- Comment on Testing out the Fediverse, A Breath of Fresh Air 3 days ago:
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on What's wrong with this picture? 2 weeks ago:
You are going to hell.
- Comment on know the chain of command 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 2 weeks ago:
I would lecture the little the little weaklings on how life was like in my day, and tell them to get off my lawn.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 13 comments
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 4 weeks ago:
Community relevance chexks out.
- Comment on Not even once! 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on on topic 1 month ago:
found it! at
- Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 18 comments
- Comment on Fresh sausages 4 u 1 month ago:
Let him go
- Comment on Murphy's law 1 month ago:
We can dream
- Comment on Murphy's law 1 month ago:
Doing the lords work
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Fortune favors the bold. Hand me a glass at random.
- Comment on Roses are red in North Carolina..... 3 months ago:
I left my Pixels in a sock, why dont you all…
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 22 comments
- Comment on Boyfriend replacement tips and considerations 3 months ago:
A bear will never bore you with excessive bragging about his gaming prowess.
- Comment on If aliens do come it may be only cause they want us on thier side of some bigger war. 3 months ago:
On the minus side we are cannon fodder but on the plus side the blue alien girls are hot.
- Comment on Boyfriend replacement tips and considerations 3 months ago:
You probably won’t be cold ever, with a bear.
- Comment on Boyfriend replacement tips and considerations 3 months ago:
You can always call on a bear to open jars for you.
- Comment on Boyfriend replacement tips and considerations 3 months ago:
As long as you don’t call a bear a furry, he or she is happy and its a wonderful relationship.
- Comment on Boyfriend replacement tips and considerations 3 months ago:
Bears always listen and cuddle, as long as they aren’t hungry.
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 1 comment
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on important announcement!!! 3 months ago:
- Comment on How did Third World countries handle the Covid Pandemic? 3 months ago:
Purely anecdotal but I was in Costa Rica in September of 2020. I was struck by the difference and better preparedness compared to the US.
Every store and place of business had not only signs and hand sanitizer at the entrance, nobody was in stores without masks, and I drove by a line of people over half a mile long and 3-4 people deep, of people waiting in line for hours to get vaccinated.
The taxi driver told me there was some program to provide vaccines to CR and what he did was stay in line and hold the place for his family for awhile and then they would wait in line allowing him to work for awhile. Overall they took public safety measures much more seriously than the US, but I was in a wealthier urban area, don’t know how it was in the rural areas.
- Comment on What is the argument for making poor/working class folks shoulder the burden of taxes? 4 months ago:
Lord Sauron is a simple working class person just like you and me. He received the diamond mines from his father only after he had proven himself. He knows what is best for all of us.
- Comment on Is there any reason to use the "new" sorting option on Lemmy, except to filter spam? 4 months ago:
Be Bold. Sort by new and brave the shitstorm. That’s the only way to do Lemmy.
- Comment on You've Boned the Wrong Woman! 4 months ago:
I believe this is the start of a revolution for skeletal freedom.
(Not Skelator. Fuck you Skelator.)
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 4 months ago:
According to Lord Sauron, wasps are just trying to help, and are very misunderstood. Please let them into your house, they will reform.