- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:…/us-scientists-achieve-net-energ…
I’ve seen a few mentions of positive output.
- Comment on The Deep Sea 6 months ago:
2nd image is from the movie “Lighthouse”, and that’s just how it looked.
- Comment on "Ranma ½" (Remake) New Key Visual, PV 7 months ago:
Loved Ranma 1/2, but there was a lot of filler in the anime, hopefully they streamline things a bit more in the remake.
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Instead of “I showed my faith to the man in charge” its “I showed my feet to the man in charge”, I like my version way better.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
Go full RGB, acquire “Gamer Balls”.
- Comment on Terraforming 8 months ago:
I mean, we could, if we would fund space stuff better.
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
Not a fan of wasps at all…
However, I’ve a friend who had been absolutely MOBBED by cicada’s this year, said it was a nightmare because it was so loud.
Sent him this image and told him he just needs to cultivate hundreds of wasps and he’ll be good next time around. :D
- Comment on Terraforming 8 months ago:
Mars is a terrible planet for humans, should refocus and live in floating cities on Venus instead.
- Comment on Failbetter's next game will be "gentler" than Sunless Skies: "you won't go mad or eat your crew" 11 months ago:
I allowed my terror to get high enough yesterday for me to develop a nightmare, for the first time in roughly 3 playthroughs.
A Corpse clung to the window of my bedroom, scaring my captain. We had to perform evasive maneuvers with our space-train in order to shake it off -breaking rapidly, spinning around, and zig-zagging vigorously. I was then told I was not alone by a pop-up message.