- Comment on The US just added the world's biggest games publisher Tencent to their list of Chinese military companies 3 weeks ago:
Thanks for correcting me.
- Comment on The US just added the world's biggest games publisher Tencent to their list of Chinese military companies 3 weeks ago:
That’s a lot of stuff, but we don’t call Alphabet/Google a US Military company do we?
Though I’m down to call them both military companies.
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 1 month ago:
Woke is also an exonym, so it doesn’t really have a hashed out definition people who it’s used to describe would agree with.
On the more pertinent issue, yes - AI can’t create new things or really do anything that hasn’t been done before. And yes, no one really plays an engine, as much as the Occulus Rift fanbois wished about a decade ago.
I think the article flows reasonably well, though is more a hit piece/jokey opinion piece rather than an actual interrogation of anything Musk said. It’s the lowest kind of news, someone’s musings on someone saying something about someone saying something. The main push is his hypocrisy, with the whole “too many big corporations, so my big corporation should do it” lines.
But yes, it’s just brainless easy dunking on Musk without giving the whole thing anymore thought than Elon himself has. - Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 1 month ago:
I don’t agree with you, but you are onto something.
Your use of “wokeness” is a good description for the way “Woke” is used to keep minorities in their place, c.f. Simpsons writing Apu out, despite dozens of subcontinent ethnicity comedians all openly saying they’d love the role, or streaming companies just stopping access to “problematic” content for an easy headline, c.f. Many streaming services and Community’s first D&D episode.
It is shown in people too, usually comorbid with a white saviour complex, where the being seen in the act of “helping” is more important than listening to the voices of whoever is being helped and the actual effectiveness, or desire, for the “help” given.
I wonder how neatly it maps onto a Liberal/Leftist divide… Probably not especially as everyone has blindspots and hangups over Race and Class that can be buried quite deep in the subconscious.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
You can’t see them without a microscope, duhhh.
That’s why they’re called MICRO-chips.
- Comment on Lifestyles of the Bronze Age Famous 2 months ago:
Actually, octopi is the “erroneous” one. Although it is a very common mistake so might make the shift to recognised before too much longer.
Everyone still understands it, so it doesn’t matter.
- Comment on Penguins 🐧 2 months ago:
By most accounts they were large and slow, but also curious me friendly birds that would waddle over to check what sailors were doing.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
Fair enough.
Be the change you want to see and all that.I personally love the mad spelling, but I can understand that other folks don’t.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
They’re old English letters used for writing the two different “th” sounds English has, which are fairly rare phonemes.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
It’s certainly simpler, I’ll give you that.
It takes too much mental energy to read that document.Can I ask why at all?
- Comment on Colours of Blood 2 months ago:
Thanks for the callout and link! 🙏🏽
Nature is fascinating.
- Comment on Colours of Blood 2 months ago:
Many of the comments being “penis worms!”, but no one is asking about that Red blood is only in the “majority of vertebrates” leaves me wondering which vertebrates have what other colour(s) of blood.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
There is a baseline of quality that is hard for a plucky individual to match outside of mono-medium media.
While it is possible for good video games to be produced by a single indivudal or very small team, it is a lot of work on their part and hard to do if worried about paying for food, rent, etc.
Filmic media (is there a good noun that joins movies and fiction TV shows as a unified object?), a solid level of difficulty above that.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
Or maybe in a post-modern world we use (mostly empty) signifiers to give ourselves meaning and show allegiance to a subculture. Its why we pepper our speech with allusions and cultural in-jokes - but where in the past they were tied to more concrete ideology, now they are simply signs that one has consumed the same media as someone. And the existing signifiers have more cultural clout than new ones, except to signify an interest in non-mainstream cultural products. For the self has become simply a vessel for consumption. There is nothing beyond the consumption of product. Especially as public allegiance to a non-neoliberal ideology is seen as uncivil. Unsurprisingly more peaceful Left-wing ideologies less civil and more incorrect that violent far Right ones, because the Left will always be more critical of consumption as the purpose of life.
Despite being wrong, Fukuyama’s inflammatory title has polluted the mind of the Anglophone and European cultural zone.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
Do you plan to do all digraphs, or just th?
Will you split out the different vowel phonemes to their IPA?
I’m just intrigued by the thought process behind your choice of typed characters.
