to try out mastodon but not sure
I’m doing my part too!
- Comment on I made, a place for anyone and everyone to host an AMA 2 months ago:
You just earned yourself a new fan by being on Lemmy and active haha
- Comment on DEF CON 32 - Disenshittify or die! How hackers can seize the means of computation - Cory Doctorow 5 months ago:
i for one have never heard of thos guy, i had read this talk but didnt even know the name of the person until just now
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
a lot of your issues are effeciency related which i think can realistically be solved given some time for development cycles to take hold on ai. if they were better all around to whatever standard you think is sufficiently useful, would you then think it would be useful? the other side related thing too is that if it can get that level of competence in coding then it most likely can get just as competant in a variety of other domains too.
- Comment on Server Update September 2024 5 months ago:
i dont know how many servers do these little updates but i love reading these each time they appear!
- Comment on Planter Head update 7 months ago:
This absolutely must happen lol it’s too perfect
- Comment on Low usage power saving recommendations request? 7 months ago:
I have a similar question that I wonder if anyone can help with. So I’m not overly familiar with self hosting but I’d like to get into it more with simple things, I have a raspberry pi connected to a 3d printer for networked controls and I feel like I should be able to make the raspberry pi not be used just for that only. So like I’m thinking maybe I can run simple things along with it. Basically since the printer is noisy I don’t want all that to be on all the time but I’d like the raspberry pi to do oter things too. Maybe I should make a separate post for this haha, anyways thanks for listening.