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Dev Says Big Budget Games Are Failing in Part Because Teams Are Over-Scoping Their Projects 3 months ago:
For me it took away the joy of the puzzles and building on a theme that the older Zeldas did.
I’ve not played TotK so maybe it brings back more of the dungeon feel from the older ones that I enjoyed, but I don’t have huge amounts of time for gaming these days.
- Comment on Day -11 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 3 months ago:
The sheer joy of MGS2 the first time. The mix of shock and shlock at Ocelot’s possession by Liquid’s arm. Being totally stumped by “Fission Mailed” the first time it came up. Getting annoyed at the swimming section with Emma.
With MGS3, slowly realising the wide ranging freedom in how one interacted with the game world. Watching my brother get slaughtered by crocodiles. The bizzareness of the pain and his bees.
They’re both well made engrossing games with a serious point but don’t let that get in the way of fun experiences.
- Comment on Day -11 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 3 months ago:
I can never decide if MGS2 or MGS3 make my list of best video games of all time.
Both continue to be amazing.
- Comment on (Actually) Day 78 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
I recall a lot of AW1 being a fun challenge on Nightmare, but I was also playing it with a bunch of friends and we were chatting and socialising at the same time.
I do recall some enemies and segments feeling artificially hard though.Good luck and enjoy it.
- Comment on Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement 3 months ago:
You’re welcome, and thank you too.
I agree with all that. The edge cases are tricky and there’s no easy answer.
A painter flicking or splashing paint on a canvas presumably makes something with copyright protection.
Does an accidentally statically impossible basically impossible to tell apart version accidentally made by someone flicking and splashing their own paint infringe it? I’d hope not but can’t really argue for a rule on it that doesn’t involve believing stated goals/mind reading.
Guess not a thing us mortals/non-legal professionals can ever answer.
- Comment on Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement 3 months ago:
First, we’re talking cross duristicion, since I was using the EU ruling above.
Second, I’m wondering if what that US page means is that a non-original work doesn’t get copyright protections, or that non-original work is itself in breach of copyright? Maybe I should go digging to find out.
I agree deliberately designed digital worlds are artistic creations. Just that randomly generated ones are not.
- Comment on Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement 3 months ago:
Yes, and you have copyright on the photo - not the layout of the plants and trees in it, nor even the angle of the subject. Someone else can go with a camera and take their own photo without touching your copyright.
Much like with digital files, the copyright is as it is a non-random transformation of a mostly replicable media product. People don’t have a copyright on numbers, even if their 5000 trillion billion digit number happened to turn into a 1960s Disney short if you run it through the right compiler.
- Comment on Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement 3 months ago:
A Minecraft World isn’t, not even if you draw on it with exploration as the world was generated from a random seed.
It is random, and unpredictable. You could maybe make an argument from reusing the random seed… But since the ability to turn the seed into the map isn’t something a human can replicate without Minecraft I think it also fails the test for copyright.
- Comment on Day 72 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
Talky Toaster really didn’t cope well with everyone being dead.
Though wasn’t it the antagonist in one of the book versions?
- Comment on Women in STEM 4 months ago:
Probably made by a promising young man.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 4 months ago:
Did I claim people did?
- Comment on We lost Keanu 4 months ago:
Thing is, he’s not really pointing an unexplained mystery.
We know 90% of about how a lot of these sites were built and a good chunk of their history. Some of the older/more recently discovered ones such as Gobleki Tepe, obviously less but still a fair bit. Claiming that Mesoamerican and Asian megalith sites are aliens/Atlanteans isn’t really helping work out that last 10%.
Pointing at what science has proven again and again to be a natural rock formation 25m under the water and claiming it’s the remains of Atlantean civilisation doesn’t advance much either, after all it’s been proven wrong before.
Meanwhile, ever since Europe was disproven to be the birthplace of modern humans in the 19th and early 20th centuries, people have suddenly been coming up with all sorts of reasons why non-White folks sites weren’t made by locals.
I will give Hancock credit that I don’t think he is actively racist, as he does correct himself when he implies that the locals wouldn’t have been able to do things like stack rocks.
- Comment on One of my favourite games in my childhood 5 months ago:
Consider it dun! Comin’ ovuh!
- Comment on Geometry 6 months ago:
Especially Philosophy 101
- Comment on Least Weasel 6 months ago: